Softwarica College of IT & E-commerce , Dillibazar, Kathmandu

MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence

Affiliated To: Coventry University, UK



Course Level

Master Degree


2 Years

Study Mode

Full Time



Total Fee (NRS)



Ministry of Education


MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence at Softwarica College of IT & E-Commerce, Kathmandu(affiliated with Coventry University)

Softwarica College of IT and E-commerce offers a two-year, full-time Master's Degree program, MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence, which is affiliated with Coventry University.

 The overall aim of the MSc in Data Science and Computational  Intelligence is to:

  • Deliver advanced theoretical and practical subjects  across a range of specialist areas in data science and computational
    the intelligence which is greatly demanded in a wide range of research and industrial applications;
  • Enable students to enhance their analytical, problem-solving, critical communication, and presentation skills in the context
    of their taught modules and develop the ability to analyze, evaluate, and model complex problems involving large amounts of data;
  • Advance the skills and knowledge acquired through previous study and experience in cutting-edge research and technologies and enhance
    students’ transferable and professional skills and, thereby, their employment prospects;
  • Provide specialist skills and in-depth knowledge essential for graduates to develop and adapt to the challenges in the field of
    data science;
  • Enable students to analyze and critique the central and current research problems in data science and computational
  • Enable students to operate as effective independent researchers and/or consultants in their chosen specialized aspect of the course;
  • Enhance the awareness of the professional, legal, ethical, and social issues along with commercial risk and management in the role of a
    data science professional.
  • Enable students to adapt to future changes in technology in data science and computational intelligence areas.  

On successful completion of the course, the student will be proficient in:

  • Data analysis and analytics
  • Statistical analysis
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Deep learning
  • Big data management systems
  • Research skills for advanced data science and computational intelligence

This course will be delivered in the following structure:

Title Credit Value Description
Machine Learning 15 Applications of machine learning, supervised / Unsupervised learning, Linear regression, Logistic regression, regularization, Support vector machine, Decision trees, Reinforcement learning, etc.
Data Management Systems 15 Database modelling, Relational models, big data, NoSQL databases, Database programming, distributed databases, Transaction management, etc.
Intelligent Information Retrieval 15 Search engines, Web crawlers, Query processors, Boolean model, Text classification, Document clustering, Link analysis, Multimedia information retrieval, etc.
Introduction to Statistical Methods for Data Science 15 Use of a range of statistical distributions like binomial, Poisson, uniform, normal, exponential, gamma, etc. Multivariate distributions, Central limit theorem, Hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, Regression models, etc.
Big Data Management and Data Visualisation 15 Analytical review of database system and big data, Traditional database concepts for structured data, Big data methodologies for structured and unstructured data sets,
Big data analysis using examples from real-life case studies and datasets. Big data processing and predictive frameworks. Data visualisation tools to support decision-making.
Artificial Neural Networks 15 Supervised and unsupervised neural networks, Static and temporal neural networks, Deep neural networks, Hybrid and modular neural networks, Various neural networks, and their applications.
Advanced Machine Learning 15 Gaussian processes, Dirichlet processes, Graphical models, Fuzzy sets, Adaptive and hybrid fuzzy systems, Evolutionary algorithms
Individual Research Project Preparation 15 Research skills, Research methodology, Reporting, Legal, Ethical and Social context
Computing Individual Research Project 60 The project can be a solution to a practical industry requirement or can focus on a research topic. It will require investigation and research as core activities, leading to analysis, final summations, and insightful recommendations. The project will culminate in a comprehensive, thorough, and professional report, documenting the approach, conduct, and outcomes, further supported by a critical review of the project's conduct and management. It is intended that students will be allowed to specialise in an area of interest that is relevant and useful for future career prospects.

Fee Structure for MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence

Particular Amount (NPR)
Admission 50,000/-
University Registration Fee (GBP 1270) RS 1,90,500/-
Semester 1 Fee 2,20,000/-
Semester 2 Fee 2,20,000/-
Semester 3 Fee 2,20,000/-
Total Amount 9,00,500/-

Entry Requirements:

  • Students must have obtained at least 50% or equivalent marks in the undergraduate level.
  • Must fulfill the English requirement as per the university requirement.
  • Accepted Undergraduate Degrees
    •  Computer Science or relevant
    •  Computer Engineering
    •  Electronics Engineering
    •  Science (Physics/Mathematics)
  • Other undergraduate degrees may also consider depending upon recent work experience.
  1. University Registration Fees may vary in the upcoming years per the university’s policy.
  2. University Registration Fees may vary in the upcoming years as per the Nepal government’s tax policy.
  3. The University Registration Fee is subject to change as per the prevailing foreign exchange rate set by the commercial bank. The University Registration Fee in the fee structure is set at 1£= NRS 150.

Launching offer

  • Flat 35% scholarship on semester fees

Contact Softwarica College of IT & E-Commerce's administrative office for detailed information on the MSc Data Science and Computational Intelligence course, including fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling, eligibility criteria, etc.

Contact Details of Softwarica College of IT & E-commerce, Kathmandu


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