Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute, Banepa-5, Kavrepalanchok offers Free training opportunity for Professional Building Electrician - Level 2 under training program with practical training
Nepal Banepa Polytechnic School will conduct a 1696-hour (10-month) long practical training program for 20 trainees in Professional Building Electrician subject through Technical Education and Vocational Training Council's (CTEVT) Skill for Sustainable and Honorable Employment (Insure) project from Bhadra month. Due to the plan, interested Nepali citizens with the following qualifications are invited to apply with 2 copies of photographs and a copy of citizenship by the date 25th of Shrawan 2079 at the place mentioned below. Lunch will be provided during the training period.
Minimum Qualifications
- 18 years and not exceeding 40 years for women and not exceeding 35 years for men.
- No previous professional training.
- Able to read general text.
- Physically and mentally fit to do professional work.
- Special priority will be given to women, Dalits, underprivileged communities, and people belonging to backward classes.
Training Provider Institution: Nepal Banepa Polytechnic School, Banepa-5, Kavrepalanchok.
Place of Training: Nepal Banepa Polytechnic School, Banepa-5, Kavrepalanchok.
Where to get the form: Nepal Banepa Polytechnic School, Banepa-5, Kavrepalanchok.
Contact Person: Sunil Kumar Sah
Contact No: Mo. 9544510092/9543573024,
Phone No.: 011-664290, 011-660867
Published for the first time: 2079 Shrawan 10th Tuesday