Importance of Politics and Education in Nepal

Article 13 Mar 2023 1555

Education is crucial for personal and societal development. However, the political interference in the education system in Nepal has caused chaos, creating a negative perception of politics. It is time for politicians to debate and develop a system that inspires efficient, responsible, and ethical political leaders.

The Need for Practical Education:

Practical education that encourages the creative and positive use of inherent talents is essential in refining consciousness. Such education helps produce conscious citizens with high political awareness.

The Negative Perception of Politics:

The negative perception of politics in Nepal is due to the association of politics with irregular, unnatural, and immoral actions. However, visionary and selfless politics is vital in ensuring the country's and its people's future.

The Rampant Politics in Education:

Political interference has caused chaos in every sector of the country, including education. Educational institutions have become a place to practice the insidious game of politics. Students have been involved in various forms of agitation instead of focusing on quality education.

The Need for Education-Focused Politics:

It is time for politicians to debate the issue of politics in education or education in politics. The education system needs skilled manpower, and politics plays a crucial role in developing the country by exploiting students' talents.

The Importance of Disciplined Education:

Educational institutions should operate smoothly, using prescribed methods and procedures. A practical and strict code of conduct should be implemented to discourage the politicization of education.

The Role of Politicians in Building a Successful Nation:

Politicians play a significant role in making the country successful by making long-term policies with a long-term vision rather than focusing on momentary gains and self-interest.


It is time for politicians to have a profound debate on the issue of politics in education or education in politics. The education system needs to be centered around students' learning, and policies and plans should be evaluated based on their level of achievement. With a resolution to allow educational institutions to run in a dignified and clean environment, Nepal can be established as an excellent place to achieve quality education.

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