Lower Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Examination- 2076

Article 18 Jun 2020 7287

Lower Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Examination- 2076

Teachers' Service Commission

Lower Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Examination- 2076

Subject: Science                    

Full Marks: 100                          

Time: 3 Hrs 

Section A Unit One: Teaching Mechanics and Heat

  • System of Measurement: Measurement, SI unit, the relation between FPS, CGS and MKS system of measurement, scalar and vector quantities, fundamental and derived units, local and standard measurement, measurement of solid and liquid
  • Force, Rest and Motion: Force and motion, uniform and non- uniform motion, distance and displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration and retardation, equations, inertia, Newton’s laws of motion, Newton's laws of gravitation, force and momentum and circular motion
  • Heat: Introduction, temperature and pressure, thermometer and units, specific heat capacity, transmission and absorption, relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Pressure: Pressure and its measurement, atmospheric pressure and pressure in a fluid, density of a body and relative density, solution of numerical problem and application of pressure in daily life
  • Energy, Power, and Work: Kinetic and potential energy, power, and work, transformation of energy, alternative energy sources, energy conservation, numerical problem, simple machine, mechanical advantage, efficiency, and velocity ratio of simple machines

Unit Two: Teaching Wave, Electricity and Magnetism

  • Wave: Simple harmonic motion of simple pendulum, oscillation and waves characteristics of wave motion, light and sound as a
  • Light: Nature, properties, and propagation of light, luminous and non-luminous body, laws of reflection, law of refraction, critical angle and total internal reflection, concave and convex lens, real and virtual image, magnification, defects of vision and correction
  • Sound: Nature, source, properties, and medium propagation, amplitude, frequency, wavelength, velocity, relation V=fλ, reflection of sound with some practical applications, ultrasound, musical sound, and noise
  • Current Electricity and Magnetism: Electric circuit, static electricity, and current electricity, dry cell, series and parallel combination of cells, e. m. f., potential difference, heating effect of current, Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, dynamo, generator and transformer, magnetic effect of current
  • Magnetism: Properties, magnetic material, natural and artificial magnet, methods of preparation of magnets, magnetic induction, molecular theory of magnetism, electromagnet, magnetic field and magnetic lines of forces, dip and dip circle

Unit Three: Teaching Earth and Space

  • Earth : External and internal structure, time scale and evolution of life, earth quake
  • Universe: Origin of Solar system, constellation, eclipse, phases of the moon, satellites, meteors, meteorites, comets, galaxies, astronomical instruments, big bang theory, tidal hypothesis, Nebular hypothesis
  • Soil, Rocks and Mountain: Soil profile, soil formation, soil erosion, rocks, formation of mountain
  • Weather and Climate: Factors affecting weather, water cycle, weather forecast, climate, factors affecting climate, climatic condition of Nepal and monsoon

Unit Four: Teaching Classification of Living Beings

  • Classification of Plants and Animals: Differences between plant and animal, monocotyledon and dicotyledonous plants, gymnosperm and angiosperm, characteristics of cryptogams and phanerogams, algae (spirogyra), fungi (mucor), Bryophyta (Marchantia), Pteridophyta (Pteridium), characteristics of protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Chordata
  • Microscopic Organisms: Bacteria and viruses, common diseases caused by them with preventive measures.
  • Modification and Adaptation: Modification of different parts of plant, plant adaptation (aquatic, grassland, tropical rain forest and desert)
  • Cell Biology: Structure of plant and animal cells, cell types, cell organelles, plant tissue (meristematic) and animal tissue (epithelial), and cell division
  • Life Process: Respiration in plants and animals, reproduction (asexual and sexual), pollination and fertilization in plants. introduction to human systems (digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, reproduction and nervous) structure of flower and life cycle (mustard plant, mosquito, and silkworm)

Unit Five: Overview of Lower Secondary Level Science Curriculum

  • Curriculum and Textbook: Comparative study of the science curriculum, textbooks, and teachers' guide of grades 6 -8.
  • Teaching Materials: Development and use of teaching and supplementary materials in science teaching
  • Evaluation and Testing: Testing and evaluation in science teaching and specification
  • Assessment: Continuous assessment system, the grading system in student assessment
  • Teaching Learning Science: Science process skills, scientific method, approaches of teaching science, science laboratory and safety measures

Section B Unit Six: Teaching Basics of Physical Chemistry

  • Matter and Mixture: State, properties and classification of matter and mixture, process of separation of mixture, solution, concentration of solution in terms of normality and molarities
  • Physical, Chemical Process and Bonding: Physical and chemical change, process involved in chemical change, the hardness of water, methods of removing hardness of water, properties of gas, Boyle’s law, Charles's law, kinetic molecular theory of gas, Dalton’s law of partial pressure. properties of solids, bond (ionic, covalent, coordinate covalent, metallic, hydrogen), Vander Wall’s force, ionic and covalent compounds.
  • Acids, Bases and Salts: Properties of acid, base, and salt, mineral acids (HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4) acid-base indicators, pH scale, pH and pOH of the solution, selection of acid base indicators using titration curve
  • Atomic Structure: Discovery and properties of fundamental particles of atom Bohr’s model of atom, electronic theory of valence, octet rule, Aufbau principle, periodic table, electronic configuration of atom and ions, periodic law, classification of elements on the basis of electronic configuration,
  • Energetic and Electrochemistry: First and second law of thermodynamics, entropy and enthalpy, internal energy, electrolysis and electroplating, electrolytes

Unit Seven: Thermodynamics

  • Heat and Temperature: Molecular concept of thermal energy, heat, temperature and thermal equilibrium
  • Thermal expansion: Linear, superficial, cubical expansion and define their corresponding coefficients with physical meaning,
  • Quantity of Heat: Heat capacity, specific heat capacity, Newton' law of cooling and latent heat
  • First law of thermodynamics: State and explain first law with limitation, thermodynamic process, reversible and irreversible process
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics: State and explain the second law of thermodynamics, compare second and the first law and heat engine

Unit Eight: Basics of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

  • Metallurgy: Metal, non-metal, metalloid, alloys, mineral and ores, extraction, properties and uses of Fe, Cu and
  • Some Inorganic Compounds: Laboratory preparation, properties and uses of gases ( oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen), allotropes of carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus, the chemistry of some important compounds (green vitriol, blue vitriol and white vitriol, horn silver, sodium carbonate, iodine)
  • Basics of Organic Chemistry: Hybridization (involving s and p orbitals), tetra covalency and catenation property of carbon, Preparation, and properties of aliphatic hydrocarbons

8.4. Fundamental Principles: IUPAC name of the organic compounds, isomerism (concept and type)

8.5 Important Industrial Materials: Soaps and detergents (manufacture, cleansing action, and effect), chemical fertilizers (simple and mixed), pesticides, polymerization, preparation and uses of polythene, PVC and Bakelite

Unit Nine: Microbiology and Genetics:

  • Bacteria (structure, mode of nutrition and growth), coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Structure of DNA and RNA
  • DNA replication and genetic codes
  • Linkage: Concept, type, and sex-linked inheritance
  • Mutation: Concept, type, and importance

Unit Ten: Environmental Science

  • Ecology and Ecosystem: Introduction to ecology and ecosystem, components and types, food chain, food web, ecological pyramid
  • Natural Resources and Environmental Balance: Natural resources, common medicinal plants of Nepal and their uses, environmental degradation, the role of the human in environmental
  • Biogeochemical Cycle: Biogeochemical cycles (carbon, water, nitrogen)
  • Pollution and Environment: Causes, effects and control of water, air and soil pollution, solid waste and its management, greenhouse effect, acid rain and ozone layer depletion
  • Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: Biodiversity of Nepal, factors responsible for biodiversity degradation, sustainable development ( goals, policy, and programmes in Nepal)

Specification Grid

Subject: Science

Level: Lower Secondary 


Content area



Section: A


Teaching Mechanics and Heat




Teaching Wave, Electricity, and Magnetism




Teaching Earth and Space




Classification of Living Beings




Overview of Lower Secondary Level Science Curriculum



Section: B


Basics of Physical Chemistry








Basics of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry




Microbiology and Genetics




Environmental Science







  1. This curriculum is divided into sections A & Section
  2. Generally from section A, questions will be asked related to
  3. From section, B questions will be asked covering cognitive
  4. Separate answer sheets will be used for each
  5. The medium of the language in the written test will be either Nepali or English or
  6. This curriculum will be effective from 207/03/

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


