Sindhuli Community Technical Institute was established in 2014, located in Nunthala-6, Sindhuli district of Nepal. It is affiliated with Council for Technical Education and Vocation Training (CTEVT), Nepal, and is recognized by Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC). It has been providing diploma courses in engineering and plans to expand programs in health and agriculture. If offers diploma level courses in Diploma in Agriculture (Veterinary Science) and Diploma in Civil Engineering.
SCTI has new infrastructures and provides much-needed classroom space and creates an improved environment for learning and contributes to the development of technical education in the district. It has a three-story building with 19 rooms, a computer and Internet lab, and a reading room with various other facilities.
Sindhuli Community Technical Institute(SCTI) was established as a solely nonprofit community institution in joint venture and support of DCC Sindhuli, Kamalamai Municipality, signing a trilateral agreement with CTEVT. The institute mainly proposes to offer technical and vocational training mainly in the field of engineering, agriculture, and health. SCTI has been running on land owned by CTEVT to establish SCTI by the decision of the Nepal government at Nunthala in November 2015. The Nunthala area is situated at ward no. 6 of Kamalamai Municipality. It has an area of 3.399 hectares (5 Bigha 7 Dhoor 2 Pai). The institute site is well defined by the entrance road to the North and two seasonal streams to the east and west. The site has a landmark of a giant Bo and Banyan (Pipal and Barr in Nepali) tree in the middle of the land.
A leading polytechnic that provides quality training and education to create skilled manpower, and generates new knowledge for society and industry.
To produce a skilled technical workforce as per community and industrial needs is our mission. SCTI is a community-based institution promoting qualitative technical education by means of advancing knowledge and its practical application through advanced teaching, research, and innovation.
Goal 1: Creating educational opportunities for all and continuing excellence in education.
Goal 2: Align programs, initiatives, and services to ensure student success and to meet community and industry needs.
Goal 3: Improve institutional infrastructure for leadership and accountability across all functions of the institute.
Goal 4: Striving for quality management.
Goal 5: Build a sustainable business model for resources and industry partnerships.
Institute has been planning to extend the academic, practical, and research program on their own land acquired in Kamalamai Municipality-8, Tintaley Pathiparan, Sindhuli having a land area of 2.7 Hectares.
Contact Sindhuli Community Technical Institute's administrative office for detailed information on the course, admissions, location, fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling or eligibility.