Ilam Community Agriculture Campus (ICAC - Ilam Samudayik Krishi Campus) was established in 2021 as a non-profit academic institution under the initiative of Ilam municipality, Nepal. It is affiliated with Purbanchal University, Nepal which facilitates overall academic and educational activities and awards associate degrees and certificates. It currently offers 4 years B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture.
An agriculture Degree provides an extra edge for students to specialize in specific subjects of interest without limiting the scope and opportunity to learn different disciplines of agriculture. The campus also offers intensive English courses in the first two semesters that would definitely enhance communication skills and command over foreign languages and also help students with academic writing and publications. Besides, the campus has satellite learning units in different parts of the Ilam district e.g. Horticulture learning unit, the Temperate agriculture learning unit, the Agri-entrepreneurship learning unit, the Plantation crop learning unit, the Livestock learning unit, and so on. ICAC is committed to providing a favorable learning environment in which all faculties, staff, and students can learn together in a setting that encourages civility and the free exchange of ideas and information.
Agriculture, being the livelihood of the majority of people and the mainstay of our economy, should get due attention for its development that helps achieve our set goal. To make agriculture a developed sector, a revolution in the current agriculture system and practice is a must. The revolution is possible when we will have adequate and sound technical human resources in agriculture proactive to transform our current agriculture technology and practice into a sustainable system in terms of economic, social, and environmental aspects. Considering the same, we planned to run an academic institution in our municipality with a view to developing competent technical human resources in agriculture. Ilam, the progressive and pioneer district in agriculture development, is always unique in terms of agriculture transformation, location-specific technology, farming of plantation crops, agriculture industrialization, agro-forestry, and many many more.
For a couple of decades, our agriculture priorities and practices have been gradually shifting from subsistence towards more market-led commercial agriculture and agro-based industries. In this context, Ilam is an open laboratory for agriculture researchers, students, and entrepreneurs who are willing to learn from Ilam. Therefore, we planned a community-based campus under the umbrella of Ilam Municipality not only to impart curriculum-specific knowledge and skill but also to replicate our 'Ilam Agriculture Model' across Nepal. Ilam Municipality has managed the land and physical infrastructure necessary for the operation of the campus and now the outcome of which is 'Ilam Community Agriculture Campus Ilam' (ICAC).
With adequate physical facilities, sound faculties, and a favorable learning environment, ICAC Ilam offers B. Sc. (Hons.) Ag. degree program in affiliation with Purbanchal University, Nepal. ICAC is an autonomous, non-profit making academic institution run through the incentive from Ilam Municipality, the Province government, the Central government, and UGC as well as from internal revenue and community support. It believes that people with low economic capacity, particularly farming communities should have access to agriculture education. it is pretty sure that the degree ICAC offers will be affordable even for disadvantaged groups of the communities. Besides, ICAC will take lead to bring tangible change in agriculture development through meaningful research, education, and extension.
As a non-profit making academic institution, it offers the opportunity of pursuing a degree at an affordable cost which I feel is very important in the context of Nepal; the students can take their academic decision without trepidation of financial burden. Well-equipped library, laboratory, adequate land with irrigation facilities, smart classrooms, etc. strength, and the campus offers such modern facilities that ensure productive teaching-learning activities. Similarly, it has satellite learning units scattered around a different ecological niche of Ilam Municipality and adjacent Rural Municipalities with a view to providing students exposure to first-hand knowledge and skill in various aspects of agriculture.
Besides, it has experienced faculties who not only impart knowledge and skill to students but are also committed to be excellent guardian and counselors for students as per need.
ICAC strives to serve the nation through notable contributions in the field of agriculture and livestock sector through quality agriculture education, conducting problem-oriented research, and producing highly competent agriculture graduates.
To develop the campus as a centre of excellence for agriculture education, research, and extension.
Contact Ilam Community Agriculture Campus's administrative office for detailed information on the course, admissions, location, fees, scholarships, facilities, counseling, or eligibility.