Early Child Development (ECD) Curriculum

Article 28 Feb 2021 42357

Early Child Development (ECD) Curriculum

Early Child Development (ECD) Curriculum (Syllabus):

Curriculum Development Center (CDC) published ECD curriculum in Nepali, ECD curriculum pdf, download ECD curriculum pdf from the following link, Early Childhood Education in Nepal pdf:


Human development is an ongoing process. Learning is an aspect of human development. It continues from pregnancy to death. Early childhood or early childhood development is important as it is the cornerstone of human life.

Therefore, the government has made special investments for the all-round development of its citizens. For this, the Government of Nepal has also made various provisions in the constitution, laws, policies, and programs.

Article 39 (2) of the Constitution of Nepal ensures that every child has the right to education, health care, proper care, sports entertainment, and holistic personality development from the family and the state. Similarly, in Article 39 (3), every child has the right to early childhood development and child participation.

The Education (Ninth Amendment) Act 2028 envisages one year of education for children who have completed four years of age. Similarly, Article 11T (1) of the same Act states that "the provisions related to the operation and management of early childhood development and education shall be as prescribed".

The National School Curriculum Draft, 2076, provides for one-year early child development opportunities for children under the age of four and provides physical, mental, or intellectual, emotional, and social development and care activities for children under the age of four.

The School Sector Development Plan aims to make early childhood development and education rights-based and prepare for school entry by developing the physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual, and moral capacity of children under five.

Similarly, the Fifteenth Plan has developed a strategy to make early childhood development and education programs an integral part of school education and make it compulsory for all children.

It has redistributed child development centers through the local level under the concept of at least one school one child development center and has decided to share the cost for the development of child development centers by investing from the state and local levels.

 Similarly, the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 BS has made provision for the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and regulation of early childhood development and education-related policies, laws, norms, planning at the local level.

In the past, community and institutional schools and various organizations have been conducting programs related to early childhood development in their own way.

As the Primary Child Development School has become a part of education after the ninth amendment of the Education Act, the curriculum has been developed by the Department of Education for all children in the age group of four years (completed 48 months).

 The curriculum emphasizes the interests, abilities, and needs of children as well as their holistic development, as well as ensuring early childhood development through the use of family and community resources and other resources in children's learning. In the current context, its goals, capabilities, development and learning areas and learning achievements, learning facilitation process, curriculum implementation criteria, evaluation process, and the role of the teacher are mentioned here.

Early Childhood Development (EDC) and Education Curriculum:

The Early Childhood Development and Education Curriculum aim to lay the foundation for the holistic development of children and their learning. The National Curriculum Draft of School Education, 2076, has established a basic education from class 1 to class 8 after a period of one year of elementary child development and education. Secondary education has been established for the period of four years from class 9 to 12.

According to the policy document, the Early Childhood Development and Education curriculum places special emphasis on children's involvement in all-round development activities, development of healthy habits, adoption of personal safety measures, hygiene and social habits, creative thinking, and development of language and communication skills.

Based on the above context, the following competencies have been determined for early childhood development and education:

(A) Competence

1) Use of language for expression and communication

2) Identification of nutritious food items and daily use

3) Following healthy habits and good social behavior and demonstrating the model as required

4) Adopt personal security measures

5) Use of thematic learning and creative thinking in the process of performing daily tasks

6) Involvement in all-round development activities and use of basic skills in them


Early Child Development (ECD) Curriculum 2077.PDF
