Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam Vidhyapeeth

Devghat, Tanahun

Estd. 1994




Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam was established in 1994 AD (2050 BS). It is community based academy, which is located in religiously historical and tourist centre at devghat, Devghatdham of Tanahun district. It is affiliated with Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU) and offers various course in Uttar Madhyama, Shastri and Acharya. It is one of the renowned Sanskrit academy in Nepal.  

Devghatdham, situated in the middle hill region of Nepal, is a popular sacred pilgrimage site with immense religious, historical and touristic importance. There is a belief that even gods visit this sacred pilgrimage site for taking baths during special occasions.

The popularity of such site has been further heightened through the efforts made by academic saints who preach about sacred Sanskrit writings on Hindu mythology. Mahesh Sanyas Asram, a pure religious and social institution which major aim is to preserve, promote and disseminate Vedic religion, Aryan culture and Sanskrit education for the development of nationalism, humanity and brotherhood. The saint, (Swami) Dr. Ramananda Giri, founder of the institution acknowledges blessings from his teacher (Guru), the saint Maheshananda Giri and the saint Sachchidananda Saraswoti, Khaptad Baba.

The Gurukul, instituted under private education trust (Guthi), registered at the related government unit, works as per the Education Act and its bylaws. It adopts principles of ancient Gurukul and provides education on different subjects of Sanskrit including Veda and oriental knowledge and sciences.

Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam Vidhyapeeth Building

Features of Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam:

  1. Provide formal education from lower secondary school to master’s level from a single window.
  2. Provide authentic education on subjects like Veda, Grammar, Vedanta and philosophy, English and optional computer science
  3. Create special centre for education on eastern philosophy, eternal religion and Aryan culture
  4. 24-hour guidance by trained experienced and teachers
  5. Daily rituals of worship and meditation, and pray are performed by the students from 4: 00 A.M. under the guidance from the Gurukul Acharya
  6. Gurukul emphasizes not only on class room education but also on their creative activities and character building
  7. Free accommodation, food and education
  8. Day to day routine is based on the traditional Gurukul standard
  9. Located at beautiful and pleasant place
  10. Large library with almost ten thousand books
  11. Daily yoga and physical exercises for physical health
  12. Special contest: talk program, debates, quiz
  13. Overall succeed rate/students’ completion rate: 100%
  14. Succeed rate in the high school: 100% with distinction and first division
  15. Overall second position in the intermediate, bachelor and masters for the first time and others with distinction
  16. Occasional special classes by renowned and special personalities
  17. Special meetings and others
  • Curriculum
  • Information on teachers
  • Academic program
  • Operational levels
  • Programs


  1. i) Biddyeswor temple: The God Shiva temple shows the traditional arts and culture of Nepal.
  2. ii) Hearth (Hawankunda),

iii) Residence for saints,

  1. iv) hostel,
  2. v) residence for devotees,
  3. vi) dining hall,

vii) shelter for cattle.

viii) school building,

  1. ix) teacher’s residence,
  2. x) library with a stock 13000 publications of ancient Sanskrit literature,

xi)A separate building for college and university level education is under construction.

Futures of the Gurukul’s Graduates:

The students completing their studies from this Gurukul have been successful to enter into jobs in the government and non-governmental institutions. Their contributions have showed that they can be key players in the transformation of the society. The Gurukul believes that the graduates will contribute to maintenance of social and religious ethics. It is hoped that these graduates will

  • uphold highest moral conduct themselves and teach the same to the society through their deeds
  • disseminate knowledge and science of Sanskrit
  • raise public awareness through lectures adopting realities of life and world, and spiritual awakening.

Plan & Future Program

Open separate department of Grammer, Philosophy, Literature, Purva Mimansa, Uttar Mimansa (Vedanta), Nyaya, Astrology and Aurveda, extend current 200 students’ residential accommodation to 500, Establish research centres on different subject and initiate research programs under them. Establish its branches in the other parts of the country, establish publication centre to disseminate research and periodicals, collect rare publications on Sanskrit and modern ones and preserve them in the library, Equip the students on practical knowledge of the computers and other modern subjects. Extend the publication of researches and periodicals.

Contact Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam Vidhyapeeth's administrative office for detailed information on the course, admissions, location, fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling or eligibility.

Infrastructure / Facilities

  • Hostel
  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Sports
  • Auditorium
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Science Lab
  • Health Care
  • Conference
  • Multimedia
  • Journal
  • Counselling
  • Scholarships
  • Tour

Contact Details of Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam Vidhyapeeth, Tanahun

Mahesh sanskrit Gurukulam Vidhyapeeth

Address : Devghat, Tanahu, Nepal


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