Many people find life insurance to be a bit strange, they have many questions in their mind like what is life insurance? How does it work What is its importance in life? And what should a person do for life insurance? And if it should be done, then how should we get it done and up to how many rupees. So in this post, we will try to find answers to some of these questions.
If in other words, if the person who has life insurance does not have anything untoward with him, then, in that case, the life insurance provider company can provide that family with that amount according to the life insurance policy plan for that person. is. Even after earning a person, his family does not have to face the financial crisis from a dam.
Why should one get life insurance? Why life insurance is important?
If I ask Personal opinion, then I would say that life insurance should be done by every person who discharges the family or in other words, who earns the house to help the family financially. Because no one lives on life, if you live in a rented house or you have some kind of loans like home loan, personal loan or any other type of loan then you must get life insurance. Because it helps your family in any kind of untoward and gives them financial support. A sensible person helps his family in life and even afterlife, it is also the tag line of a very well-known life insurance company.
How to get life insurance? - How can I get life insurance?
There are many life insurance companies in India that give your life insurance. You can apply for life insurance by going to direct in, besides you can also apply online. When you apply online, one of their agents will come to you, as well as call the company's toll-free number. Can request pulses. For this, some of their services continue. Just as someone whose life insurance is being done, they should be between 20 and 60 years old, they should not have any kind of life-threatening illness and they should be mentally healthy if you fill all these conditions, then you will get life insurance.
How much life insurance should be taken?
There is a big question in the mind of those who take life insurance, how much money we should get life insurance. We cannot put value in such a life because life is precious, but I will tell you an equation that will make it easy to calculate the amount of life insurance.
According to this, you should multiply the amount you earn in a year by 8 times (multiply), after this whatever amount of savings you have, the amount of investment you have in the mutual fund, the property you have purchased for investment. Subtract from it. After this, whatever loan you have like home loan, personal loan, in addition, add any loan to it, add it in it as well, which you have to do like the expenses of son's education, sister's amount, etc. Then the amount that will come out will be your actual life insurance amount.