Tribhuvan University, Examination Control Office, Balkhu Publishes Examination Schedule of 4 Yrs BBS1st Year - 2078: This notice has been published by Tribhuvan University, Examination Control Office, Balkhu for the information of all concerned as the examination of the candidates appearing for the 4 years of BBS 1st Year Examination will be conducted regularly in 2078 BS. In addition, the examinee has to take the exam only after ascertaining the code and subject of which he/she has to take the exam.
4 Yrs B. B.S. 1st Year
Examination Time: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Date |
4 Years Management (B. B. S.) |
2078/11/03 |
MGT-201 Business English |
2078/11/05 |
MGT-203 Business Economics |
2078/11/09 |
MGT-202 Business Statistics |
2078/11/11 |
MGT-213 Principle of Management |
2078/11/14 |
MGT-211 Accounting of Financial Analysis and Planning |