Rapti Technical School, Dang

Baghadhaddhi, Dang

Estd. 1993




Rapti Technical School (Rapti Prabidhik Shikshyalaya - राप्ती प्राविधिक शिक्षालय) was established in 1993 AD (2050 BS) located in Baghdhaddi-8, Lalmatiya, Dang district of Nepal. It is affiliated with Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and accredited by Nepal Health Professional Council. It is of one the renowned institute in this region.

Rapti Technical School has been run by the Government of Nepal as one of the rural Technical Schools. It was established by the Government of Nepal under loan assistance of the Asian Development Bank in the Lumbini Pradesh in order to facilitate people from remote parts of this region in pursuing technical education and vocational training. It has been facilitating the students from different areas of Nepal in Technical Education.

Rapti Technical School offers various programs such as Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science), Diploma in Agriculture (Veterinary Science), Diploma in Civil Engineering, Veterinary JTA, JTA Animal Science, JTA-Plant Science, Pre-Diploma in Civil Engineering (Civil Sub-Overseer), and Diploma in Ophthalmic Science.

Vision: Rapti Technical School is a Sovereign Technical Training Institute in Nepal.

Mission: Rapti Technical School is for producing competent skilled human resources for the world labor market through technical education and vocational training.


  • Ensure quality technical education and vocational training.
  • Ensure Gender Equality and social inclusion in CTEVT.
  • Ensure organization sustainability.
  • Promote employability of Graduates.
  • Enhance linkage with industry/stakeholder for placement.
  • Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of RTS management.


  • Provide high-quality technical education, through the use of effective teaching, approaches, and promoting the use of new technology.
  • Share and build effective partnerships both in implementation and funding with GOs, NGOs and INGOs have the same goals with us.
  • Organize customized training programs in order to empower and ensure sustainable self-reliance to the poor, women, and disadvantaged community.
  • Promote self-employment and entrepreneurship through the provision of training, guidance, and counseling.
  • Equipped staff with confidence and commitment through encouragement, motivation, and mutual respect.
  • Promote the involvement of community participation.
  • To involve students in creating awareness and advocacy among the community in the area of health agriculture and construction.


With its more than ten hectares of land, the School has the following facilities:

  • Well managed students hostel with 100 beds and canteen
  • Fabulous staff quarters with a spacious area for kitchen garden
  • Well-equipped Laboratories and Workshop
  • Library
  • Guesthouse
  • Fabulous Livestock Farm comprising of Dairy, Poultry, Piggery, Sheep and Goat sections
  • Horticultural Farm and Orchard
  • Human and veterinary Clinic
  • Private water source

Contact Rapti Technical School's administrative office for detailed information on the course, admissions, location, fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling, or eligibility.

Contact Details:

Rapti Rural Municipality-3, Baghadhaddhi, Dang, Lumbini Pradesh, Nepal

Phone: 082-413001, 082-413002, 082-413003, 082-413037,  082-413085

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.rts.edup.np

Infrastructure / Facilities

  • Hostel
  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Sports
  • Science Lab
  • Conference
  • Multimedia
  • Journal
  • Placement
  • Counselling
  • Scholarships
  • Tour

Contact Details of Rapti Technical School, Dang, Dang


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