Criteria for Recruitment and Service Facility of Employment Coordinator 2076

Article 06 Sep 2020 4642

Criteria for Recruitment and Service Facility of Employment Coordinator (Rojgar Samyojak)

Criteria for Recruitment and Service Facility of Employment Coordinator (Rojgar Samyojak) 2076 (Syllabus / Curriculum, Selection Process, Job Description, Minimum Qualification Required, etc.):

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security -Criteria for Recruitment and Service Facility of Employment Coordinator, 2076

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Preamble: This criterion has been approved and implemented by the Government of Nepal and the Council of Ministers as it is necessary to make arrangements regarding the recruitment process and service facilities of the Employment Coordinator (Rojgar Samyojak) for the temporary post of Employment Coordinator of the Employment Service Center under each local level. 



(1) Abbreviated Name and Commencement:

(A) The name of this criterion is "Criteria for Recruitment and Service Facility of Employment Coordinator, 2076".

(B) This criterion shall come into force from the date of its approval.

(2) Definition: In this criterion, unless the subject or context has another meaning,

(A) "Ministry" means the Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security.

(B) "Committee" means the committee formed under Article 6 to select the employment coordinator.


(3) Darbandi:

(A) An employment coordinator will be provided to operate the employment service center under each local level. 

(B) The post of Employment Coordinator shall be temporary. The Government of Nepal may approve the post of Employment Coordinator for one Fiscal Year each year. 

(C) At the local level with a population of more than ten thousand, there will be an employment coordinator similar to the sixth level of local service and at the local level with a population of less than ten thousand, there will be an employment coordinator like the fifth level of local service.

(4) Recruitment of posts:

(A) The concerned local level shall fill the vacancies in the approved temporary post of employment coordinator on contract through open competition for one year.

(B) The concerned local level may employ the employment coordinator who has been appointed in accordance with Sub-section (1) by re-signing the contract for a maximum period of one year at a time without exceeding the financial year.

(5) Minimum Qualification: In the advertisement for the post of Employment Coordinator, a Nepali citizen candidate who has reached the following minimum qualification may be:

(A) Passed at least bachelor level or equivalent from the educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal for employment coordinators like sixth level and minimum proficiency certificate level or equivalent for employment coordinator like the fifth level,

(B) 21 years and not exceeding 45 years for the sixth tier and not exceeding 18 years for the fifth tier and not exceeding 45 years for the fifth tier.

(C) No action has been taken to disqualify him for future government service.

(D) Not found guilty by a court on a criminal charge of moral turpitude.

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Selection Process:

(6) Employment Coordinator Vacancy Committee: There will be a vacancy committee at each local level to fill the vacancy of employment coordinator:

(A) Retired Civil Servants or Retired Gazetted Second or Above Category Staff Coordinator appointed by the Village Executive or Municipal Executive.

(B) Expert member of the relevant subject specified by the village executive or municipal executive

(C) Chief Administrative Officer Member Secretary

(7) Announcement for Applications:

(1) The concerned local level shall call for applications for recruitment in the vacant post of Employment Coordinator in the format as per Schedule 1 with a time limit of fifteen days.

(2) When accepting an application pursuant to Sub-section (1), the application of the candidate who has qualified by taking the application fee as per the criteria prescribed by the Public Service Commission shall be approved and the admission card as per schedule 2 shall be provided.

(3) Notice of call for application related to the local level information board, website, local newspaper, and any national-level daily newspaper or radio / FM broadcasting across the country. Will have to be published and broadcast through

(8) To publish the list of initial qualifications:

(1) The Committee shall, within ten days from the date of expiry of the prescribed period for registration of applications, publish the list of preliminary qualifications of ten qualified applicants, if any, and the number of available candidates.

(2) Candidates applying for publication of the list of preliminary qualifications pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be evaluated on the basis of the following:

(A) 70 marks for the prescribed percentage of minimum prescribed educational qualification,

(B) 10 marks for higher than minimum educational qualification,

(C) Programs run by the Government of Nepal or former local bodies or current 10 Marks for at least 2 years of experience working in a position similar to the one advertised for the position of Employment Coordinator at the local level, and

(D) 10 Marks for being a permanent resident of the concerned Rural Municipality or Municipality.

(3) As per clause (a) of subsection (2), the marks for the percentage of minimum educational qualification shall be determined using the following formula:

(Minimum percentage of minimum educational qualification obtained x70) / 100

(4) In determining the marks pursuant to Sub-section (3), on the basis of the percentage fixed by the concerned university in the case of those who have a score in CGPA and if the concerned university has not determined the percentage of CGPA, the CG of Tribhuvan University It should be done on the basis of the percentage fixed for PPA.

(5) Candidates for the certificate of qualification and experience pursuant to Sub-section (2) shall certify with their own signatures and submit them with the application as per Schedule 1.

(6) If any certificate submitted pursuant to Sub-section (5) is found to be false, such candidate shall be removed from the selection process if he/she is in the process of selection and if he/she has been selected for the job, the contract shall be canceled and recommended to the concerned body for legal action.

(7) The list of preliminary qualifications pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be published on both the website and notice board of the concerned local level. Candidates included in the list of preliminary qualifications should be informed through email, SMS, or telephone.

(8) The date, time, and place of the computer selection examination shall be published along with the list of preliminary qualifications.

(9) Selection Exam:

(1) In order to select the employment coordinator for the vacant post from among the candidates in the list of preliminary qualifications, a separate examination will be taken in the subject of service of 50 marks and in the subject of the computer of 50 marks.

(2) In order to pass the examination pursuant to Sub-section (1), the candidate shall obtain at least 40 percent marks in each subject.

(3) The examination time of each subject pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be 30 minutes.

(4) Candidates participating in the selection examination shall bring along the admission card as per schedule 2.

(5) The syllabus of the examination pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as follows:

Employment Coordinator Syllabus

(A) Service-related

(1) Right to Employment Act, 2075 and Rules on Right to Employment, 2075,

(2) Prime Minister's Employment Program Operation Guideline, 2075 and Remuneration for Work-Based Community Project Operation and Management Procedure, 2076

(3) Unemployment, poverty alleviation and job creation measures and areas, possibilities and challenges of job creation at the local level,

(4) The concept of job creation and cash for work, national and international practices and challenges through the Public Work Program,

(5) The role of government, private sector, cooperative sector and cooperation and partnership between such sectors in job creation, 

(6) Planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation process at the local level,

(7) Local-level budgeting process, expenditure management, and audit system,

(8) Public participation, transparency, and accountability in the local development and service delivery process,

(9) Social mobilization, public hearings, social audit, and grievance management, and

(10)Conduct and Discipline, Ethics, Virtue, and Corruption Control.

(B) Computer Related

(1) Computer fundamental

(2) Operating System

(3) Word processing

(4) Electronic spreadsheet

(5) Database management system

(6) Presentation system

(10) To publish the list of final qualifications:

(1) The Committee shall establish and publish the list of final qualifications of the candidates who have passed the selection examination on the basis of the marks obtained by the participating candidates.

(2) For the vacant post of Employment Coordinator, the candidate who gets the highest marks from the list published pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be selected.

(3) In case the candidates have obtained equal marks in the selection examination, the final qualification order shall be determined on the basis of the percentage of marks mentioned in the certificate of minimum educational qualification. In case the percentage is equal, then the period of experience, the higher level of educational qualification, percentage of marks obtained in a higher level of educational qualification, and seniority of age should be taken as the basis.

(4) After selecting the candidate for the post of blood from the list of final qualifications, all the remaining candidates will be on the alternate list.

(11) To be assigned to work by contract agreement:

(1) The candidate selected by the concerned local level shall be assigned to work in the employment service center as an employment coordinator with the letter of service agreement as per schedule 4 by concluding contract agreement as per schedule 3.

(2) The local level shall send the details as per schedule 5 of the employment coordinator assigned pursuant to Sub-section (1) to the Ministry and the Ministry in charge of employment in the state within seven days.

12. Assignment of Alternate Candidate:

(1) If the selected candidate does not come to the contract agreement within seven days from the date of publication of the notice of selection, he/she shall be assigned to work in his / her place by concluding a contract agreement with the candidate who is at the top of the alternative qualification order.

(2) The employment coordinator assigned pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be required to appear within seven days from the date of appointment. Otherwise, he/she will have to be removed from the list of qualifications and the next candidate from the list of alternate candidates in that position will have to be assigned to work as per Article 11.

(13) Performance Agreement to be made:

The Employment Coordinator assigned to work will have to be hired by the Performance Performance Officer in accordance with the Chief Administrative Schedule as per No. 6.

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Responsibilities, contract period, and retirement status:

(14) Job Description and Responsibilities of the Employment Coordinator:

(1) The Employment Coordinator shall be under the direct, supervision, direction, and control of the Chief Administrative Officer of the Village Executive or Municipal Executive and shall be responsible to the Ministry and perform the following functions:

  1. To update the list of unemployed by collecting and analyzing the data of unemployed persons within the local level,
  2. To distribute identity cards to listed unemployed persons,
  3. To identify employment opportunities available at the local level and disseminate information,
  4. To compile employment data by analyzing the possible employment situation within the local level, to map employment and to record employment opportunities,
  5. Informing employers about the availability of labor,
  6. Inform the listed unemployed person to go to work for employment as demanded from the employer,
  7. To identify the required skill development training based on the knowledge, skills, experience, capacity, and market demand of the unemployed and to recommend it to the concerned training center,
  8. Regularly report the work to the concerned village and municipal bodies,
  9. To look into the matters related to the employment of the Ministry and the State in the format prescribed by the Ministry in relation to the work done by them in accordance with the Act and Rules.
  10. Send the report to the Ministry on a quarterly basis and at any time as required.
  11. To disseminate information to those who want to go for foreign employment from within their jurisdiction,
  12. To assist in the distribution of financial assistance provided by the Foreign Employment Board,
  13. To make arrangements for the distribution of subsistence allowance to the unemployed families through the bank account,
  14. Others working at the local level related to employment and self-employment
  15. To coordinate and co-operate with government bodies or programs run by such bodies,
  16. To provide other services to the stakeholders related to employment.

(2) The Employment Coordinator shall, while performing the functions as per Sub-section (1), make necessary decisions from the Village Executive or Municipal Executive on policy and essential issues.

(15) Performance Evaluation:

(1) The Chief Administrative Officer shall perform the performance appraisal of the Employment Coordinator on a quarterly basis as per Schedule 7.

(2) The Chief Administrative Officer shall appoint the Employment Coordinator who obtains less than one and a half percent marks in the Performance Appraisal from the Chairman of the Rural Municipality or the Head of the Municipality.

After making a decision, he can terminate his contract and be removed from the service. But before being removed from the service in this way, you have to give yourself a chance to clean up.

(3) If the employment coordinator does not fulfill the responsibility given by the Ministry in a timely, honest and effective manner, the Ministry may recommend to the concerned local level to terminate the contract with him and remove him from the service. Based on such a recommendation, the local level may remove the employment coordinator from service.

(4) The local level shall give written notice to the Ministry of Employment Coordinator within seven days, including the reason for the removal of the Employment Coordinator from service.

(16) Vacancy of Employment Coordinator:

The post of Employment Coordinator will be deemed vacant in the following cases:

(A) In case of removal from service pursuant to sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 15,

(B) if his resignation is accepted,

(C) If he is absent from the office for ten consecutive days without informing the office of the village executive or municipal executive,

(D) in case of corruption,

(E) in a criminal case,

(F) In case of his death.

(17) Vacancy in the post:

 In case of a vacancy in the post of Employment Coordinator, the post shall be filled on the basis of merit from among the candidates in the alternate list for one year in the alternate list.

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Terms and conditions of service:

(18) Salary Allowance:

(1) The Employment Coordinator shall receive a salary equal to the starting salary scale, local allowance, dress allowance, and festival expenses for the same post as the local service.

(2) The Government of Nepal shall provide a conditional grant to the local level for the salary, allowance, and other facilities of the Employment Coordinator.

(3) The concerned local level may provide additional facilities to the employment coordinator from its own resources except as per sub-section (1).

(19) Leave: (1) The Employment Coordinator shall receive the following leave:

(A) Home leave: One day for working for twenty-six days on the basis of verified attendance.

(B) Sick leave: One day for working for twenty-six days on the basis of verified attendance.

(C) Maternity leave: Ninety-nine days before and after delivery.

(D) Kiria Vida: A maximum of fifteen days according to one's customs and traditions.

(2) No facility will be available for accumulating leave as per Sub-section (1).

(3) The leave of one financial year should be consumed within the same financial year.

(20) Approval of leave: The leave of the employment coordinator will be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer.



(21) Conduct: The Employment Coordinator must follow the conduct and discipline prescribed for civil servants.

(22) Expenses to be borne by the local level: The expenses incurred to fill the post of employment coordinator according to this criterion will have to be borne by the concerned local level.

(23) Repeal and Prevention:

(1) The criteria for filling the post of employment coordinator and service facility, 2075 has been repealed.

(2) Previously, the employment coordinators assigned by the Ministry to fill the vacancies and contract agreements at the local level shall be deemed to have been assigned in accordance with such criteria.

(24) Schedule Amendment: The Ministry may make necessary amendments to the schedule of this criterion.

(25) Removal of Obstacles: In case of any impediment or dilemma in the implementation of this standard, the Ministry may take the necessary decision to remove the impediment.
