
Kathmandu Model Secondary School (KMC Lalitpur), located at Imadol, Balkumari started its academic venture in 2000. It was previously known as National Secondary School. Rooted in the legacy of unparalleled commitment to excellence in education, gaining unbroken progress over the last twenty-two years, KMC Lalitpur aims at achieving excellence in the academic arena and reaching a newer height.

KMC Lalitpur extends the heartiest congratulations to all SEE graduates on coming through with the flying colors! With the successful completion of a decade-long high school experience, it is time to make the right choice to shape your future. We provide you with a glimpse of what the post-SEE world has to offer and how you can end up with what is best for you at KMC Lalitpur.

KMC: a Legacy of Success

KMC Lalitpur is reputed for quality education across the country and abroad. Since its inception in 2000 A.D., KMC is striving for the best with the motto Academic Excellence Through Quality Education. Over the years, KMC has carved out an enviable niche for itself as one of the leading and top-ranking academic institutions.

KMC Lalitpur owes its growing popularity and outstanding performance to its competent and dedicated faculty members with cutting-edge knowledge and skills in their respective disciplines. 100% results in both NEB and TU exams are the testimonies of their professional excellence. The remarkable success in running School, +2 in Science, Management and Law; Bachelor Level in BBA, BBM, BA, BBS, BCA, BE in Civil, Computer, Electronics & Communication, BSc CSIT, B Arch and Masters Level program in MA (English) and MBS reflects its strength in the academic arena.

KMC Lalitpur is proud to be ranked as one of the best academic institutes by the government of Nepal. Both KMC Bagbazar and KMC Lalitpur received the Excellence Award (Letter of Appreciation) from the Ministry of Education in 2074 and 2075 B.S. for having achieved outstanding results among more than 4000 Plus Two Schools in the country. It is because of the emphasis of the College on quality education that a good number of students graduating from KMC have been selected and awarded scholarships for higher studies in medicine, engineering, and other technical and professional programs beyond the pure academic programs, KMC has also established its research wing named Kathmandu Model Research Foundation (KMRF) with the view to inculcating problem-solving skills and fostering professional innovations.

KMC Lalitpur Offers:

Ten Plus Two (+2) Science

Prepare for a future in engineering, medicine, or pure sciences with our comprehensive +2 Science program. Focus on subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics to build a solid foundation for higher education and professional courses.

Ten Plus Two (+2) Management

KMC Lalitpur +2 Management program is designed to nurture future business leaders and entrepreneurs. Study subjects such as Accounting, Economics, Business Studies, and Marketing, providing you with the skills and knowledge needed for successful careers in business and management.

Ten Plus Two (+2) Law

The +2 Law program at KMC Lalitpur equips students with a basic understanding of legal principles and practices. Engage in courses like Legal Studies, Political Science, and Sociology to prepare for advanced studies in law and related fields.

International Collaboration

KMC Lalitpur has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with different renowned universities and academic institutes beyond the country to promote cooperation and advancement of academic and educational exchange programs between and among the institutions. MoU signed to this effect includes the exchange of students, exchange of faculty or staff, development of a special academic program, joint research project, and study abroad program. The following universities have signed the MoU with KMC:

  • Stony Brook University, New York, USA
  • Georgia Southwestern State University, USA
  • Qtec Learning Solutions-UK
  • Mokpo KMC University, South Korea
  • Tongren Polytechnic College, China
  • University of Missouri, USA
  • Shandong University, China
  • Yeoju Institute of Technology (YIT), Korea
  • National Computer Council (NCC), UK

Recently, 40 students and faculty members of KMC attended the summer program workshop at Shandong University, China.

Infrastructure and Services

The increasing competition at present day education calls for better infrastructure and resources. A strong infrastructure is an important factor in creating atmosphere conducive to education. To get our students in the right mood, KMC has made every possible effort, right from the design of the building down to the very last detail.

  • Classrooms: Spacious, well-ventilated, with natural lighting, and replete with modern decor, naturally invite and inspire teaching practical learning in our 21 classrooms.
  • Science Laboratories: Ample, naturally bright, and airy, with plentiful instruments and materials offer the peace and space for research and learning.
  • Computer Lab, Internet Services: Well-equipped lab with 48 computers, spacious, naturally lit, and well-ventilated, offers a high-speed internet connection with dedicated IP.
  • Library: Updated and rich library having a collection of books, references, periodicals, videos, and most importantly access to e-library (kmclibrary.edu.np) facilitates the teaching-learning process further.
  • The Auditorium: Modern Elegance - Simply sober auditorium, with French windows breathing sunlight and fresh air and internet hookup facilities from each of the 80 plush red seats.
  • ‘AHAARA’ –Cafeteria - Awash with sunlight and equipped with modern technology, colorful furnishings, and industry-trained staff donning the professional white, Ahaara serves fresh, hot, and delightful meals!


  • Transportation: KMC owns its buses to facilitate transportation for students. It provides a transportation facility to commute to and fro the school at a very reasonable cost. The available shuttle service route can be taken from the administration.
  • Health Care: KMC makes avail of health care and medical emergencies to its students as and when required. KMC Lalitpur has its separate Medical Rooms for girls and boys to provide emergency primary health services who get injured or ill on the premises can be taken for first aid and to await the arrival of professional emergency medical services. For emergencies, the students are taken to hospitals in consultation with parents.
  • KMC Hostel: KMC Lalitpur has separate hostels for girls and boys inside the school premises. Hostel wardens (Male and Female) look after the hostel students under the guidance of the Principal. They are assisted by resident teachers and non-teaching staff. The boarding section of the school is ‘A Home Away from Home’. A sincere effort has been made to provide all facilities in the hostel which are essential to creating a homely environment, both in terms of infrastructure and human resources. The aim is to make the children feel at home.

Learning Process

KMC Lalitpur adopt a participatory method of teaching and learning that demands rigorous participation from students and teachers. A careful blend of the traditional classroom learning with more contemporary tools and techniques of learning is a key to increase overall learning efficiency.

  • Group Discussions: According to the subject demand, group discussions among students are organized frequently so that diverse ideas are shared. The whole process of learning thus becomes fun, stimulating, and meaningful.
  • Class Participation: Inquisitiveness is highly appreciated at KMC. Students are encouraged to put forward their queries and doubts without hesitation. They are likely to face surprise tests and pop quizzes to test their awareness and focus.
  • Guest Lectures: Leading personalities and authorities from various fields are regularly invited to speak to students on a variety of subjects and share from their storehouse of experience and knowledge. These activities inspire students to promote professionalism and create a desire to take initiative in life.
  • Audio-Visual Aids: Each classroom has multimedia access. Audio visual and other teaching aids are used where required to ensure effective learning.
  • Projects And Presentation: Students are assigned projects relevant to the course requirement. Project works are always highly demanding as students need to demonstrate their ability to experiment, manage time and practice presentation skills.
  • Field Trips And Excursions: As we all know, students need to experience the application of their knowledge in the real world and also get some time off from the monotony of classroom learning. Therefore, we at KMC frequently organize excursions and field trips to enhance practical learning.
  • Continuous Assessment: The student learning outcome is assessed and evaluated using a continuous assessment system offering students more support, guidance, and opportunities to improve during the course.


Special Scholarship Schemes

KMC provides merit/need-based scholarships under several titles. Deserving students may obtain details of the scholarship scheme from the college administration.

  • A separate entrance test will be conducted for the students of Government School who apply for Special Scholarships.
  • A Limited Number of Students will be Provided this Scholarship on a Merit plus Equity Basis.

Note: The students must pass the Terminal Examinations to continue the Special Scholarships

Basic Scholarship Schemes for Science

Scholarship for Science in Grade XI is on the basis of Cumulative marks (Cumulative Marks = Send-up (25%) + SEE (25%) + KMC Entrance (50%) Marks of Send-up and SEE will be calculated as follows:

  • A+ (3.8 & above) = 25 marks
  • A+ (3.65 & above) = 22 marks
  • A (3.25 & above) = 20 marks
  • B+ (2.85 & above) = 15 marks

Scholarship Schemes in XI Science


Cumulative Marks

Annual Fee

Laboratory Fee 1st Installment

Tuition Fee

Number of Scholar


90 and above



























Basic Scholarship Schemes for Management & Law

  • Scholarship for Management in Grade XI is on the basis of Cumulative marks Cumulative Marks = SEE Result (40%) + KMC Entrance (60%)

Marks of SEE will be calculated as follows:

  • A+ (3.8 & above) = 25 marks
  • A+ (3.65 & above) = 22 marks
  • A (3.25 & above) = 20 marks
  • B+ (2.85 & above) = 15 marks
  • B+ (2.45 & above) = 10 marks


Cumulative Marks

Annual Fee

Tuition Fee

No. of Scholar


85 and above






























  • The scholarship quota is limited so it will be provided according to Merit List on FIRST ADMISSION FIRST BASIS.
  • Above schemes on monthly tuition fees during admission are allocated only for 3 months (up to First Term Exam).
  • The scholarship will be changed according to the result of the terminal examination as mentioned above.

Scholarship Schemes According to Terminal Exam




No. of Scholars



Topper or 80% and above

100% on Tuition, Lab & RP fee


3 months


75% and above

50% on Tuition fee


3 months


70% and above

25% on Tuition fee


3 months

Scholarship Scheme for Class-XII According to the Class XI Final Result




No of Scholarship



3.86 and above

100% on Tuition fee, Lab & RP fee


3 months


3.61 to 3.85

50% on Tuition fee


3 months


3.41 to 3.6

25% on Tuition fee


3 months

Parent Organization: 

KMC Lalitpur has a parent organization i.e. KMC Bagbazar in Kathmandu, which offers the following Bachelor and Masters Programs.

Contact Details of KMC Lalitpur

KMC Lalitpur, Imadol, Balkumari, Lalitpur

Email: info@kmclalitpur.edu.np

Website: https://kmclalitpur.edu.np

Phone: +977-1-5201331, +977-1-5201334

Contact Details of KMC Lalitpur, Lalitpur

  • KMC Lalitpur, Imadol, Balkumari, Lalitpur
  • info@kmclalitpur.edu.np
  • https://kmclalitpur.edu.np
  • KMC Lalitpur | Balkumari, Lalitpur
  • +977-1-5201331
  • +977-1-5201334


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