Damak Technical Education Foundation , Damak, Jhapa

Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (Lab Assistant)

Affiliated To: CTEVT


Lab Asistant

Course Level



15 Months

Study Mode

Full Time

Total Seats







TSLC in Medical Lab Technology program is designed to produce lower level human resources in the field of human health laboratory services equipped with knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for this level of technicians so as to meet the demand of such technician in the country.

Aim: The aim of the programme is to produce health lab assistant to provide health laboratory services to the people through established health institutions by performing all routine and some special laboratory procedures independently and accurately

Objectives: After completing this curricular program, the students will be able:

To be familiar with medical laboratory procedures and practices applicable in diagnosing human health disorders

  • To perform hematological tests
  • To be familiar with blood banking
  • To carryout clinical biochemical tests
  • To perform medical microbiological tests
  • To perform medical parasitological tests
  • To carryout first aid activities
  • To be familiar with communicable diseases
  • To assist in managing laboratory
  • To assist to assure quality of laboratory procedure and
  • To assist to assure quality of laboratory procedure and tests

Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.

Course Duration: This course will be completed within 12 months / 52 weeks / 1560 hours. In addition, 3- months/ 480 hours on-the-job assignment should also be completed for issuing successful completion of the course.

Eligibility for Admission:

Individuals who meet the following criteria will be allowed to enter into this program: 

  • SLC pass / SEE pass
  • Students should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
  • They should submit the following documents at the time of application
  • SLC pass certificate
  • Character certificate
  • Citizenship certificate (for the name, parents’ name, age, date of birth and address verification purpose only)
  • Final selection will be made on the basis merit list.

The quota for different category of students will be as per the enrollment policy of CTEVT

Contact Details of Damak Technical Education Foundation, Jhapa


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