B.Sc. Ag. 6th Semester Theory Examinations Schedule - AFU

Exam 31 Jan 2024 1017

Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) Building

Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) - B.Sc. Ag. 6th Semester Examination Schedule Notification

The Examination Control Office of Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur Chitwan, has released the examination schedule for the 6th semester of B.Sc. Ag. for the academic session 2076/077. The schedule applies to regular examinations for students currently in their sixth semester and to partial examinations for students who have previously failed and are attempting the examination again.

Examination Schedule Announcement:

  • The written examination schedule for the 6th semester B.Sc. Ag. students has been determined as per the decision of the examination board meeting.
  • This notice is issued to inform all concerned students and examination staff.

COVID-19 Safety Measures:

  • All examinees and examination staff are required to follow the health protocols set by the Government of Nepal and the Ministry of Health and Population.

Important Exam Policies:

  1. No Re-examination: Absentees will not be provided with an alternative exam date or re-examination opportunity.

  2. Examination During Holidays: The exam will proceed as scheduled unless an official announcement is made, regardless of unexpected holidays.

  3. Internal Evaluation Failures: Students who have not passed internal evaluations are not eligible for the examination in those specific subjects. Any attempt to take the exam in such subjects will result in automatic cancellation, and the student will be considered absent for that subject.

Instructions for Candidates:

  • Ensure to review the detailed examination schedule once it is published.
  • Plan to arrive at the examination center well in advance of the exam time.
  • Prepare all necessary materials, including admit cards and writing tools, required for the examination.
  • Continuously check the AFU official website and notice boards for any updates or changes to the schedule.

Faculty of Agriculture - B.Sc. Ag., 6th Semester Theory Examinations Schedule

Academic Year: 2076/077

Date Subject Code Subjects
2080/11/03 PLB 304 Introductory Resistance Breeding
2080/11/06 ANU 302 Fodder Production and Pasture Management
2080/11/08 ENT 304 Industrial Entomology
2080/11/10 AEN 301 Farm Power and Machinery
2080/11/13 HRT 305 Post-harvest Horticulture
2080/11/15 AGR 306 Weed Science
2080/11/18 EXT 304 Social Mobilization and Community Development
2080/11/21 LPM 304 Introductory Dairy Science

Examination Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Exam Routine Notice