CTEVT Diploma Level Exam Routine I-I, II-I and Medicinal & Aromatics Plants First year

Exam 22 Mar 2024 3057

CTEVT Building

Diploma Level Exam Routine_I-I, II-I and Medicinal & Aromatics Plants First year

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Office of the Controller of Examinations, Sanothimi, of Bhaktapur Very Important Notice Regarding Exam Schedule for Diploma Level Regular/Partial Examination

Diploma in Engineering, Food and Dairy Technology in private, partnership, community schools and private level educational institutions as per notification regarding filling of examination application form published by Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur dated 2080/11/22. Technology, Hotel Management and Social Works, Entrepreneurship Development and Agriculture (Horticulture and Animal Science) first year first section and second year first section regular/partial examinations date 2080/12/29 from 7:00 am This notice is published for the information of all.

Also, the first year of various programs studied towards Diploma in Engineering under the Special Scholarship Program in Technical Education (Dalit, Muslim, Endangered Castes and Municipalities with no access to technical education).

First Section and Second Year First Section Regular/Partial and Diploma in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants First Year regular examination including regular examination to be conducted on the date and time mentioned in the same schedule to all concerned.

Examination Guidelines and Instructions:

  1. According to the above program, no other arrangements will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination and leave the examination for any reason.
  2. Since the practical exam will be conducted in the respective educational institution, the relevant educational institution will have to prepare the exam schedule for the experimental exam and get it approved by the relevant provincial office.
  3. Log book / Psychometric Chart can be taken to the exam hall only with the permission of the invigilator.
  4. The examination will not be postponed even if there is any unexpected leave without prior notice from the council.
  5. The examination should be given only from the designated examination center. Examination center cannot be changed.
  6. If you want to join or miss the exam, you have to contact the examination control office within 7 days from the date of publication of the notice.
  7. According to the notification for filling the examination application form published on 2080/11/20, first year first section and second year first section of Diploma in Engineering towards regular and partial examination system.

Candidates who are exempted from filling the application form for regular programs must submit the application form to the school within the date of 2080/12/13 with a late fee and the school must complete

the entry on ITMS online on the same day. On 2080/12/14, the amount of the late fee should be deposited in the bank and submitted to the concerned council provincial office along with the

application form of the examinees. 8. According to the guidelines related to the conduct of practical examination 2079, within 15 days after the completion of the theoretical examination, after completing the practical examination, the marks,

attendance, etc. of the relevant schools must be submitted to the provincial office. After that, the council, state office will not be forced to understand the practical examination documents.

Controller of Examinations

(Information published date 2080/12/09)

CTEVT CTEVT Exam Exam Routine