
Dr. Yogendra Thakur Educational Academy (DYTEA) was established in 1993 AD (2050 BS) as a privately owned technical school. It is located in Lahan-4, Siraha district of Nepal. DYTEA is affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT). It is also recognized by Nepal Nursing Council and Nepal Health Professional Council.

Dr. Yogendra Thakur Educational Academy (DYTEA) offers Community Medicine Assistant (CMA), Laboratory Assistant (Lab. Assistant) and Auxiliary Nursing Midwife (ANM). very efficiently since it has a lot of experiences, excellent planning, efficient and hardworking faculties, strict yet students' friendly administration, great infrastructure and every facilities to meet the demand of the students including  separate laboratory facilities, library facilities, instructional room, demonstration halls, cafeteria, playgrounds, easy transportation, hostel accommodations, computer facilities, regular counseling sessions, expertise guest lectures and none the less affiliation with hospitals, health sectors and local NGOs.


  • To equip students with necessary skills and strong theoretical background necessary for an efficient vocational worker and meet the demand of manpower in the country.
  • To make health technical education accessible for the people of this region and motivates youths in skill oriented job.
  • Prepare a competent and self-reliant student who will be able to care for individual, groups and communities according to the principles of health care services.

This institution has own huge infrastructure with 4 storied magnificent building in 7594.45 sq. ft. area with guarded compound in 21,870 sq. ft. land (6 kaththa) at Lahan Municipality with peaceful environment with sufficient class rooms, practical rooms, demonstration rooms as well as having individual department room for each program. We have an agreement with Lahan Hospital, Siraha District Health Office for doing clinical practice our students; time to time we provide the educational tour at related place to our students. Above facilities make us capable to run the several programs related with health services.

It has started the health services educational program (CMA/Lab. Asst. / ANM) affiliated to CTEVT from 2050 BS. Auxiliary Nursing Midwife program started in 2062 B.S. It has appointed highly experienced instructors mostly and some expertise guest lecturers as well. They are teaching as per master plan, academic calendar as well as using proper media and materials for giving the full satisfaction to students. It is very focused regarding instructional media, materials and teaching methodology; so far applied the following media, materials and methodology.

The Academy believes in the theory of fair educational system. It stands totally fair throughout entrance exams to final exams. Academy has also not a single record for provoking students or teachers for entertaining home tuitions. Academy conducts extra classes in its premises for students whenever necessary without any additional charges.

Infrastructure / Facilities

  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Science Lab
  • Health Care
  • Conference
  • Multimedia
  • Journal
  • Placement
  • Counselling
  • Scholarships
  • Tour

Contact Details of Dr. Yogendra Thakur Educational Academy, Siraha


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