Why Does the Quality of Education Decline?

Article 19 Nov 2019 5016

Teacher and Student

The Educational Quality Testing Center Management under the Ministry of Education has been testing the pattern of learning for the past 10 years. In the past, the SEE is the only test in which the third party conducts the test, examines and publishes the results. In addition to the other classes, the school, and the teacher, who provide education? They are the practice that is considered worthy of testing and evaluation. As a model, it is customary for the Quality Testing Center to re-examine the results and analyze the results.

About 37 percent of Nepal's schoolchildren in this year's sample test had poor education, 39 percent had normal, 23 percent had moderate, and higher education had only 1 percent, the center said. After examining the sample of students in grades 5, 8 and 10, the center made public the report and said that the level of education has decreased.

Why does Education quality decline?

Many complaints have been made that education is lacking in quality. Educational quality is neither absolute nor visible in education as in other areas. Since the 1990's there has been much work on the modernization of education along with the slogan 'Education for all'. Education for All has completed its 25-year journey in 2015. However, other campaigns are also representing their goals, commitments and objectives in some way. Goal number 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals promotes quality education and gender equality in Goal # 5, while the Millennium Development Goal has some provisions on education.

Factors like child-friendly schools, school peace zones have been used extensively for educational quality and especially for student durable and sustainable purposes. At present, information and communication technology needs to be taken to the school level in teaching and learning. Now, the recognition that schooling is only for the sake of communication and information is gradually disappearing. Where there is no school, there is no need for children to teach. The time now is not to go to school, but to come to a place where the children are. Technology-friendly learning is one of the major requirements for this today.

Now the bad practice of abusing the teacher for educational quality is underway. The school management committee is eager to dismiss the teachers who have been unable to get an education in the English medium under changing circumstances. Can a teacher who has entered service in a situation be burdened with changing circumstances? Any teacher came to the school after entering the service, passing the Nepali language by reading, teaching and passing exams. Saying goodbye to his service is not appropriate.

There was no English medium when he entered the service. At present, community schools have started teaching and learning in English medium to compete with the institutional schools. 4 As a teacher who teaches English only in the classroom, no matter how hard he tries, he cannot prove himself competent in English medium for teaching. On the basis of this, pressuring them to resign as ineligible and mentally stressing is not a good thing in any case.

Article 6 of the Constitution of Nepal states that all mother tongues spoken in Nepal are national languages. Article 31 (5) of the Constitution states that every Nepali community residing in Nepal shall have the right to receive education in their mother tongue in accordance with the law and to open and operate schools and educational institutions. There is also a provision for teaching and learning in the mother tongue. There are now 123 languages ​​spoken in Nepal.

Textbooks have been published in more than 20 languages. If this is the case then tomorrow we will teach in the Gurung language of any community school. What happens if a teacher who is unable to teach or cannot teach in the Gurung language goes home? Because there are no teachers who have come to read, teach, and take exams in this language. Therefore, today's manpower must be kept up to date with the need for input, but on the basis of this, his employment conditions should not be scaled down.

Teachers are also eligible:

Currently, 100% of teachers are trained. For those who have already been trained, various training has been given in time, including regeneration. Training for the newcomers is compulsory. The prerequisite for obtaining a teaching permit to become a teacher is that even if you do not study the subject of education in some subjects, there is a provision to be a teacher in those subjects. However, how much did not reach the training classroom remains to be reviewed.

Teacher Facilities:

The development of education is possible only through the diligence and dedication of the teacher. The teacher's substitute for quality teaching may still be a good teacher, others cannot be. The search method says that the student will not teach until he or she is active. However, the teacher should motivate the student to use the search method. Therefore, it is only through the dignity and dignity of the teacher that the learning of the student is effective.

It has been a long time since the government started providing services, such as civil services, to teachers. Initially, the salary of other employees was being increased by teachers. Had to struggle. Teachers have also struggled in favor of pensions. Now, as a civilian, there is provision for salary, service, facilities, and pensions. The fact that the service is still not available to the teacher as much as it should be is quite true. If a civil servant of an education branch goes to a school one day in the context of a government worker, he gets a regular travel allowance.

When a teacher of the same school comes to the same education branch twice a month, he does not receive a single penny in the name of additional facilities. Leave aside the daily travel allowance. A civilian transfer includes a daily allowance of up to five families, but there is no arrangement to receive any money when the same teacher is transferred. Think of how relevant it is to have a tendency to look for high-level performance by discriminating in service.

The teacher's instinct for development is obscured. For the 24 (d) teacher who came to the civilian, he only came once and stopped. Periodical promotion must be continuous. The periodic promotion, which does not have a crush on the money, does not matter much, but the workforce is encouraged to be implemented at intervals of every five / five years and only the teachers have enthusiasm, enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Today is the era of science and technology. The teacher needs to become familiar with science and technology. The teacher seems to be motivated to buy a laptop. But for the 80/90 thousand laptops to be updated, the civilian advises the teacher. When he goes to school, he writes in the inspection booklet, not his own, but the government. We are not ashamed. We fill out a demand form from the Office Pilot Pen of Rs.70.

Monthly Salary Payment:

There should be no government body where employees have to pay salaries on the 25th of every month. We, as wage earners, pay a quarterly salary for teachers who have been accustomed to pay within 25 days. A teacher must wait four months to understand menstruation. How long should four months be called menstruation? How many days do we have to imagine the quality of education we have with hungry stomachs? This seems to be the one who blames the teacher for educational quality.

Nagendra Raj Poudel (Rajdhani Daily)
