Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS) , Jumla, Jumla

Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS)

Affiliated To: Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS)



Course Level

Bachelor Degree


4 Years

Study Mode

Full Time

Total Seats




Total Fee (NRS)



Nepal Nursing Council


Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) at Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS), Jumla, Nepal (affiliated with KAHS)

Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS) offers 3 years full time Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) programs. KAHS believes that the education for nursing professionals needs to be achieved through a curriculum that unifies the essential concepts of nursing, health, person, and environment which are defined as follows:

We believe that nursing is a caring art and science with a professional discipline and are committed to promoting, maintaining and achieving optimal health of a client by utilizing a unique body of knowledge based upon theory, practice and behavioral sciences. Clients are individuals, families, groups and communities with health-related concerns. We believe that competent nursing practice occurs when professional nurses demonstrate the values and ethics of the profession in their roles as caregivers, communicators, critical thinker, leader, manager, teacher and researcher.


We believe that health is an essential resource and physical capabilities for daily living. It is a personal state of wellbeing that enables an individual to adapt their environment to lead physically, psychologically, socially and economically productive life by preventing illness and promoting health


We believe that the environment is dynamic state where multi- faceted life experiences occur.

Each individual’s health habits and lifestyle patterns are determined by socioeconomic and cultural environment of their society


We believe that a person is a unique and holistic being with biophysical, psychological, spiritual, and socio-cultural dimensions and has inherent dignity with and the capacity to growth. Each individual is accountable for their health care decisions and has the capacity to think, make decisions and adapt to his/her surrounding environment during the period of sick and wellness.

Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of this bachelor in nursing science curriculum, focuses on developing dedicated health care providers through the triangular fusion of Community based teaching-learning, nursing system and learner system, helps in the formulation of the objectives, selection of the content and the methods of evaluation in preparing the nurses with the competencies of compassionate care, decision making, communication, researcher, leadership and management and who will be able to assist, individual, family, group and community in attaining optimum level of health.

Model of Conceptual Framework: Mid-level Leadership Role of Nurse in Primary Health Care

Aim of the Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) program: 

The aim of bachelor of nursing science (BNS) program is to prepare the competent graduate of middle level nurses who work independently as a member of health care team in different hospitals, community setting to provide health service on preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care as a researcher, manager, supervisor, coordinator, care provider, leader, teacher, evaluator, critical thinker, facilitator, communicator, change agent, counselor, problem solver, advisor, advocator, planner, and motivator.

Therefore, the main aim of this bachelor of nursing science program is to prepare nurses who can use independent judgment in decision making process, leadership function, and conduct research in clinical and community setting for the nursing practice.

 Objectives of the Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) program

On the completion of the bachelor in nursing science course, the graduates will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of nursing, biomedical, behavioral and applied sciences in providing health care to individual, family, group and community throughout the lifespan.
  • Utilize sound body of knowledge in planning, implementing and evaluating the comprehensive care given to the client.
  • Communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and health team members in a variety of health care settings.
  • Provide quality-nursing care by utilizing nursing process dealing with a problem of individual, family, group and community at different situation.
  • Demonstrate competency in leadership quality and decision-making abilities in various nursing care situation independently.
  • Provide guidance and supervision for subordinate members of the health care team.
  • Demonstrate positive attitudes to seek new knowledge for personal and professional growth.
  • Conduct and participate in research activities for development of nursing profession.
  • Apply ethical principles and moral values in their professional and personal-life.
  • Identify the learning needs of client, family, group, community by demonstrating effective teaching learning skills in both formal, informal settings.
  • Initiate self-directed and life-long learning as a member of the nursing profession.
  • Demonstrate the competency in elective course regarding various nursing care.
  • Critically analyze research studies and apply to clinical practice.

Program structures

The Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) has been structured to make it three academic years.

In first year, there is 895 hours (60 credit hours) in theory and 614 hours (21 credit hours) in practical. Likewise, in second year there is 650 hours (43 credit hour) in theory and 984 hours (33 credit hours) in practical. Similarly, in third year there is 400 hours (27 credit hours) in theory and 1188 hours (40 credit hours) in practical. One credit equal to 15 hours in theory and 30 hours in practical. In this way the program consists of 224 credit hours in both theory and practical. Hours, marks, and credit are based on subjects, national health policy and strategies of the country.

The major first academic year subjects are Human Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Nursing Concept & Theory, Medical and surgical Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Comprehensive English, and Epidemiology. Similarly, in second academic year subjects are Pediatric Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Educational Sciences, Midwifery Nursing, Gynecological Nursing, Social & Behavioral Science, Health Economics, and Applied Computer. In regard to subjects of third academic year are Research, Biostatistics, Leadership and Management, Oncology Nursing, Major subjects (Pediatric Nursing, Medical and Surgical Nursing, Community health nursing, and Psychiatric Nursing).

Course Code

Regarding the course code, each subject has specific course code number.

Duration of the Course

The course has been designed for three academic years in bachelor in Nursing science (BNS)

Admission requirement

The selection procedure for the candidates entering into the program is competency in basic knowledge and skill in nursing. In order to be eligible for acceptance into the program, the candidate;

  • Must have at least one years of nursing experience after getting registration in Nepal Nursing council following the completion of three years’ proficiency certificate level nursing program, and should have secured an average of 50% or more marks.
  • Must pass entrance examination as per examination rule of Karnali Academy of Health Science (KAHS).
  • Must secure the at least 50% marks to pass the entrance examination.
  • Must be selected on a merit basis.

Eligibility for enrollment

Student Enrollment: The following policy must be followed in enrolling students in BNS program

  • Intake is annual
  • Maximum number of student intake size is 40
  • Entry qualification is PCL nursing and pass from recognized institution with at least one year of work experience following PCL nursing
  • Selection basis as per university policy

Graduation requirement

Bachelor in nursing science program is full time academic program. In order to receive the bachelor of nursing science degree, a student must complete three academic years and must;

  • Attend 80% of each theory course before being allowed to sit for internal assessment
  • Attend 85% of the practicum in order to pass the practicum.
  • Must pass internal assessment in each subject before being allowed to sit for the annual examination in the respective courses.

Examination policies

  • Students must sit for internal assessment and final examination on the specified date set for examination
  • If the students fail in the internal assessment, she/he will be given only one more chance for reassessment before the final examination.
  • Students must pass all theory courses with a minimum of 50% theory and practical course with 60%.
  • There will be final examination for both theory and practical courses.

Name of award

The successful candidate will be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) by Karnali Academy of Health Science, Jumla.

Contact Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS)'s administrative office for detailed information on the BNS course, including fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling, eligibility criteria, etc.

Contact Details of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS), Jumla


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