Student Learning Facilitation Guide, 2077
In order to facilitate regular reading in a school that has been disrupted by COVID-19, a system of distance and open education has been introduced to facilitate learning by enabling school-age children to learn by adapting to the national curriculum format. The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has prepared this guideline using the right given by Article 19 (A) of the Education Act, 2028, as it is necessary to make teaching and learning work continuous, effective, and systematic by using it as a system of learning facilitation for the time being.
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(1) Abbreviated Name and Commencement:
- The name of this guide is "Student Learning Facilitation Guide, 2077".
- This Guide shall commence from the date of approval by the Ministry.
(2) Definition:
In this directory, if the subject or context has no other meaning, -
- "Center" means education and human resource development center.
- "Technology" means radio, FM radio, television, online, and offline used for teaching and learning.
- "Ministry" means the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
- "Student" means children who are formally, informally studying in school or out of school age.
- "School" means a community and institutional school established in accordance with the prevailing law or a school of public and private investment and the term also refers to a traditional school.
- "Teacher" means the teacher of the school and the word also refers to the headmaster.
- "Learning facilitation system" refers to alternatives to radio, FM radio, television, online, offline, project work, self-study, distance, and open learning, in the event that regular reading becomes difficult due to Covid-19 or similar epidemics or disasters. The method and process of continuing the study and teaching through medium or method or direct interview should be remembered.
- "Local-level" shall mean the village municipality and the municipality and the term also includes the metropolis and sub-metropolis.
- "Volunteer" means a person nominated by the local level or school to volunteer in the community to facilitate student learning.
(3) Student Identification, Archiving, and Classification:
(1) Students should be identified and classified by the local level and the school on the basis of access to resources.
(2) When classifying students pursuant to Sub-section (1), they shall be classified into the following groups: -
(A) groups of students who are out of reach of all kinds of technology,
(B) Student groups with access to radio, FM radio
(C) Student groups with access to television
(D) Student groups with computers but no online connectivity,
(E) Student groups with access to internet and information communication technology.
(3) For the students with special needs (with disabilities) who cannot be included in the group classification as per Sub-section (2), the concerned local level and the school shall make arrangements for separate learning facilitation in an accessible format according to the nature of the need.
(4) When facilitating learning from the learning facilitation system, materials in accordance with the national curriculum format should be used.
(5) For the purpose of identifying and classifying group students in accordance with this section, the school shall prepare student records in the current academic session and disclose the details of the student's name, mother, father's name, address, contact number, grouped class and access to resources. It should be made available to the concerned local level.
(6) If it is not possible to provide the details of the student pursuant to Sub-section (5), on the basis of the school records of the previous academic session, the records of the students made in the current academic session through various means shall be prepared and the class details shall be made available.
(7) Based on the details obtained pursuant to Sub-sections (5) and (6), the local level is studying in different schools, out of school, studying in other places but living within the local level area due to epidemics and disasters including Kovid-19, relocating or relocating from school. Details of all children of school-going age from early childhood development should be prepared and classified as a group as per sub-section (2).
(8) Pursuant to Sub-section (7), the school shall prepare an action plan to facilitate the learning of all the children within its service area and make it available to the local level by analyzing the situation in which the grouped students will be comfortable in learning.
(4) Program operation process:
(1) In coordination with the action plan received from the school pursuant to Sub-section (8) of Article 3, the local level shall approve and implement the action plan within its area in a way that facilitates learning in a school-wide, regional, ward-wise, community-wise, or class-wise manner.
(2) While approving the action plan pursuant to Sub-section (1), arrangements should be made for the number of children added due to relocation or school transfer or other reasons and also for their archiving and learning facilitation.
(3) On the basis of the approved action plan pursuant to Sub-section (1), the school shall have to facilitate learning by adopting the prescribed means, methods, and procedures as a group or individually.
(4) The school may adopt the appropriate format, method, or teaching methods related to learning activities to implement the curriculum keeping in view the period of completion of the academic session.
(5) While conducting the learning facilitation program, the school shall prepare and publish a weekly or monthly schedule.
(6) The main responsibility for facilitating the learning of the students on the basis of the approved action plan pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be on the teacher assigned by the school.
(7) Pursuant to Sub-section (1), for the effective operation of the learning facilitation program, the school shall have the responsibility of coordinating the teachers or school staff or volunteers as a group.
(8) While conducting the learning facilitation program at the local level or school, it may seek or mobilize the assistance of the organization or individual working in the same community as per the need.
(9) The headmaster shall enter the educational statistics in the file of the electronic integrated educational management information system of the school level on the basis of the student records.
(10) The school shall assign the responsibility to the teacher as a group for the facilitation of the students by grouping them on the basis of class, subject, or place.
(11) In accordance with the responsibilities assigned by the teacher, the weekly work progress of the work related to the learning facilitation done by him/her must be submitted to the headmaster.
(12) The headmaster shall review the monthly work progress of the work related to learning facilitation of the entire school including the progress of work received pursuant to Sub-section (11) in the school management committee and submit it to the office for local-level education.
(13) On the basis of the action plan approved pursuant to Sub-section (1), the local level shall regularly monitor the student's learning and take necessary facilitation and corrective measures.
5. Provisions regarding group learning programs:
The group of students classified pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Section 3 shall have to facilitate learning by conducting the following targeted programs: -
(A) For groups of students who do not have access to all kinds of technology:
- Ensure that all students study in the current academic session and provide textbooks with records.
- Prepare an electronic copy of the self-study or material from the center and post it on the website, print such material in coordination with the Province and local level, and make it available to the school, and print and distribute exercise manuals at the local level.
- To develop and print exercise booklets or other educational materials from the Province, local level or school and make them easily available to the students,
- To arrange for learning through a teacher or volunteer using textbooks, self-study materials, or printed materials by arranging accommodation in the learning center or school in the community by maintaining physical distance from each other.
- In the absence of teachers and educators in the local community, volunteers assigned by the local level or school to provide direct learning support for students,
- Encourage parents to play the role of catalyst for children's learning through parental education.
(B) For groups of students who have access to radio, FM radio:
- Make sure that all students have a classroom in the current academic session and keep a record of it and provide textbooks.
- To broadcast the content prepared by the Center from the Central Radio and to make such material available free of cost to the local FM radios,
- Educational materials at the Province and local level are broadcast on local radio FM. To arrange for free or minimal transmission through
- The local level will mobilize the teachers available in its area to develop and broadcast community radio lessons, make necessary arrangements to make the broadcasts interactive, and give the responsibility of supervising the students to the teachers residing in the community,
- Arrange for monitoring by teachers and parents living in the local community, as well as physical discussions at groups of four to five people, by listening to the radio and allowing students to practice on their own.
- Arranging for student-generated essays and home-based project work to be broadcast on radio,
- Provide radio broadcasts as well as self-study materials as much as possible,
- To make public the schedule of class and thematic lessons to be broadcast on radio and FM radio from central, Province and local level,
- Use toll-free notice board service and bulk SMS service in schools as much as possible,
- Encourage parents to play the role of catalyst for children's learning through parental education.
(C) For groups of students with access to television:
- Make sure that all students have a classroom in the current academic session and keep a record of it and provide textbooks.
- To broadcast the classroom learning materials developed and coordinated by the Center on Central Television,
- Materials produced and broadcast from the center will be made available to all television channels free of charge,
- To mobilize expert teachers at the Province level and at the local level to develop learning materials and make arrangements for broadcasting on television,
- Arranging for facilitation from teachers in the community to ensure that students have studied the lessons broadcast on television, have not been monitored, and have difficulty understanding the text.
- To organize and make public the schedule of class and thematic lessons to be broadcast on television from the central, Province and local levels,
- Encourage parents to play the role of catalyst for children's learning through parental education.
(D) For groups of students with the computer but no online connectivity:
- Make sure that all students have a classroom in the current academic session and keep a record of it and provide textbooks.
- Making online content available to students in offline mode (CD or pen drive, harddisk, etc.) through school and local level,
- To provide educational materials within the approved list of curriculum development centers available in the market by private vendors to the students at concessional or discount,
- Provide facilitation from teachers in the community for students to study using learning materials provided in offline mode, to monitor if they have not, and to have difficulty understanding the text.
- Encourage parents to play the role of catalyst for children's learning through parental education.
(E) For the group of students who have access to the means of the internet and information communication technology:
- Make sure that all students have a classroom in the current academic session and keep a record of it and provide textbooks.
- Central, Province, and local levels will prepare online learning materials and make them available online.
- Online learning materials available in open source adaptable to the national curriculum format can be used,
- Schools will teach online using materials produced by the central, Province government, and local levels.
- The center uploads audio-visual materials broadcast online to the learning portal or YouTube,
- To make arrangements for the development and downloading of mobile applications developed and approved by the Curriculum Development Center for all school level classroom curricula, textbooks, and other textbooks and other audio-visual materials subject to the Cyber ââSecurity Guidelines.
- Assign the responsibility of monitoring the project work to the student and facilitating the monitoring work to the teacher residing in the local community,
- Encourage parents to play the role of catalyst for children's learning through parental education.
6. Students will be able to study according to their interests and preferences:
Students who have access to more than one of the programs as per Article 5 will be able to choose the program according to their interests and preferences.
7. Learning Facilitation for Early Childhood Age Group:
(1) The local level and schools may facilitate learning for children in the early childhood development age group using radio, television, online materials, and printing materials.
(2) While facilitating learning pursuant to Sub-section (1), the program may be conducted as homeschooling through supportive cadres and parents.
(3) The homeschooling program operation process shall be as follows: -
- To select one parent from each family with children in the early childhood development age group as a learning facilitator parent and to make such a choice for the person who has studied as high as possible.
To choose, - Learning facilitators provide parents with the activities that children can do and the materials needed for them and the facilitator's self-study medium (self-study book, radio, television, computer, or internet).
Portals etc.) to meet directly or by telephone, - Learning facilitators Parents should be selected and oriented by the teacher or volunteer designated by the facilitator or headmaster of the child development center concerned,
- Learning facilitators Parents engage children in various activities according to the schedule to help them in case of problems,
- The facilitator or teacher of the child development center will get information about the activities done by the children through the learning facilitator's parents and will help them in case of need by archiving.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this section, there shall be no impediment to the operation of homeschooling program for students of all classes.
8. Availability of materials to run the program:
(1) Lessons broadcast online on the Centre's Learning Portal (learning.cehrd.edu.np) and on the YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/ncedvirtual) and at the Curriculum Development Centre's e-library (www.moecdc.gov.np). Will be available and its link will also be on the Centre's website (www.doe.gov.np).
(2) The materials pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall also be available on the website of the Directorate of Education Development of the Province.
(3) Subject to subsections (1) and (2), the materials available on the website may be downloaded and used free of cost.
(4) Additional learning materials will be uploaded on the website regularly.
(5) The materials developed and used at the local level or school may be uploaded by the local level and school on their website.
9. Schedule television programs:
The center should schedule the program to be televised and post it regularly on the center's website (www.doe.gov.np).
10. Can adjust Curriculum:
(1) The school may adjust the curriculum from the committee consisting of the headmaster, subject teacher, and one expert in coordination with the local level education branch on the basis of the curriculum adjustment framework developed by the curriculum development center.
(2) While making adjustments pursuant to Sub-section (1), the school shall formulate and implement an action plan based on the duration of the academic session so as to achieve the minimum learning achievement specified by the thematic curriculum without missing the required syllabus.
(3) Depending on the level of the school and the nature of the subject in relation to curriculum adjustment and implementation, the local level, with the help of the headmaster, subject teacher, and expert, may coordinate the curriculum adjustment and other necessary works in two or more schools.
11. Teaching method:
(1) Depending on the duration of the academic session and the situation of epidemics including the epidemic, the school may adopt various teaching methods as per the need while facilitating learning through distance education or direct interview.
(2) Teachers, parents, family members, neighbors, upper-class students, classmates, and volunteers may be mobilized for learning facilitation.
(3) The learning facilitation done pursuant to Sub-sections (1) and (2) shall be counted in the working hours of learning.
12. Experimental and project operations:
The school will be able to conduct and evaluate the experimental or project work at home according to the condition of the epidemic and the condition of the experimental work.
13. Learning Evaluation, Archiving, Outcome Publication, and Certification:
(1) The student has learned through various methods, processes, and means including alternative, distance education or direct interview
The school will have to make necessary arrangements for the subject teacher to evaluate, document, publish, and verify the results related to the learning.
(2) For the purpose of the assessment pursuant to Sub-section (1), the school may make a working list of the students and adopt the method of evaluation on the basis of it.
(3) The school may use project work or parallel question papers or other appropriate methods and procedures for the evaluation of the student.
(4) The school shall evaluate the taxes learned by the student in accordance with the Student Learning Facilitation Directive, 2077 through the alternative system.
(5) On the basis of the assessment pursuant to Sub-section (4), the student shall be provided with therapeutic teaching and learning.
(6) In case of conducting regular reading in the school, the subjects learned in accordance with this guideline shall also be evaluated.
14. Schools and teachers can develop and operate learning materials:
(1) In addition to the programs mentioned in Article 5, the school and the teacher will provide the needs and facilities of the students
They will be able to conduct learning facilitation programs by developing learning materials on the basis of technology.
(2) In conducting the facilitation program pursuant to Sub-section (1), materials as per the national curriculum format shall be used.
(2) Students of other schools shall also be allowed to participate in the program conducted pursuant to Sub-section (1).
(4) Other arrangements for schools and teachers to develop and operate learning materials shall be as prescribed by the local level.
15. Role of the Ministry:
The role of the Ministry in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- Coordinating inter-ministerial and agencies and work performed at the federal, Province, and local levels,
- To provide data packages to schools and students free of cost or for concessional fees only for educational purposes from internet service providers including Nepal Telecom,
- Construction and operation of integrated education portal, establishment, and operation of educational television channels, development of electronic teaching materials, online technology and equipment, alternative management of electricity, the establishment of virtual labs, e-cloud laboratory, and e-library, budget management required for procurement and operation. To do
- To coordinate and cooperate with various national and international organizations.
16. Role of the Center:
The role of the Center is operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- To develop an integrated education e-learning portal at the national level to make educational materials accessible to all.
- To convert the existing and developed materials in the e-learning portal to an offline mode like CD, pen drive, hard disk, system and provide an electronic copy,
- To prepare digital and printed materials to be used for all classes of students pursuant to Sub-section (2) of Article 3 and to coordinate and facilitate with the concerned bodies and organizations for that purpose,
- To do the necessary work to maintain the quality of the content of all kinds of learning materials,
- Need to update and update digital content created by various organizations and individuals, open-source educational materials, commercially available and marketable materials
To purchase and distribute materials accordingly, - To manage the budget for the learning facilitation program,
- Coordinating between federal, Province, and local levels to create learning materials,
- To work on determining the minimum standards of learning management system, conference equipment, digital content, examination, and evaluation.
- To operate the learning facilitation system through the Education Development and Coordination Unit:
(1) Technical facilitation in the implementation of learning facilitation programs,
(2) Entry in the file of an electronic integrated educational management information system at the school level,
(3) To analyze the situation of the district about the learning facilitation program and submit regular reports to the center.
17. Role of the Curriculum Development Center:
The role of the Curriculum Development Center in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
(A) to develop a work framework for the purpose of text adjustment,
(B) create and distribute classroom and thematic digital learning materials,
(C) to orient the curriculum online for the implementation of the new curriculum,
(D) to facilitate package development and online training in coordination with the Center for Teacher Training,
(E) to provide technical facilitation to the school in the implementation of the curriculum,
(F) prepare and make available digital teacher resource materials,
(G) to make and make available teacher's guides,
(H) To provide technical assistance to the local level in the production of educational materials including digital on the basis of need,
(I) To carry out necessary technical facilitation works through the Education Development and Coordination Unit
18. Role of the Province:
The role of the provinces in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
(A) to make arrangements for the content of the e-learning portal of the Center to be broadcast on television and radio at the province level,
(B) to coordinate and facilitate the work at the local level,
(C) To facilitate the implementation of the program through the Directorate of Education Development.
(D) To train the teachers about capacity building, psycho-counseling, teachers, and learning facilitators through homeschooling programs through the Province's education training center.
(E) to produce and broadcast radio, television, and online programs at the Province level in accordance with the national curriculum format.
(F) To place the materials produced and broadcast from the province on the website of the provincial Ministry of Social Development and Directorate of Education Development and to link it with the Learning Protocol of the Center,
(G) Convert materials prepared for online to an offline mode such as CDs or pen drives, hard disks, systems, etc., to be used locally or directly by schools,
(H) Materials produced from the center and prepared in offline mode from the Province level will be printed as books or exercise booklets and made available to the local level or school,
(I) To provide the necessary assistance by monitoring and supervising the teaching and learning programs conducted in the Province.
19. Role of local level:
The role of the local level in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- To carry out the work related to the identification and classification of students at the local level in accordance with Article 3,
- To facilitate the establishment and operation of learning centers as required, to mobilize teachers as learning facilitators and evaluators, and to monitor,
- To produce and broadcast learning facilitation programs with the participation of local teachers and students from radio, television, online and offline, and to arrange for the production and distribution of materials in local language as required.
- Use digital or instructional materials and conduct COVID-19 or similar disaster awareness programs,
- To mobilize locally based teachers and volunteers as facilitators,
- To make available to the school the materials developed at the central, Province and local levels and available online and offline by printing them as books or exercise books,
- To make arrangements for the use of old textbooks as per the need, to make necessary facilitation to make the textbooks available to the students at home, to make arrangements for the assistance to be provided by the ward to assist in learning for the classified groups as per clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 3;
Conduct short-term training programs for teacher development to conduct learning facilitation programs in online and offline mode,
Facilitate program operation by maintaining physical distance based on physical infrastructure and number of students,
To run the program using various means in collaboration with the association,
To make necessary adjustments and other necessary actions regarding text adjustment and implementation,
To monitor the effectiveness of the learning facilitation program and take necessary facilitation and corrective measures,
Conducting parent education programs related to the role of parents in learning facilitation,
To arrange special material assistance to the disadvantaged and disabled students through the local government.
20. Role of Communication Sector, Publishing and Broadcasting Institution:
The role of media sector, publishing and broadcasting organization in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
(A)publish, disseminate and facilitate learning facilitation materials free of charge or at concessional fees;
(B) giving priority to various types of educational and awareness programs for publication and broadcast in their respective media,
(D) Conducting education channels and education-related programs from television, radio and FM radio,
(E) To make arrangements for free broadcasting of education channels and education-related programs as per sub-section (c) on national and local level television, radio, and FM radio.
21. Role of the Private Sector:
The role of the private sector in operating learning facilitation system may be as follows: -
(A) to publish or broadcast educational materials such as video lessons, learning materials, books, journals, etc. with its own identity and to arrange for free distribution,
(B) To assist the federal, state, or local level in managing the learning facilitation system
22. Role of the School Management Committee and School:
The role of the school management committee and the school in operating the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- To carry out the work related to the identification, preparation of records, mapping, and classification of the students in his service area as per Article 3, to make, implement and prepare the educational plan of the school,
- To formulate the annual action plan of the school and on the basis of that action plan, the teacher has to prepare his own action plan and implement it.
- Encourage teachers to produce print or digital educational materials according to the local environment and work as resource teachers on radio, television, and online,
- To monitor and evaluate student participation and learning, make electronic materials designed for students available on the center's e-learning portal,
- Using, operating, and operating free online and offline learning management systems based on open source.
- The school provides learning opportunities for all students in its service area,
- Provide textbooks to the students from house to house and keep records of them, submit monthly learning facilitation reports based on the weekly work progress report of the teacher to the concerned local education office and identify and take necessary measures for further improvement.
- Seeking local level permission for learning facilitation fees,
- Student archiving and entering the file of the electronic integrated educational management information system of school level on the basis of that archive,
- To implement the curriculum keeping in view the duration of the completion of the academic session, to adopt the appropriate format, method, or teaching methods related to the learning activities,
- Create and use educational materials required for learning facilitation activities,
- Ensuring effective involvement of students and teachers in the learning facilitation program,
Depending on the condition of the epidemic and the condition of the experimental work, the experimental work can be done at home and arrangements can be made to evaluate it,
Arrangements will be made for subject teachers to evaluate, archive, publish and verify the learning related to the learning learned through the learning facilitation system,
- To identify the place where the students are and to make and implement the assistance schedule accordingly.
23. Role of the Teacher:
The role of the teacher in facilitating learning through the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- To provide details to the local level and school for the identification and classification of students in their area of ââresidence pursuant to Article 3, to contact the nearest school to work as a resource teacher or facilitator in the community,
- To facilitate reading and learning using new and old textbooks,
- Facilitate a list of non-school students in the community,
- Assist the nearest school as needed,
- Encourage students to use ubiquitous online methods and other teaching and learning tools,
- Using, having, and offering free open source based online and offline learning management systems
- To prepare and implement an action plan based on the annual work plan of the school,
- Ensuring effective student involvement in learning facilitation programs,
- To adopt appropriate format, method or teaching methods related to learning activities to implement the curriculum keeping in view the duration of the academic session,
- Development of exercise booklets required for learning facilitation activities, creation and use of educational materials,
Evaluate student learning through learning facilitation systems and produce results,
To make a work schedule of students and to adopt a system of continuous evaluation based on it,
It is mandatory to submit to the headmaster the weekly progress of the work related to the learning facilitation that he/she has performed in accordance with the assigned responsibilities.
During the learning process, make sure that the student has done the project tasks given to the student, and if there are any difficulties while doing the project work, facilitate the student as needed.
Facilitate and monitor student learning in constant contact with parents.
24. Parental role:
The role of parents in facilitating learning through the learning facilitation system will be as follows: -
- To motivate their children to learn and teach life skills, traditional and social-behavioral skills,
- Continuing to support their children's studies, teaching,
- To be active as a catalyst for learning in the community,
- To provide details to the local level and school for the identification and classification of students and to provide learning materials to their children as much as possible and to ensure proper use,
- Keep in touch with the school to find out if your child is involved in a learning facilitation program on a regular basis.
25. Coordinating and Monitoring Committee:
(1) There shall be coordination and monitoring committees at the state and local levels to coordinate and monitor the learning facilitation program through the learning facilitation system.
(2) The composition, functions, duties, and rights and other arrangements of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as prescribed by the concerned state and local level.
26. Teachers' professional organizations and school umbrella organizations can run the program:
(1) Professional organizations including the Nepal Federation of Teachers, School Umbrella Organization, etc. may use an online video conferencing system to conduct programs for capacity building of teachers and learning of students.
(2) Interested teachers and students from all over the country will be able to participate in the program conducted pursuant to Sub-section (1).
(3) Before conducting the program pursuant to Sub-section (1), the action plan of the program shall be made available to the Center, the Ministry of Social Development of the State, and the local level through electronic means.
(4) The action plan of the program received pursuant to Sub-section (3) may be made public by the Center, the Ministry of Social Development of the State, and the local level through the website and social media as per requirement.
27. The organization can be assisted or collaborated with:
(1) Professional organizations related to information and technology, thematic professional organizations, teachers' organizations, organizations related to teaching and learning, information and technology, internet service providers, involved in the development of educational materials, public and private organizations involved in teacher training at federal, state and local level. Assistance can be sought or cooperated accordingly.
(2) In order to conduct the program with the assistance or cooperation of the organizations pursuant to Sub-section (1), a network may be formed as required by the association, state, and local level with the involvement or representation of the concerned organization.
(3) For the development and implementation of the learning facilitation learning system, cooperation may be made with national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
28. Sources can be shared:
For the implementation of the learning facilitation system, resource sharing and cooperation can be done between the federation, province, and local level.
29. Can make additional arrangements:
The state and local levels will be able to make additional arrangements in addition to the provisions mentioned in this guide when facilitating learning for students through the learning facilitation system.
30. Fee Arrangements:
The fees to be charged by the school shall be subject to the prevailing law as approved by the local level.
31. Incentive arrangements:
(1) The state and local level may encourage schools and teachers who perform excellently in accordance with this directive.
(2) The methods and procedures adopted by the school or teacher pursuant to Sub-section (1) may be used as a model throughout the country.
(3) In order to facilitate learning by developing excellent teaching materials, the teaching materials developed by the teacher will be placed in the e-learning portal of the center and the curriculum development center.
32. Standards to be followed:
Facilitating learning through the Learning Facilitation System in accordance with this guideline shall comply with all standards set by the Government of Nepal or Committees constituted by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population, State, Local and Local Administration.
33. Special arrangements for learning facilitation system implementation:
(1) For the purpose of giving continuity to the learning system in the difficult situation arising from COVID-19 infectious diseases or disasters of similar nature, the system including distance and open education may be used as a system of learning facilitation.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Directory, there shall be no impediment to the conduct of direct teaching and learning activities if there is a possibility of regular school operation in any particular area.
(3) In the case of regular reading in the school, the arrangement as per this guideline may be used as a supplementary system of teaching and learning.
34. In case of conflict, it will be invalid:
If any provision mentioned in this guideline is in conflict with the prevailing law, the provision of this guideline will be invalid to the extent of the conflict.
35. Dismiss and Prevention:
(1) Student Learning Facilitation Guideline, 2077 has been repealed from the alternative system.
(2) The work is done in accordance with the Student Learning Facilitation Directive, 2077 from the alternative system shall be deemed to have been done in accordance with this guideline.
Download PDF File (Nepali Version):
https://www.collegenp.com/uploads/pdf/2020/09/student-learning-facilitation-guide-2077.pdf (Student Learning Facilitation Guide, 2077)