Career Opportunity of Upa Sachiv and Saha Sachiv from Lok Sewa Aayog

Career 13 Oct 2022 4932

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The Public Service Commission has issued a large number of advertisements for Deputy Secretaries and Joint Secretaries under various service groups.

According to its predetermined schedule, the Commission published advertisements for more than 400 Upa Sachiv and Saha Sachiv posts in various service groups on Wednesday.

According to the Public Service Commission, more than 400 Saha Sachiv and Upa Sachiv have been advertised for civil service Saha Sachiv and Upa Sachiv, 11th and 9th level for health services, human rights service officer first and second, federal parliament gazetted first and second, technical and non-technical.

Just some time ago, the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration sent a demand form to the Public Service Commission asking for various posts in those service groups. Based on the same demand of the Ministry, the Public Service Commission has advertised more than 400 posts.

According to the Commission, 80 posts have been published for Saha Sachiv General Administration, 17 posts for Revenue, and 14 posts for Accounts, while 22 posts for Joint Secretary have been published.

According to the Civil Service Act and regulations, most of the advertised positions are for internal competition, which are required for more than 400 vacant posts. Because of this, many civil service employees will be promoted on the basis of competition.

In Saha Sachiv and Upa Sachiv, there is a legal provision to fill up 10% of the vacancies on the basis of open competition. People other than those who are in civil service can also compete for this post.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


