Vidhya Mandir Secondary School Achham is a public academic institution located in Binayak, Achham district of Nepal. This Secondary school is affiliated to the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and the National Examinations Board (NEB). It is approved by Ministry of Education, Nepal. It offers NEB affiliated 10+2 programs such as Science, Management and Education streams.
Vidhya Mandir Secondary School, Binayak, Achham offers 3-year duration Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) for 40 seats each year. It provides 10+2 Programs and technical education with moderate fee structures. It also provides various scholarship schemes for the diligent and poor students of the society as per the decision of the school management committee. Vidhya Mandir School, Achham provides Sports, Counselling, Conference, Laboratory, Scholarship, Library, Educational Tours, Multimedia, Laboratory etc. facilities.