Secondary Level Curriculum of Nepali, Math and English Subject 2076

Article 02 Mar 2020 30691

Teachers Service Commisson
माध्यमिक तह नेपाली विषयको विषयगत पाठ्यक्रम
माध्यमिक तह गणित विषयको विषयगत पाठ्यक्रम
माध्यमिक तह अंग्रेजी विषयको विषयगत पाठ्यक्रम

Secondary Level Curriculum of Nepali, Math and English Subject 2076:

Governmnt of Nepal Teachers Service Commission
 Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Examination - 2076
Subject: English Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours
Section: A
Unit 1: Teaching and Testing Oral Skills and Language Functions
1.1. Teaching listening skills
1.2. Teaching speaking skills
1.3. Teaching language functions
1.4. Testing oral skills
1.5. Testing language functions
Unit 2: Teaching and Testing Written English
2.1. Teaching reading skills
2.2. Teaching writing skills
2.3. Preparing instruments for testing reading and writing skills
2.4. Scoring answers in reading and writing tests
2.5. Teaching and testing literary texts
Unit 3: Teaching and Testing Aspects of English Language
3.1. Teaching grammar
3.2. Teaching vocabulary
3.3. Teaching pronunciation
3.4. Teaching punctuation
3.5. Testing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, punctuation and sounds
Unit 4: Planning and Designing Teaching Materials
4.1. Lesson planning, managing time and activities
4.2. Designing and constructing visual materials
4.3. Use of audio-visual materials
4.4. Preparing operational calendar and subject specific annual plan
4.5. Use of ICT tools in language teaching
Unit 5: Overview of English Language Curriculum of Secondary Level
5.1. English curriculum, Textbooks and Teachers guide of grade 9 -12
5.2. Use of supplementary materials (dictionary, grammar books, newspapers, charts etc.)
5.3. English language testing system and specification grid
5.4. Correction of Error and Error analysis
Section: B
Unit 6: Theoretical Concepts of Language Learning and Teaching
6.1. Theories of language learning
6.2. Approaches, methods of language teaching 

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


