Sudurpashchim Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Ban Rakshak (Forest Guard) Syllabus: Province Public Service Commission (PPSC), Sudurpashchim Province: Curriculum and examination plan of competitive examination for the post of Nepal Forest Service, General Forestry Group, Non-Category, Forest Guard under Province Civil Service.
Curriculum Outline: - Based on this syllabus, the examination will be conducted in the following stages: -
A) First Phase: Physical fitness test - Marks: 54
B) Second Phase: Written Examination - Marks: 40
C) Third Phase: Interview - Marks: 6
1) Physical Fitness Examination Plan Item No. (1) Only the candidates who meet the criteria specified in the physical examination can fill the application, advertisement/information will be published. Candidates should be held accountable if they do not meet the criteria prescribed in the physical examination.
2) Candidates who have been selected for the physical examination from Buda No. (1) of the first stage physical examination plan will be allowed to participate in the fitness examination of Buda No. (2) of the physical fitness test scheme. Only the successful candidates in all the events will be included in the written test of the second phase after being selected in each of the events specified in the fitness test.
3) The medium of written examination will be Nepali only.
4) If you give the wrong answers to multiple-choice questions, 20 percent will be deducted for each wrong answer. But if the answer is not given then no support will be given and no abbey will be cut.
5) No matter what is written in this syllabus, the Acts, Rules, and Policies contained in the syllabus should be considered to have been included in this syllabus 3 months before the date of examination (amended or amended, removed or amended).
6) While selecting the candidate for the interview of the third phase, the written result will be published according to the criteria of publishing the result of the written test on the basis of the marks obtained in the first phase fitness test and the total marks obtained in the written test of the second phase.
7) Candidates should be self-accountable in case of accident or any kind of future in connection with physical fitness test.
8) Physical fitness test will be conducted only in the designated place where the resources are available.
9) The final examination results will be published according to the first stage physical fitness test, the second stage written examination and the interview pair according to the qualification order.
10) Course Application Date: 2078-07-30
Syllabus Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Sudurpashchim Pradesh