First National Film Conference 2019

Event 02 Sep 2019 942

First National Film Conference 2019

A film conference is being organized by the Human Rights Film Center and the Film Development Board jointly. The three-day national film conference will be held on Bhadra 26 and will be followed by academic debates and discussions of Nepali films. Conference Coordinator Anup Subedi informed that the workshop, presentation, and discussion on the worksheet and 'panel' on the subject of the burning of the film sector will be held at the conference organized at the Nepal Pragya Pratishthan.

The conference will feature presentations and discussions of more than a dozen worksheets written by filmmakers, film experts, film studios, researchers, professors involved in various aspects of Nepali cinema, its impact, art, and beauty.

In addition, the presentations of senior filmmakers' experiences and experiences in Nepali cinema, and Dr. Hari Sharma's 'Key Note Speech' will also cover the importance of film in the politics of Nepali society.

The conference will help people from Nepal's intellectual areas to research the study of Nepali cinema, participate in debates, and make the film an intellectual area of interest, the organizer said. It is the first time that a conference has been held to discuss,  serious issues about Nepali cinema in the six decades of film making in Nepal.
