Diploma in Electrical Engineering in Nepal
Diploma in Electrical Engineering is three years duration with six semesters based on the semester system; which is affiliated to CTEVT (Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training). It is technically designed to produce middle level proficient electrical workforce equipped with knowledge and skills interrelated to the specialization areas of Product Design, Power Generation Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, and Industrial Engineering under Electrical engineering so as to address the demand of such workforce in the country and to contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction. It is one of the major career oriented course to quickly settle in the marketplace.
Course Objectives of Diploma in Electrical Engineering:
This curriculum of Diploma in Electrical Engineering has following Course Objectives:
- To produce middle level competent (Proficient) electrical workforce (Technical and Supervisory staffs) in Electrical Engineering with specialization in the capacities such as Utilization of Electrical Energy, Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Power System, Installation of Electrical Systems and Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives.
- To produce such electrical technicians who are able to work in the local industrial locations of the country.
- To produce such electrical workforce who will demonstrate a positive attitude and respect for the profession and socio-cultural values.
- To help to meet the demand of such electrical workforce for the industries of Nepal.
- To reduce the dependence on employing electrical technicians from foreign countries.
Course Duration of Diploma in Electrical Engineering:
- The total duration of this curricular program is three years (Six Semesters). Each year consists of two semesters of six months each.
The target group of Diploma in Electrical Engineering:
- Individuals who have completed SLC / SEE or equivalent with English, Science, and Mathematics or related Technical SLC (TSLC)
Eligibility Criteria for admissions to Diploma in Electrical Engineering:
- SLC / SEE or equivalent with English, Science, and Mathematics or related Technical SLC (TSLC)
- Should pass entrance examination conducted by CTEVT.
- Candidate should be physically fit for the program.
- Individuals of lower economic status preferred.
Selection Process:
- Applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be selected for admission on the basis of merit.
The medium of instruction:
- The medium of instruction will be in English / Nepali.
The pattern of attendance:
- The students Minimum of 90% attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
What is electrical engineering?
Electrical engineering was added to the branch of engineering in the late 19th century when the inventions of electrical equipment were started faster. It's the stream of engineering that tells us about the technology of electricity. An electrical engineer who studies the electrical equipment and systems of electricity. under electricity, many large and small appliances come in which electrical engineer studies. Generally, an engineer who works in electrical related equipment. He is called an electrical engineer.
There is a separate old in the youth to do electrical engineering. Because under the engineering of electrical engineering, a student can learn different types of inventions, and so far as all the related electricity related inventions have achieved a new place in the world and have brought the world to a different position. Whether it is a small microphone or an AC motor. So every day every new electrical equipment and new inventions are related, so if you want to make your name in electrical field by electrical engineering then today in this post, we will tell you how you can become an electrical engineer.
How to become an electrical engineer?
To become an engineer of any kind, we first have to do studies related to that area and we have to work in that area only then we can be called an engineer in that area. Similarly, if you want to become an electrical engineer, you have done diploma or degree course from the branch will be done and after this.
How to become an Electrical Engineer after SEE:
You can build the engineers of any field after the 10th grade (SEE) by diploma and degree. That is why if you want to come to the engineering field only after the 10th grade (SEE), then for this you must first take admission in polytechnic institute after doing tenth. Get admission a 3-year diploma from the electrical branch at polytechnic institutes. After getting the diploma, you will have to take a Bachelor in Technology (BTech) degree from the Electrical branch for a 4-year degree or a BE degree. Have to do.
After 10th = 3 Years Diploma + 4 Years Degree
How to become an Electrical Engineer after 12th
If you can work as an electrical engineer after 3 years of diploma and 4-year degree i.e. after the tenth grade, in the same time you can do 12 years for two years and 4 years of age. The degree can also act as an electrical engineer. It depends on you whether you want to do diploma by class 10th or pass the 12th class non-medical or medical degree and want to do the degree. If you do 10th class and do diploma from Electrical, it will give you more help in studying in degree and you will be able to understand electrical better.