Nepal Open University , Lalitpur

MPhil in Social Science (Political Science and Economics)


54 Months

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UGC Approved


MPhil in Social Science (Political Science and Economics) at Nepal Open University

Program Overview

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Social Science, with specializations in Political Science and Economics, is a research-based postgraduate degree offered by Nepal Open University. Designed for a duration of 4 years and 6 months, this distance learning program aims to equip graduates with the ability to operate in complex and specialized disciplines, demonstrating an understanding of recent trends and state-of-the-art methodologies in their fields.

Target Groups

This program is targeted primarily at working individuals who are unable to join conventional (face-to-face) education systems but wish to pursue advanced-level courses in social sciences disciplines such as Political Science and Economics.

Program Objectives

  • To develop critical responses to existing discourses, methodologies, and practices.
  • To undertake substantial investigations addressing significant and new areas of study.
  • To select and evaluate advanced methodologies for their effectiveness.
  • To apply knowledge, skills, and competencies in new and unfamiliar contexts with confidence and autonomy.
  • To engage in self-reflection and professional analysis, fully aware of professional codes.
  • To communicate effectively and coherently in a range of complex and specialized ways.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the MPhil in Social Science, graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a deeper understanding of theoretical, factual, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of their discipline.
  • Utilize and apply research tools (quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed approaches) in sociological research.
  • Adapt theories and tools flexibly and apply them to new fields of research.
  • Prepare write-ups for peer-reviewed international research journals.
  • Conduct research and solve complex problems independently.
  • Contribute significantly to existing state-of-the-art knowledge in their field.


Candidates must have acquired a Master's degree or equivalent in a related discipline with a minimum CGPA of 2.7 out of 4.0.

Admission Criteria

  • Thesis/Dissertation: For both MPhil and PhD degrees, a thesis/dissertation is mandatory for awarding the degree. The evaluation of these theses/papers will be graded as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (US). The faculty may also assign grade points, except for the PhD degree. A thesis fulfilling the basic requirements will be accepted for the degree, while an unsatisfactory thesis requires rework or results in failure. The university can provide a Certificate of Completion for completed courses if the degree is not awarded.

  • Grading System:

    • A: 4.0 (>=90%) - Outstanding
    • A-: 3.7 (80 to <90%) - Excellent
    • B+: 3.3 (70 to <80%) - Very Good
    • B: 3.0 (60 to <70%) - Good
    • B-: 2.7 (50 to <60%) - Pass
    • F: Below 2.7 (<50%) - Fail

    In subjects like theses or projects, an incomplete grade ('I') may be awarded if a student fails to finish all requirements, with an appropriate grade given upon completion.

Admission Process

Students must fill out the online application form via the student panel on the official website:

Required Documents:

  • Degree certificates and transcripts of SEE/SLC, +2 level, Bachelor's level, and Master's level.

Entrance Examination

All applicants must sit for an entrance examination. The examination will cover Research Methodology in the Master’s or equivalent degree.

Entrance Examination Syllabus and Question Pattern:

  • Full Marks: 50
  • Time: 90 Minutes
  • Question Types:
    • Multiple Choice Questions: 20 Marks
    • Short Answer Questions: 10 Marks
    • Long-Answer Questions: 20 Marks
    • Medium: English

Job Prospects

Graduates of this program are well-prepared for positions in academic and administrative organizations, and for conducting research in educational sectors. The research skills acquired are valuable in development agencies, private organizations, non-governmental and governmental organizations, and higher education institutions.

Curricular Structure

Semester I (Core Courses): 12 Credits

S.No Title of the Course Credits
1 Theories of Social Sciences 3
2 Research Methods in Social Sciences I 3
3 Research Methods in Social Sciences II 3
4 ICT and e-Research 3

Semester II (Specialization/Concentration Courses): 15 Credits

S.No Title of the Course Credits
1 Specialization Course I 3
2 Specialization Course II 3
3 Specialization Course III 3
4 Seminar and Academic Writing 3
5 Conference and Publication 3

Semester III (Thesis Writing): 3 Credits

S.No Title of the Course Credits
1 Thesis Writing 3

The MPhil in Social Science (Political Science and Economics) at Nepal Open University is designed to produce high-level professional manpower capable of making significant contributions in the fields of education, research, and various public and private sectors.

Other Courses Offered

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