- Word Processing
- Concept of Word Processing
- Types of Word Processing
- Introduction to Word Processor
- Creating, Saving and Opening the documents
- Elements of Word Processing Environment (Menu, Toolbars, Status bar, Rulers, Scrollbars, etc.)
- Copying, Moving, Deleting and Formatting Text (Font, Size, Color, Alignment, line & paragraph spacing)
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Familiar with Devnagari Fonts
- Creating lists with Bullets and Numbering
- Creating and Manipulating Tables
- Borders and Shading
- Use of Indentation and Tab Setting
- Creating Newspaper Style Documents Using Column
- Inserting Header, Footer, Footnotes, Endnotes, Page Numbers, File, Page break, Section break, Graphics, Pictures, Charts, Word Art, Symbols & Organization Chart
- Opening & Saving different types of document
- Changing Default settings
- Mail Merge
- AutoCorrect, Spelling and Grammar Checking, and Thesaurus
- Customizing menu & toolbars
- Security Technique of Documents
- Master Document, Cross Reference, Index, Table of Content.
- Setting Page Layout, Previewing and Printing Documents
- Electronic Spreadsheet
- Concept of Electronic Spreadsheet
- Types of Electronic Spreadsheet
- Organization of Electronic Spreadsheet application (Cells, Rows, Columns, Worksheet, Workbook, and Workspace)