Amar Secondary School, Bhingri, Pyuthan was established in 1971 AD (2028) as a public school located in Bhingri, Pyuthan district of Nepal. It is affiliated to National Examinations Board (NEB) and running ten plus two programs since 1999 AD (2056 BS). It offers ten plus two programs in Management and Education streams. This school is one of the oldest school in Pyuthan district, which has been offering education at minimum fees.
Amar Secondary School, Bhingri, Pyuthan provides a Pre-primary level to secondary level (10+2) education with nominal fees structures. It also offers scholarships schemes for deserving, hardworking and the deprived family background students of the society. The Amar Secondary School provides Counseling, Sports, extra-curricular activities, Educational tours, Conference, Classrooms, Library, and scholarships facilities.