NSTB Skill Testing Application Notice 2081

Event 27 Nov 2024 3802

National Skill Testing Committee (NSTB) Call to Apply for Skill Test

NSTB Skill Testing Application Notice (2081)

National Skill Testing Board (NSTB), Madhyapur Thimi-2, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur: The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), through its National Skill Testing Board (NSTB), invites applications for skill testing based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at subsidized rates under NSTB/NVQS.

This program is designed for experienced Nepali citizens, including those currently employed domestically or who have returned from foreign employment. Interested candidates can apply at the designated skill testing centers listed below.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Level 1: Must have 6 months of training in the related trade and at least 1 year of work experience.
  • Level 2: Must have completed Level 1 skill testing or equivalent knowledge with 3 years of work experience in the related trade.
  • Level 3: Must have completed Level 2 skill testing or equivalent knowledge with 5 years of work experience in the related trade.

Skill Testing Fees

Level Regular Fee (NPR) Concession Fee (NPR) (Women, Dalits, Janajatis, Persons with Disabilities)
Level 1 500 400
Level 2 1,200 900
Level 3 2,400 1,300

Application Guidelines:

  1. Accessing Application Forms:

    • Download the application form and notice from the NSTB website (www.nstb.org.np) or obtain it from designated centers.

  2. Application Submission Deadline:

    • Submit the completed form by 2081.09.11.

    • If the deadline falls on a public holiday, forms can be submitted the next working day.

  3. Required Documents:

    • Two recent passport-sized photographs.

    • Citizenship certificate.

    • Training certificates are issued by CTEVT-affiliated institutions or government-recognized bodies (minimum one-year-old).

    • Experience certificates specifying employment duration from government, semi-government, or private registered institutions with PAN or VAT numbers. Only post-16-years-old experience is valid.

  4. Special Categories:

    • Women, Dalits, Janajatis, persons with disabilities, and other government-designated categories must provide supporting documents.

  5. For Returnees from Foreign Employment:

    • Submit skill-related work experience certificates (translated into English if necessary) and copies of passports and visas.

  6. Incomplete Applications:

    • Applications lacking required documents or not submitted within the deadline will be rejected.

  7. Minimum Applications for Testing:

    • Skill testing will not be conducted if fewer than three applications are received for a specific trade.

  8. Skill Test Notifications:

    • Applicants will receive SMS notifications regarding test dates. Admit cards must be collected from the application center before the test day.

  9. Tools and Materials:

    • Candidates must bring their tools for the respective trade. Beauticians and barbers must provide testing materials and models. Entrepreneur Development Facilitators must bring a laptop.

  10. Repeat Applicants:

  • Previous participants must provide their prior registration number and mark the form for retesting.

  1. Level Advancement:

  • Applicants for higher-level tests must present certificates from their previous level and relevant work experience.

  1. Fee Payment Process:

  • Submission centers must verify documents and complete online entries by the deadline. Forms must be processed, and payments must be made to the NSTB account (Account No. 1730100000183001 at Rastriya Banijya Bank).

  1. Testing Centers:

  • Skill testing will be conducted at certified centers in the respective provinces.

  1. Certification:

  • Successful candidates can obtain a skill certificate and identification card upon payment of NPR 150.

Contact Information:

  • Phone Numbers: 016638153, 016635195

  • Mobile Numbers: 9851127080, 9851163964

For detailed information, visit the NSTB website or contact the provided numbers.

Notice Number: NSTB/NVQS Regular-09

Publication Date: 2081/08/12

NSTB Skill Testing Application Notice 2081

NSTB Skill Testing Application Notice 2081-1

NSTB Skill Testing Application Notice 2081-3

Training Notice

National Skills Testing Committee (NSTB)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1983



Services Offered
