Opportunity for Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training!
To prepare skilled trainers necessary for creating, developing, promoting, and enhancing industries and businesses through entrepreneurship for the economic prosperity of the country, this institution is conducting an "Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training" program. Interested individuals are invited to apply.
Industrial Enterprise Development Institute Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training (EDP-ToT)
Brief Introduction
The Industrial Enterprise Development Institute (IEDI) was established according to the "Industrial Enterprise Development Institute Act 2053." This institute has been conducting various types of entrepreneurship and business management training for those who want to become entrepreneurs and for existing businesses. It also conducts various subject-specific trainer training programs to develop human resources for organizations involved in this sector. Additionally, the institute prepares various studies, training manuals, case studies of successful entrepreneurs, and business plans necessary for the promotion of industries and businesses. The institute also regularly conducts the Enterprise Development Facilitator Course and startup programs.
What is the Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training Program?
If an individual wants to promote industries and businesses or provide training and consultancy services in the field of industries and businesses, they must undergo the Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training. Trainer training means acquiring the knowledge and skills in the relevant field to train others. In brief, the objective of conducting Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training is to prepare trainers who can provide entrepreneurship development training. After completing this training, the trainees will conduct related training in their respective fields.
What subjects are covered in the Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training?
The Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training is a 12-day program. The training curriculum is a part of the newly developed business creation training, which is also known by the name CEFE (Creation of Enterprises through Formation of Entrepreneurs). This training includes five modules:
1. Achievement Motivation Training (AMT)
In this module, various psychological and behavioral games are practiced progressively, which develop entrepreneurial qualities like creativity, opportunity seeking, innovation in work, taking moderate risks, identifying strengths and weaknesses, learning from experience and feedback, sequential planning, competition, and negotiation skills. By the end of this module, participants become aware of the need to set real and meaningful life goals.
2. Project Identification and Selection (PIS)
This module involves various creative exercises to broaden and enhance the participants' thinking. It helps them identify as many opportunities as possible. After identifying a business opportunity, a short brainstorming session is conducted, where participants bring out new and numerous business names/ideas, helping them select a suitable business for themselves and the market. During the business selection process, preliminary and detailed selection is carried out using various criteria, and finally, participants conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of their chosen business.
3. Business Management Skill (BMS)
This module involves practicing skills necessary to manage potential practical difficulties that may arise during the startup phase of a business and the necessary preparations to avoid them. Participants are made aware, through practical exercises, that successful entrepreneurship can be achieved through the management of the four aspects of business: market, production, labor, and finance, along with the entrepreneur’s self-management.
4. Business Plan Preparation and Appraisal (BPPA)
Business plan preparation is an essential part of entrepreneurship development training. In this module, participants prepare a business plan for their selected main business. Participants are sent to conduct a market survey to gather information regarding marketing, production and technology, costs and pricing, and financial and investment aspects of the proposed business. After gathering the necessary information, participants, with the help of trainers, prepare their business plans, present them to experts, and receive valuable suggestions. The prepared business plan helps participants analyze and decide whether the business is viable from a market, technology, financial, and environmental perspective.
5. Training Skill Improvement (TSI)
Effective learning requires skilled trainers. A training program’s effectiveness is only visible when there is a change in the participants’ thinking and behavior. Since the subjects in entrepreneurship development training are based on functional learning, it is important to appropriately explore and process games and exercises, making learning from experience deeply felt. To effectively conduct the subjects, practical discussions are held on topics such as identifying training needs, training management, various training methods, proper use of audiovisual materials, learning principles, curriculum development, lesson plan preparation, presentation skills, and training exercises. In this module, participants develop the qualities of a good trainer and become capable of organizing, conducting, coordinating, and monitoring training programs.
6. Guest Sessions
During the entrepreneurship development training, guest sessions are arranged from related offices and institutions to provide necessary knowledge to the trainees. This includes sessions from the Department of Industry on business registration, renewal, industry administration, and related policies and regulations, sessions from financial institutions on procedural aspects of financial investment and loan disbursement, and sessions on social security from the Social Security Fund. Additionally, interaction sessions are arranged with successful entrepreneurs to exchange their experiences.
To download the application form for the Entrepreneurship Development Trainer Training, please click here: https://iedi.org.np/à¤à¤¦à¥à¤¯à¤®à¤¶à¥à¤²à¤¤à¤¾-विà¤à¤¾à¤¸-पà¥à¤°à¤¶à¤¿à¤-2
Application Submission Dates: From Friday, 2081 Shrawan 32 to Tuesday, 2081 Bhadra 11
Contact Date: Wednesday, 2081 Bhadra 12
Interview Date: Thursday, 2081 Bhadra 13
Training Dates: From Sunday, 2081 Bhadra 16 to Sunday, 2081 Bhadra 30
Minimum Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree
Training Venue: Industrial Enterprise Development Institute (IEDI), Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
For more detailed information, please contact:
Industrial Enterprise Development Institute (IEDI), Tripureshwor, Kathmandu.
Phone: 01-5361469, 01-5366162
Website: www.iedi.org.np
Email: [email protected]