The World After Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Article 24 Mar 2020 7250

The World After Coronavirus

At this time, mankind is facing a worldwide crisis. This is probably the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions taken by the government and people in the coming weeks will probably determine the future of the world for the next few years.

These decisions will give a new perspective to not only our health system but also the economy, politics, and culture. We also have to face the long-term effects of our move. Therefore, before deciding which of the options we have to choose, it is important not only to face the problem immediately but also to ask ourselves what world we are building once the crisis is over.

At some point, the current storm will surely be stopped. Mankind will surely survive. Many of us will survive, but we will be leaving a different world for the coming generation.

A crisis is a character, they come for a short time. The methods adopted for that matter remain the 'solution to the solution' for human life.

During a crisis, such decisions are taken within a few hours, which would normally take years. It is, in fact, a 'fast forward' to the process of history. At that time, immature and dangerous techniques are adopted as there is more danger in doing nothing. All countries become 'guinea pigs' for large-scale social use.

What if everyone started working from home and communicating at a distance, as it is now? What if all the schools and universities started running through the internet?

Under normal circumstances, such use is rarely accepted by the government, business establishments and educational boards. However, we are not in a normal state now. In this hour of crisis, we have only two choices.

First, the subject of totalitarian surveillance and citizen empowerment. Second, nationalist isolation and global unity.

In order to prevent any pandemic, humans must enter into the body and monitor the entire human community. There are two main ways to do this.

One, the government will monitor everyone and take action against those who violate the rules. For the first time in human history, technology has made it possible to monitor every human being. Fifty years ago, if Russia's intelligence agency KGB were found, 24 million Russians could easily follow 24 hours. However, he could not do that, nor could he properly process the information collected. At that time, the KGB had to rely on human intelligence and statistics analysts when it came to technology. The spies could not possibly follow every citizen.

But today technology is available to make all this work easier, no need for people.

Many governments have deployed new surveillance equipment to combat the Coronavirus. China is far ahead in this regard.

During a crisis, such decisions are taken within a few hours, which would normally take years. It is, in fact, a 'fast forward' to the process of history. At that time, immature and dangerous techniques are adopted as there is more danger in doing nothing. All countries become 'guinea pigs' for large-scale social use.

What if everyone started working from home and communicating at a distance, as it is now? What if all the schools and universities started running through the internet?

Under normal circumstances, such use is rarely accepted by the government, business establishments and educational boards. However, we are not in a normal state now. In this hour of crisis, we have only two choices.

First, the subject of totalitarian surveillance and citizen empowerment. Second, nationalist isolation and global unity.

In order to prevent any pandemic, humans must enter into the body and monitor the entire human community. There are two main ways to do this.

One, the government will monitor everyone and take action against those who violate the rules. For the first time in human history, technology has made it possible to monitor every human being. Fifty years ago, if Russia's intelligence agency KGB were found, 24 million Russians could easily follow 24 hours. However, it could not do that, nor could he properly process the information collected. At that time, the KGB had to rely on human intelligence and statistics analysts when it came to technology. The spies could not possibly follow every citizen.

But today technology is available to make all this work easier, no need for people.

Many governments have deployed new surveillance equipment to combat the Coronavirus. China is far ahead in this regard.

He collected such information through people's smartphones, billions of billions of cameras that detect faces and monitor body temperature and health conditions, not only identifying the potential infected with coronas but also who's close to their movements and to whom. Well done. Some mobile apps even served to warn citizens about how close they are to potentially infected.

Such technology is not limited to East Asia. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently gave permission for the security agency to use the surveillance technology used to combat terrorist activity in detecting coronas. While allowing this step to be implemented by the respective parliamentary subcommittee, Netanyahu eliminated the opposition by using 'crisis provisions'.

What is the reason for this? You might even think.

In the past few years, government and institutions have used more advanced technology to monitor and control human activity. Even if we are not careful, such surveillance during the coronary epidemic may catch the point. Until now, nations that have been isolating themselves from technology to human surveillance will also be involved. Until now, only activity outside the skin of a human being has been monitored, so the information within the skin is now being monitored in the sense.

Until now, when a person pressed a link on a mobile screen, the government tried to know what he was trying to see or do. However, Corona will change that interest now. Now the government will try to know the temperature of the finger that touches the screen, and the circulation flow within that finger.

Most importantly, when we are being monitored, none of us are aware of what is going on there and what it will bring about in the years to come.

Surveillance technology is evolving so fast, only 10 years ago that the science-fiction film started to look old.

For example, a government must make every citizen of his country wear biometric technology. Every hour, body temperature and heart rate began to be measured. And, such data was officially processed and studied.

In that case, the system will know before you know how much fever you are experiencing. The system will also tell you where you went and who you met. In such cases, the transmission of infection can be controlled immediately and its management is easy.

Such a system will be able to control the epidemic within a few days. Would you be happy to hear all this?

Now let's look at the other side of this - recognizing that threatening surveillance of such citizens will have legality as well.

For example, if someone knew that I was watching the Fox News channel instead of CNN, they would get information about not only my political inclination but my personality. And looking at this situation reveals how my body's temperature, blood circulation, and heart rate are affected. It can also tell me what makes me laugh, what makes me cry, and what makes me so angry.

It is important here to understand that feeling of anger, excitement, and feeling like fever, or coughing is also the physical process of man. Therefore, the technology that identifies your aggression, so your laughter can be understood.

If governments and institutions start keeping biometric data for everyone, then they will be able to collect information about us before we go. And, not only do they know our emotions but they can also control themselves. From buying what item to voting to whom.

Biometric surveillance has also pushed Cambridge Analytics’ 'data hacking' into the Stone Age.

Imagine, in 2, North Korea mandated all citizens to wear a two-hour biometric clock. In such a situation, if a North Korean leader's speech was going on, if a citizen's watch was to show that he was angry, then his work would be in full swing.

Let's assume that this type of biometric monitoring can only be used for immediate solutions in times of crisis. Suppose the crisis goes away, it will be removed. Even in such cases, keep in mind that the immediate measures have a bad tendency to leave behind as if there is always a new crisis on the horizon.

For example, let's talk about my country, Israel. In 1948 a crisis was declared there. The reason for this was the fight for independence. At that time, various measures ranging from press censorship to land acquisition, to how to cook (not kidding) during the crisis. That fight for independence has been won a long time ago.

However, Israel did not announce the end of the crisis. And, the country was never relieved of the 'then' measures adopted in 1948 (the way to cook during crises ended in 2011).

Even if the Corona infection drops to zero right now, some greedy governments may be in favor of keeping the biometric surveillance system intact, saying there may be a virus attack again. Or, the new Ebola virus in Africa may again show fear. Many such arguments can be put forward.

In this way, our privacy has been created to stand on the big battlefield for the last time. The pinnacle of this battle is the situation that is now becoming a Corona crisis.

Because, naturally, when people are asked whether their health is good or confidential, health will take precedence.

If a policeman cleverly asked 'what about privacy and health', then the problem started there. Because that inquiry would be wrong. We both love privacy and health and have to choose both.

We should be able to choose our health without the need for any kind of totalitarian surveillance system. Instead, the pestilence must be ended by empowering citizens.

Countries like South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore have been successful in controlling Corona in recent weeks. So even though these countries did not follow through with a small amount of technical assistance, their most emphasis was on comprehensive testing, honest information, and full support from well-informed citizens.

Certainly, centralized surveillance and strict penalties are not the only ways to lead people on the path to benefit. Citizens can present themselves responsibly without the oversight of a 'big brother' if they are able to convey the scientific facts to the general public and awaken the public's faith in public institutions.

The well-informed and motivated people are often more powerful and effective than the careless populations of government sticks.

Let's look at the example of soapy water washing for a while. This in itself was a great way to keep humans from getting sick. So much work is saving millions of lives every year. Today, we think of this as a 'jumble', whereas only in the 19th century have scientists discovered this. Before that, even a doctor-nurse performed surgery on one patient and washed the other without washing his hands.

Today, millions of people wash their hands with daily soapy water, not because of fear of taking action but because they understand the benefits.

I wash my hands because I've heard about bacteria and viruses. These little things can also cause illness, which is knowing that soapy water can hurt the skin at the same time.

Understanding and cooperating at this level is the only thing that needs to be earned from the entire population, trust. People had to believe in science, the state, and the media.

In the last few years, irresponsible politicians have deliberately tried to undermine faith in science. He also tried to shake the belief in public bodies and the media. Now, there is a danger that these irresponsible politicians will be caught up in the highway of dictatorship, saying that such people should not rely on such things. The belief that years of rubbish can never be awakened in one night.

But, now it is not the usual time. Even in the midst of a crisis, the mind also changes quickly. Even in the midst of years of bitterness in the brotherhood, whenever a disaster strikes, a person suddenly finds a huge pool full of faith and makes one aware of helping one another. It is a human character.

Rather than creating a state that monitors citizens, it is much wiser to provide them with an environment that believes in science, public institutions, and the media. It's not too late.

We must also use new technology. However, such technology should not only make people hostage but also make them more powerful. My body temperature and blood circulation are undoubtedly checked, but their data should not be misused to misrepresent any government. On the contrary, the data should give me more informed information and the right to private choice and force the government to be responsible for its decisions.

If I continue to be aware of my health conditions around the clock, I will not only know where I am going to be harmful to other people's health but also know which of my habits are negatively affecting my health. If I could reliably analyze statistics about the Coronavirus, I would be able to determine if the government was telling me the truth. I can also evaluate whether the government's policy towards this severe epidemic is going the right way.

While we are talking about surveillance technology, let us not forget that such technology can be used not only by the government for the surveillance of the people but also by the people for the monitoring of the government. In this way, the Coronavirus epidemic is becoming an opportunity for even greater testing of citizenship.

In the days to come, each of us will have to grow in faith in scientific facts and health experts rather than the leader of conspiracy theories and selfish politics.

If we fail to choose the right path, there will be a danger of distancing ourselves from our precious freedom that is hard-earned by saying 'there is no way to save lives during this crisis'.

This time we will have to choose between the second most important choice - nationalist isolation and global unity - that will require a global plan. Not only this epidemic but also the financial crisis that has caused it has emerged as the world's problem.

Both of these can be effectively resolved through global cooperation.

First of all, widespread information sharing around the world is needed to overcome the virus. It is also a great convenience available to humans when it comes to fighting viruses.

The coronavirus in China and the US cannot cooperate with each other on how to infect humans. However, China can teach the United States the important lessons they have learned in their fight with Corona. Knowing how an Italian physician early in the morning managed to save someone's life in Milan could save someone's life in Tehran in the evening. One of the many strategies he could consult with the Korean government on how to overcome the problem a month before the British government was wary.

However, in order to develop all this, it is important for us to first have an atmosphere of global cooperation and trust.

In the coming days, each of us will have to develop more faith in science statistics and health experts than on conspiracy theories. And the country of the politicians engaged in selfish politics will have to be diligent towards lifting themselves up and spreading the information and information they receive from the information exchanges, as well as getting information from others.

We also need to partner with global efforts in the development and distribution of health equipment. Test equipment and breathing machines are especially needed at this time.

Countries should develop a system of distribution that will be more equitable, especially on the joint production of essential items and especially on life-saving equipment, rather than locally produced alone and collecting what is available.

Just as countries nationalize essential factories during the war, the presentation of humanity towards the production of essential materials in this war against the Coronavirus may be necessary. A wealthy country with a small number of corona infections can assist by sending the most important equipment to a poor country that is suffering from a large scale. At that time, mutual trust also needs to be developed in order for another rich country to provide generous support if that rich country needs it again.

Similarly, mutual assistance can also be exchanged in the field of skilled manpower in the health sector. Immediately, health workers from less affected countries can be sent to more affected countries. It will not only develop the experience for the health worker but also create an environment for getting support from others while in their own country.

Such global cooperation is equally important in the financial sector. In view of the global cycle of the economy and supply, the problem will only get worse if every government neglects others and goes the straight path. We need a global action plan right now, and it needs to be made urgent.

Likewise, another requirement is to develop a global travel agreement. If all international travel is postponed for months, it will not only deepen the crisis but also weaken us, humans, in the war against Corona.

Countries should develop mutual cooperation in matters of urgent visit, especially to allow scientists, doctors, journalists, politicians, and businessmen to cross borders as needed. To that end, a global agreement can be drawn up to allow the traveler to undergo adequate testing at home and abroad. Believing that every passenger on a plane has been carefully tested, anyone will be ready to enter their country.

Unfortunately, none of these things are going to be difficult between nations at this time. The entire international community is in a state of mass paralysis. It seems that we are now living on parentless earth.

Everyone should expect that a collective action plan has been prepared a few weeks before the emergency meeting of leaders around the world is being held. This week, the leader of the Organization of the Developed Nations (G-Seven) finally held a video conference on the subject, which did not yield any concrete rewards as mentioned above.

Prior to the crisis in the world, whether it was the financial crisis of 2008 or the Ebola epidemic of 2014, the US played a leading role worldwide. However, in the present case, the present US administration seems to exclude itself from such a leadership role. On the contrary, his focus is on establishing America's greatness beyond the future of humanity.

The current US administration seems to be leaving even with its closest partner. He did not even consider it necessary to inform the European Union once before banning all passengers from the European Union. And they did not see the need for consultation with such nations on such an important matter.

Instead, he was irritated by a German pharmaceutical factory trying to establish a single 'Covid 19' vaccine with a billion-dollar proposal to maintain its sole dominance. Even if the current US administration has come forward with a world-class action plan to correct itself, some will still follow the same leader who never seeks responsibility or feels guilty. And they always try to take the blame for all the mistakes others have made.

The vacancies that have arisen after the US withdrawal in such matters will not be fulfilled if other countries do not immediately complete the current epidemic. Not only this, but it also appears to be at risk of spreading poison in international relations for many years to come.

Even so, every crisis comes with an opportunity in itself. We must be convinced that the prevailing epidemic will help the human community realize that whatever kind of conflict has spread among the nations around the world, it will pose dire threats.

Now the human world has to think - will we continue the journey of the downfall with the conflict, or will we catch the path of globalization for the forthcoming journey? If we continue the path of dissolution, it will only prolong the crisis. Perhaps in the days to come, we will be experiencing even more terrors.

If we take the path to cosmopolitanism, it's not just a war against the Coronavirus; The 21st century will prove to be a combined victory against all the epidemics and crises that will invade humankind in the future.

Author of this Article: Yuval Noah Harari, from Financial Times
