APF Nepal Written Exam Center of Inspector

Exam 20 Feb 2020 2286

APF Nepal Written Exam Center of Inspector

APF Nepal Examination Center of Inspector

Public Service Commission, Security Branch and Organized Institute Division, (Written Test Result Publishing Branch), Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Notice regarding the publication of the examination center and program of competitive written examination on the open and inclusive post of the Armed Police Inspector, advertisement number 8/076/77 of the Armed Police Force Nepal.

Advertisement No. 8/076/077

Type: Open and Inclusive competitive examination

Post, Service, Group/Sub Group/Level: APF Inspector

Paper, Subject, Examination Date and Time:

- First Paper: Nepali - 2076 Falgun 27, 2:00 PM (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

- Second Paper: English - 2076 Falgun 28, 2:00 PM (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

- Third Paper: General Knowledge - 2076 Falgun 29, 2:00 PM (1 Hour)

- Fourth Paper: Constitution and Laws - 2076 Falgun 30, 2:00 PM (1 Hour 30 Minutes)

- Fifth Paper: Service related - 2076 Chaitra 1, 2:00 PM (3 Hours)

Examination Center: Vibrant Institute, New Plaza, Putalisadak, Kathmandu

APF Nepal - Armed Police Force

Halchowk, Kathmandu

Estd. 2001



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