Madhesh Pradesh Govt Policies and Programs for the Fiscal Year 2079/80

Article 06 Jun 2022 6332

Madhesh Pradesh Govt Policies and Programs for the Fiscal Year 2079-80

Madhesh Pradesh Govt Policies and Programs for the Fiscal Year 207980: Madhesh Pradesh Chief Harishankar Mishra has presented the policy and program of the State government for the coming fiscal year 2079/80 in the meeting of the State assembly held on Sunday.

Topics included in the program are building an egalitarian society, building a socialist-oriented prosperous State based on the principles of proportional inclusion and identity, and achieving the goals of sustainable development before 2030. Similarly, the policy and program of the government have come keeping in mind the commitment of the Government of Nepal to reach the middle-income countries as per the world standards.

While preparing the policy and program, the policy and program have been brought keeping in mind the five-year plan of the State government. The economy affected by the Kovid epidemic is expected to see encouraging economic growth in the State. Mentioning that agriculture is the main economic source of the State, the State government has taken a policy of investing in the field of agricultural production to make Madhesh an agriculture-oriented State by making agriculture modern and technology-friendly.

A policy has been taken to complete the provincial plan and development plan at the local level by mobilizing the internal revenue policy. After evaluating the work of the establishments and wards formed in the State, a policy has been taken not to allocate budget and establish additional bodies. It is mentioned in the policy and program that the State government will invest in the development of entrepreneurship in the group and establish a provincial investment service center in the State.

For the overall development of the agricultural sector, a master plan will be prepared and programs will be implemented in the agriculture sector and the commercial farming system will be developed by discouraging the subsistence farming system. A policy has been taken to provide timely fertilizer and fertilizer to the farmers as well as easy access to the market for agricultural commodities. The issue of setting up a laboratory in the State for study, research, and soil testing of agricultural produce under the Agriculture University formed by the Madhes government has been included.

There is a policy and program to establish an agricultural fertilization center in the State by continuing the Chief Minister's Farmer Upliftment Program which has been in operation since last year. In the policy and program, the State government has taken the goal of developing at least one integrated biological firm in each district of the State. It is mentioned that the irrigation program will be made effective by bringing the slogan of happiness of farmers to invest in irrigation.

In the policy and program, it is mentioned that the forest master plan of Madhesh Pradesh will be formulated and the program will be brought into operation. Arrangements have been made to plant greenery along the roadsides for the creation of a green State and to set up hi-tech nurseries for the protection of plants.

The State government has said that it will build an eco-park and intensify the Chure Jagau Madhes Bachao campaign for the protection of Chure. Priority will be given to the tree planting program by stopping the soil erosion in the Chure area. It is mentioned in the policy and program that the State government will set up an industry department in Birgunj with the objective of getting the services related to the industry from one place, including renewing the registration of the industry.

For the promotion of domestic and small-scale industries, a policy of arranging concessional loans has been adopted. The State government has taken the policy of bringing tourism-related laws for the development of sustainable tourism, developing one place in each district as a tourist destination, and emphasizing tourism infrastructure with the coordination and support of the municipality.

It has been Stated that toll clinic service will be operated for the easy access of the citizens to the health service by making the health service flowing from the State more effective. It is mentioned that one MBBS doctor will be provided in the health service center of each municipality.

It is mentioned that the government hospital at Jaleshwor in Mahottari and Lahan in Siraha will be expanded to 50 beds to make the health service more effective by establishing a children's hospital named after Durgananda Jha in Nagarain of Dhanusha. The policy and program of the State government States to start technical education and develop infrastructure in the university formed by the State government, to develop Sanskrit school in Matihani municipality of Mahottari as an international level research center of Sanskrit, and to give Madhes education service award every year to those who do good work in education.

Continuing the 'Beti Padau Beti Bachao' campaign run in the past, there is an arrangement to provide grant money to the school concerned for distributing bicycles to the girls studying in class VIII. The policy and program of the State government States that provincial sports boards will be formed for the overall development of the sports sector and youth counseling centers will be established in all the eight districts for proper counseling of the youth.

In the policy and program, according to the concept of the bright State of our province, there is a provision to promote solar energy with priority.

Formation of Janakpurdham Development Authority and Birgunj Development Authority for the overall development of Janakpurdham, the capital of the State and the economic city of Birgunj; It is mentioned that a statue of Vidyapati will be erected for the tourism development of Banauli Vidyapati Dih of Mahottari, Vidyapati Highway will be constructed from Banauli to Matihani via Ekrahiya and development of online payment system in the Land Revenue Office will be started from this year.

It is mentioned that houses will be constructed for the needy through the Mahendra Narayan Nidhi Deprived Housing Project, continuing the public housing program run in the State. It is mentioned that the printing press will be brought into operation in the State from this year and a program will be brought to honor those who have done excellent work in the State with the State medal.

It is mentioned that the State government will form the Madhes Police Service and recruit police personnel, and performance agreements will be signed with high-level employees. It has been said that for the participation of the people in the development of the State, the State development volunteer program will be conducted by formulating procedures and for the preservation, promotion, and study of language, literature, and art culture, a State intellectual academy will be established. It is mentioned in the policy and program of the State government to establish a fund for the development of Maithili and Bhojpuri languages.

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