B.Sc.Ag. 7th Semester Theory Exam Schedule (Back Paper) - AFU

Exam 31 Jan 2024 1166

Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) Building

B.Sc.Ag. Seventh Semester Theory Examination Schedule (Back Paper) -Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU)

The Examination Control Office of Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur Chitwan, has issued an important notice regarding the examination schedule for the B.Sc.Ag. chance examination. This schedule is specifically for the seventh-semester students who were enrolled in the academic session of 2075/076 under the Faculty of Agriculture.

Examination Schedule Details:

  • Target Group: Seventh-semester students of B.Sc.Ag. from the 2075/076 session.
  • Purpose: Conducting the opportunity examination for eligible students.

Key Notices:

  1. No Re-examination Policy:

    • Students who are absent on the exam date will not be provided with a re-examination opportunity.
  2. Examination During Holidays:

    • The examination will proceed as scheduled even if an unexpected holiday occurs, unless further notice is published.
  3. Internal Evaluation Failure:

    • Candidates who have failed in internal evaluations will not be allowed to appear for the examination in those subjects.
    • If a student attempts the exam in such subjects, their examination will be canceled, and they will be marked as absent for that subject.

Agriculture and Forestry University: B.Sc.Ag. Seventh Semester Theory Examination Schedule (Back Paper)

Academic Year: 2075/076

Date Subject Code Subjects
2080/11/03 AEN 402 Principles and Practices of Farm Water Management
2080/11/04 ANU 403 Applied Human Nutrition
2080/11/05 ECO 403 Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Climate Change
2080/11/06 AEC 405 Agribusiness Management
2080/11/07 VMC 401 Animal Health
2080/11/08 BIT 401 Introductory Biotechnology and Biodiversity
2080/11/09 AEN 403 Farm Structures and Surveying
2080/11/10 AEC 404 Agriculture Project Planning

Contact and Information:

  • Website: For detailed information and updates, visit www.afu.edu.np.
  • Contact Number: For any queries, students can contact the office at 056-592404.

Exam Routine Notice