International Day of Yoga June 21

Event 21 Jun 2021 1066

World Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is being celebrated by organizing various programs across the country calling for yoga which is considered useful to increase the immunity of the human body.

As per the decision of the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, the celebration of International Yoga Day has started on June 21, 2015. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had proposed in the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations to declare International Yoga Day as yoga is always necessary for all.

The proposal was first supported by the then Prime Minister of Nepal, Sushil Koirala, and then by the permanent members of the United Nations, including the European Union. Yoga Day has set a record of 177 countries supporting 90 days out of the days declared by the United Nations. International Yoga Day was celebrated around the world from June 21, 2016.

It is said in Ayurveda that there is no other alternative to yoga to attain virtue in life. The full benefits of yoga can be reaped through regular practice and asceticism. Our sages considered the body to be a subtle model of the universe. To understand and experience its pervasiveness, one must know the center of power within the body. The sages call this center of power 'Chakra'.

According to Ayurveda, there are eight chakras in the body. It is related to our body. However, we cannot perceive it through our senses. In Ayurveda, Yoga, Pranayama, and Sadhana are said to awaken these chakras.

Benefits of Yoga:

Today, hospitals are being built day by day. State-of-the-art medical equipment is being developed. Health workers are being produced. New drugs are being discovered and developed. Because the number of hospital visits is increasing day by day. Drug consumption is increasing.

It is important to diagnose and treat the disease. Therefore, in case of getting sick, one has to go to the hospital and take medicine. However, what to do to live a disease-free life?

For this, our ancestors have done various research studies and exercises. They have found ways to live a happy and happy life by being healthy and disease-free. And they have been encouraging their children to follow suit. Yoga, meditation, pranayama are examples of this.

Yoga is the science of living the right way. So we have to incorporate it into our lives. It works in all areas of our life, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and spiritual.

Similarly, yoga means to connect. Connecting mind and body. Connecting mind and nature. Connecting the mind and the bird world. Spiritually, yoga means connecting the universal consciousness and the individual consciousness. From a practical point of view, yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind, and emotions. This unity of yoga is achieved through the practice of Asanas, Pranayama, Mudra Bandh, Satkarma, and Yan. So yoga is a way of life and also the ultimate purpose in itself.

Yoga has physical benefits. Then on a mental and emotional level, it benefits.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna has said in one place, ‘Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam.’ That is, a skill in karma is yoga. However, the meaning of yoga is wider and wider than this. In particular, Patanjali has given an exact definition of it in the Yoga Sutras. His definition is, 'Yogashchittavrittinirodha.' Yoga is to stabilize our unstable minds. Yoga can prevent diseases within oneself.

Similarly, the spiritual journey from ignorance to knowledge, from root to consciousness, from weakness to strength, from life to Brahma, from limitation to infinity is called yoga.

Yoga is not about stretching, twisting, or jumping. That is, physical exercise alone is not yoga. Yoga consists of asanas, pranayama, and meditation. With these methods, we can create harmony between the mind, the breath, and the different parts of the body.

Type of yoga

There are four main types of yoga - Raj Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Gyan Yoga.

Similarly, yoga has eight parts. That is why Patanjali called it Ashtanga Yoga. Patanjali has mentioned this in the Yoga Sutra. These eight limbs include Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

  • Yama means non-violence, truth, non-violence, celibacy, and non-aggression. Yama means one whose ritual removes the mind or the senses from the ominous and engages them in the auspicious.
  • Law means disciplined living. Namely, thought, contentment, penance, self-study, and Ishwar Pradhan.
  • Asana means the act of sitting still and happily.
  • Pranayama means the practice of experiencing and controlling the speed of breathing. Pranayama is the regulation of breathing and exhalation for the vascular system and its awakening.
  • Patyahara means to control the senses.
  • Perception means concentrating on the mind and focusing on a subject.
  • Meditation means being in a state of thoughtlessness.
  • Samadhi means attaining salvation.

Yoga is the science of knowledge that can reveal all the possibilities within a human being. In the early days, yoga was permanent for all, but in the Middle Ages, it was understood to mean yoga only for beards, hair-bearing monks, and saints. Yoga is now associated with health.

Yoga is the way to move forward systematically from where the people are. It enhances efficiency, which Western countries have come to call life management science. Within yoga, there is psychology, parapsychology, and transcendental psychology. The study of parapsychology and transcendental psychology has started on the campus of the USA.
