Chaurchan Festival in Terai Madhesh

Event 23 Aug 2020 3184

Chaurchan Festival

Chaurchan Festival in Terai Madhesh:

In the districts of Terai Madhes, Chauthchand or Chaurchan festival celebrates by offering Argha to the rising moon. This festival is celebrated on the evening of Ganesh Chaturthi by Vratalu by giving Argha to the moon rising from the courtyard of his house and Kaushi. There is a religious belief that people started worshiping the moon to get rid of the curse of Lord Ganesha.

In the courtyard, the place is sanctified by covering it with soil and dung and aripan (chowka) is applied with a solution made by grinding rice. Dishes and sweets including puri, dates, Perukia, kheer, fruits, and curd prepared for Chautichan are kept in the same place.

A pedestal or asana is placed in the place of worship which is called 'Madar' in the local language. In that generation, i.e. 'Madar', there is a tradition of men sitting after worship.

In the evening, the full moon is offered to the rising moon. After dedicating all the utensils and dishes to Chauthichan, in the end, water is poured. After that, the family members sit in the 'Madar' and receive the offerings.

Other members of the family also receive offerings after drinking the fourth meal. If there is any prasad left on the leaves for Madar, it is buried in the yard along with the leaves.

After sunset, when the sickle-shaped moon is seen in the west-south sky, Argha is given. If the moon is not visible in the sky due to a black cloud or rain in a year, Vratalu joins hands for a while and begs for a vision.

Locally available materials are used as well as pottery made by potters. Most of the festivals are held for the well-being of the family and family members but this festival is also held for the livestock kept at home.

The story of Chaurachana is an interesting story about Chauthchand or Chaurachana festival. The moon was very proud of its beauty. Due to this pride, Lord Ganesha had to be cursed on the moon. Once, after seeing the trunk of Ganesha and smiling at the moon, Ganesha cursed you saying that whoever looks at you will be disgraced.

According to the method taught by Lord Brahma to get rid of this curse, Chandrama worshiped Gajanan Ganesha and Ganesha was pleased and freed from the curse.

Ganesh had said, "On the day of Shukla Chaturthi in the month of Bhadau, whoever sees you will not be stigmatized, he will be saved from sin." Ganesh had said that he would get the desired fruit after seeing the moon on Bhadau Chaturthi.

That is why women fast to get the desired fruit by worshiping the moon properly. In this festival, Bratalu women make puri, kheer and various dishes by fasting all day long.
