Pradesh 2 Lok Sewa Aayog 5th Level Health Assistant (HA) Syllabus

Article 19 Aug 2021 13326

Pradesh 2 Lok Sewa Aayog 5th Level Health Assistant (HA) Syllabus

Province Public Service Commission, Province No. 2, Health Services, Health Inspection Group, Assistant Fifth Floor, Health Assistant, Senior AHW, Supervisor / Vector Control Supervisor, Tuberculosis / Leprosy Supervisor, Vector One Disease Control Supervisor, Family Planning Supervisor, Vaccine Supervisor And Cold Chain Supervisor Posts Open and Inter-Service, Competitive Written Exam Syllabus

Curriculum Outline: - Based on this syllabus, the examination will be conducted in two stages as follows:

  • First Phase: Written Exam Marks: 100
  • Phase II: Interview Marks: 20

First Phase - Written Examination Scheme

Subject Service-Related
Full Marks 100
Pass Marks 40
Exam System Multiple Choice
Number of Questions 50x2=100
Time 45 Minutes

Second Phase:

Subject Individual
Marks 20
Exam System Interview


1) The medium of the written examination may be English or Nepali or both English and Nepali.

2) The number of questions to be asked from the syllabus units will be as follows.

3) If the answer to the objective multiple answer questions is given correctly, 2 (two) marks will be given for each correct answer and if a wrong answer is given, 20 percent or 0.4 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. But if the answer is not given then no marks will be given and no marks will be deducted.

4) No matter what is written in this syllabus, the acts, and rules in the syllabus should be remembered to be in this syllabus (three or six months) before the date of examination (amended or removed or amended or amended).

5) Only the candidates selected from the written test will be included in the interview.

6) Course Application Date: 2078-04-13

1. Introduction, National Policy, Planning, Strategies and implementation status of Public Health Programmes in Nepal
1.1 Family Planning, Safe Motherhood,
1.2 Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases (CDD), Acute Respiratory Diseases(ARI), Nutrition, National Programme on Immunization & Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
1.3 Malaria, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis, Filaria
1.4 Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)Control
1.5 Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control.
1.6 Health Education, Information and communication

2. Planning and Management
2.1 Community Health Diagnosis & Health Profile
2.2 Micro Planning of Health Programme
2.3 Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes
2.4 Health Management Information System (HMIS)
2.5 Planning and Management of Camps
2.6 Cold Chain Management
2.7 Health Training Management in different settings
2.8 Logistic Management

3. Organizational Structure and Functions
3.1 Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), Department of Health Service (DoHS), Regional Health Directorate (RHD)
3.2 District Health Office (DHO), District Public Health Office (DPHO)
3.3 Primary Health Care Center (PHCC), Health Post (HP), Sub Health Post (SHP)

4. Community Mobilization & Local Governance
4.1 Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) and Mother's Groups
4.2 Primary Health Care Outreach Clinic
4.3 Community Drug Programme (CDP)
4.4 Mobilization of Local Health Leaders and Committees
4.5 Decentralized Management of Health Services

5. Epidemiology and Disease Control
5.1 Definition, Scope, Causes of Disease and Infection
5.2 Types and Management of Disasters
5.3 Management of Epidemics
5.4 Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Management, Prevention and Control of Gastroenteritis, Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Giardiasis, Malaria, Filariasis, Encephalitis, Kala-azar, Parasitic Infestation, Scabies, Chicken Pox, Influenza, Mumps, Rabies, Hepatitis, Ring Worm, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Helminthiasis, Pertussis, Measles, and Diphtheria 

6. Environmental Sanitation
6.1 Water Purification, Waste Management, Food Hygiene, Sanitation of public places, Health Hazards, Sanitary Latrines, Basic Measures in Controlling Rodents, Medical Importance and Measures of Controlling Common Vectors and Insects

7. Child Health Problems and Interventions
7.1 Common Neo-natal Problems
7.2 Common Child Health Problems like CDD, ARI, Malaria, and Malnutrition.
7.3 Nutritional Interventions, Immunizations Services

8. General Medicine
8.1 General History Taking, Simple Physical Examination, Systemic Examination.
8.2 Various Methods of Diagnosis, Complication and Management of Diseases in Respiratory, Digestive, Cardiovascular, Urinary, Endocrine, Hematology and Central Nervous System with its terminology, Etiology, and clinical features

9. First Aid and Emergency Management
9.1 Shock, Poisoning, Injuries, Haemorrhage, External bleeding, Thermal and Chemical Burns, Fracture and Dislocation, Frost Bite, Insect bite, Animal bite, Snakebite and Drowning, Abscess and Cellulitis

10. Skin Diseases
10.1 Impetigo, Contagious, Boils, Tinea Infection, Herpes Zoster, Scabies, Eczema, Allergic Conditions, and Acute drug reaction
11. Elementary Surgery
11.1 Haemorrhage, Management of inflammation, Septicemia, Toxemia, Sinus, fistula, Gangrene, Wound, Tetanus, Acute Pain Abdomen, Hernia, Anal Fissure, Piles, Acute Retention of Urine, Causes of Frequent Urination and Nocturia, Management of Rupture of Urethra, Haematuria, Phymosis, Paraphymosis, Hydrocele, Head Injury, Clinical features and management of Osteomyelitis, Local Anesthesia, Sterilization of Surgical Instruments

12. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases
12.1 General Examination procedures of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat
12.2 Sign and Symptoms and General Managements of Eye Lid complications, Red Eyes, Trachoma, Corneal ulcer, Night Blindness, Cataract, Pterygium, Iridocyclitis, Glaucoma and foreign body in the eyes
12.3 Removal of Wax and Foreign Bodies, Sign and Symptoms and Managements of Otitis Media, Otitis Externa and referral conditions of hearing problems
12.4 Deviated nasal Septum, Nasal polyps, Epistaxis and Sinusitis
12.5 Clinical Features, Complications and management of Acute Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis and Laryngitis

13. Oral Health and Mental Health
13.1 Dental plaques and calculus, Dental Carries, Periodontitis, Peridonal pockets and Abscess, Importance and Maintenance of Oral Hygiene

13.2 Psychosis, Neurosis, and Mental Retardation
14. Reproductive Health Problems and Interventions
14.1 Male and Female reproductive System, mechanism of Menstruation, Conception, Evolution, Vaginal Discharge, Management of Per Vaginal Bleeding, Post Menopausal Bleeding, Uterine Prolapsed, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases; causes, Sign, Symptoms, and Complication of Entopic pregnancy, Management of Engorgement of Mastitis. and Breast Abscess
14.2 Management of Normal Labor and Early Diagnosis and referral of Complicated Pregnancy, Labor, Puerperium
14.3 Safe Abortions, Permanent and Temporary Contraceptives

15. Acts and Regulations
15.1 Health Service Act, 2053 and Regulation, 2055
15.2 Health Professional Council Act, 2053 and Regulation, 2056
Details of abbreviations used in this curriculum:
ARI= Acute Respiratory Infection
AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
CDR= Crude Death Rate
CDD= Control of Diarrhoeal Disease
DHO= District Health Office
DPHO= District Public Health Office
DoHS= Department of Health Service
EPI= Expanded Programme on Immunization
HIV= Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IMR= Infant Mortality Rate
IEC= Information, Education and Communication
HP= Health Post
SHP= Sub Health Post
HMIS= Health Management Information System
FP= Family Planning
FCHV= Female Community Health Volunteers
TBA= Trained Birth Attendants
MoHP= Ministry of Health and Population
RHD= Regional Health Directorate MMR Maternal Mortality Rate TFR Total Fertility Rate
IMCI= Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.

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