Janak Education Materials Center Limited Computer Skill Test, Practical Exam, and Interview Notice
Janak Education Materials Center Limited has published a notification regarding the computer skill test, practical exam, and interview schedule for candidates who passed the written competitive examination conducted by the Public Service Commission. As per the merit list prepared by the commission, the selected candidates are invited for further evaluation.
Positions with Service, Group, and Level
Deputy Director - Administration, Administration-1
Trainer - Administration, Administration-8
Deputy Controller - Administration, Administration-7
Deputy Controller - Administration, Accounts, and Store-7
Deputy Controller - Technical, Offset-7
Deputy Controller - Technical, Binding-7
Deputy Controller - Technical, Mechanical-7
Deputy Controller - Technical, Pre-Press-7
Branch Officer - Administration, Administration-6
Branch Officer - Administration, Accounts, and Store-6
Branch Officer - Technical, Binding-6
Branch Officer - Technical, Mechanical-6
Branch Officer - Technical, Pre-Press-6
Senior Assistant - Administration, Administration-5
Senior Assistant - Administration, Accounts, and Store-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Offset-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Binding-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Mechanical-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Electrical-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Electronics-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, Pre-Press-5
Senior Assistant - Technical, IT-5
Key Details:
Testing and Interview Venue:
Janak Education Materials Center Limited, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur -
Practical Exam Eligibility:
Candidates appearing for the practical exams must pass to qualify for the interview. -
Documents to Bring for the Interview:
Two passport-size photos
Original certificates of minimum educational qualifications and inclusive categories, along with two photocopies of each
Two copies of the application form
Admit card
Note: Arrive at the venue one hour before the scheduled time.
Program Continuity:
The program will proceed as scheduled in case of a public holiday on the test or interview day.
Advertisement Details and Testing Categories:
Advertisement Numbers:
Ad No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, and 17: Computer Skill Test
Ad No. 18 to 23: Practical Exam
Publication Date of Notification: 2081/08/11