Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office, Examination Branch, Balkhu Notice regarding the filling of the examination application form for the first semester of the first year of the four-year undergraduate program in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT), 2081 group, as per the semester examination system.
By Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office, Examination Branch, Balkhu, it is hereby notified that the examination application forms for the regular examinations of the first year, first semester, 2081 group of the four-year undergraduate program in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc CSIT), which are conducted under the semester examination system according to the Grading System, as well as for the partial examinations of the subjects of the group before the said semester, must be submitted by 3rd Chaitra, 2081 BS. The concerned campuses/colleges must endorse the forms and submit them to this office by 5th Chaitra, 2081 BS.
Points to be noted by the concerned campuses/colleges when sending the examinees’ forms:
(a) Regarding Quota, Service Fee, and Affiliation Fee:
The form must be sent along with the proof of the approved quota.
Do not send forms for more students than the quota.
As per TU regulations, a list of students who have received full scholarships must be attached and sent.
For affiliated colleges, a proof form showing the payment of a service fee of NPR 3,000 per student for each semester (paid to the Scheme Division at TU, Kirtipur) must be attached and sent.
The form must be sent along with the proof of payment of the affiliation fee.
A photocopy of the mark sheet must be attached to the examination application form of the partial examinee.
Partial examinees who have only remaining practical examinations must mandatorily fill out and submit the form.
(b) Regarding the Attendance, Internal Assessment, and Subject-wise Numbers of the Examinees:
The attendance of the examinees must be mentioned on the examination form as per TU regulations.
The marks obtained in the internal assessment must be mentioned on the examination application form, and a separate list must also be attached and sent.
For students without an internal assessment, the form will be returned; therefore, it is mandatory to submit the internal assessment.
Do not fill in the examination form for subjects in which the internal assessment has failed. If an examination is taken despite filling in the form, the examination for that subject will be automatically canceled.
The subject-wise numbers (Subjectwise-data) of the examinees participating in the examination must be submitted along with the examination application form.
Examination Fee
a. Regular examination fee - NPR 2,500/-
b. Partial examination fee (up to two subjects) - NPR 1,500/-
c. Partial examination fee (more than two subjects) - NPR 2,500/-
Late Fee:
(For examination form submission, if the payment is made by the due date within the first week)
a. Additional fee for regular examination - NPR 2,500/-
b. Additional fee for partial examination (up to two subjects) - NPR 1,500/-
c. Additional fee for partial examination (more than two subjects) - NPR 2,500/-
Regarding the Payment of the Examination Fee:
The concerned campuses/colleges must collect the examination fee as specified above, deposit it in the current account No. 045001000991070000001 of Nepal Bank Ltd., Kirtipur, in the name of the Dean’s Office, and then submit proof thereof.
Examination Center: To be determined later.
As per TU’s decision, the provision for changing the examination center has been removed.
Subject changes are not allowed once an examinee has selected the subjects and filled out the examination form; therefore, examinees are advised to fix their subjects before filling out the form.
The examination application form must be completed and submitted by the examinee themselves. Additionally, the examinee must personally sign both the form and the admission letter when completing it. Otherwise, this office will not be held responsible.
The examination form must be filled out within the period prescribed in the curriculum. If an examination is taken by submitting the examination form after the prescribed period, the examination for such examinee will be automatically canceled. The responsibility for this will rest solely with the student, campus, and college.
If any examinee is found to have not filled the examination form for the regular semester they are studying and instead filled out the examination form for another semester, the examination for such examinee will be automatically canceled. This responsibility will rest solely with the student, campus, and college.
Date: 2081/10/29