Hrit Academy Announces Hrit Virtual Speech Competition 2078

Event 18 Jun 2021 1365

Hrit Academy Announces Hrit Virtual Speech Competition 2078

Hrit Academy announces “HRIT VIRTUAL SPEECH COMPETITION-2078” for SEE Students.

Rules for Speech Competition:

  • Participants shall be given 3 topics altogether. They can choose any one of the topics and will prepare for their choice.
  • Speakers should use language, which is appropriate to the topic, the audience, and the formality of the occasion, and blaming others will not be entertained.
  • Speakers shall be judged on the basis of the relevance of the content, rhetoric, gestures, language accuracy, fluency, and confidence.
  • Students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately to suit the formality of the occasion, and to stand appropriately on the platform.
  • Gestures must be kept to a minimum. It is not necessary for the head and hands to remain completely motionless, but gestures must be natural and spontaneous, as opposed to dramatic.
  • Speeches shall not be less than three minutes and not more than five minutes in length.
  • The decision of the judge shall be final.

Top 25 participants will get a scholarship equivalent to Rs. 30000 for 2078 intake in Grade 11 and digital certificate.

Top 3 winners will get a scholarship equivalent to Rs. 30000 for 2078 intake in Grade 11, cash prize, and digital certificate.

First Prize: Rs. 7,000 (with Scholarship)

Second Prize: Rs. 5,000 (with Scholarship)

Third Prize: Rs. 3,000 (with Scholarship)

One should submit a recording of speech through Email: [email protected] within 12th Ashadh, 2078.

Topics for Speech Competition:

१. काेरोना महामारी र यसको सन्देश (Corona Epidemic and Its Message)

२. प्राकृतिक विपत्ती: कारण र समाधान (Natural Disasters: Causes and Solutions)

३. देशकब् राजनीति र युवाको भूमिका (The Politics of the Country and the Role of the Youth)

Marking for Speech Competition:

  • Salutation + Introducing Topics: 10%
  • Content/Relevance/Language Accuracy (Facts/Examples): 40%
  • Rhetoric (Style, Diction Art of Presentation, Vocal Clarity): 10%
  • Body Language (Facial Expression, Movement, Eye *Contact: 10%
  • Confidence/Fluency: 10%
  • Conclusion: 10%

Total: 100%

Registration Form for Virtual Speech Competition: 

Pre-Register Open for new academic session 2078.

Pre-Registration Form:‍ 

For More Information:

Hrit Academy

Basundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: 01-4390111, 01-4350559

Mobile: 9851234905, 9851234906

Email: [email protected]


Hrit Academy

Basundhara, Kathmandu

Estd. 2003


