Ideal Age to Admit your Children in School

Article 28 Sep 2019 4305

Ideal Age to Admit your Children


Ideal Age to Admit your Children in School:

It is wrong to enroll children at a young age and to have high expectations, pediatricians say. Busy urban life is changing from a joint family to a small family. Since both parents are busy with their activities, it has been a pleasure for them to take their children to school at a young age and get busy with the daily routine.

Children are allowed to use a lot of educational materials while sending them to school. There is a lot of pressure to teach. Experts say the load does not carry their potential.

According to a study titled 'Reading in Kindergarten Little to Gain and Much to Lose' in the United States, Professor Nancy Carson-Pegg and her colleagues cite the danger of teaching children at a young age.

Similarly, pediatrician Ramesh Malla said that we see faults in our children rather than in school, which is wrong. He says, "It is wrong to say that a child who cannot do well in the classroom is lacking in education, not all children have the ability to remember quickly, but such a child cannot be called lazy."

Similarly, another psychiatrist Richa Amatya says, "School is based on the belief that all children in the classroom must learn at the same pace, which is why children are exposed to various diseases."

Some children may be afraid to speak to others, hesitate to go to school, refuse to eat, go to school. Amatya made it clear.

If a child is not paying attention to what the teacher says, is often imagining, or is lying in his seat, he may be aware of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Gave. He says, "Adolescents suffer from ADHD if too much education or work pressure is given to children at an early age."

Children who are laughing at the age of schooling have noticed that their personality is being damaged. He said that many cannot meet the educational expectations imposed on them at a young age and if they do not conform to expectations, they will face various diseases.

He said that it would be appropriate for children to be admitted to school only after their physical and mental development has improved even at a young age. Amatya said that parents should raise their voice against the tendency of parents to send them to school at a young age.

Dr. Amatya suggests, "We want our children to be the same, comparing ourselves to others with the idea that 'such a baby is a child, that is, the biggest mistake is to never compare your child with others'."

He adds that we treat children as if they are in our interests and desires, but we never understand what children want.

Many suggest that keeping children in school only after the completion of four years is good. Less than two years after the lack of free time, the practice of sending a child to school has begun to grow in urban areas.

Many suggest that keeping children in school only after the completion of four years is good.

Less than two years after the lack of free time, the practice of sending a child to school has begun to grow in urban areas.

Kumud Bhatt, an elementary child education specialist and principal of Hyde and Sikh School, says, "I enjoy playing with children and having fun." What made me happy is that I made my profession.

When I am playing with the child, I do not bother to teach the child anything or I do not understand it as my duty, it is my interest that is the interest of every child.

Bhatt, who is also training in Japan for Early Childhood Education, said, "Children should also set goals that are of interest. When a child is helped to create goals based on interests and abilities, the child does not lose the way. We don't even need to restrain them once a child has reached their goal. "

He said that in Japanese society a child is raised freely, there is no restriction on the child; there is a similar system where children will be better. Like abroad, she suggested that our children be eligible to enroll in school after completing four at five.

Here on the Foundation for Economic Education's website 'U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 11 percent of children between the ages of 4 and 17 in the United States have identified ADHD, one-third of them children under the age of 6. - ( from Gorkhapatra Daily)
