Class 12 Nepali Book

Article 21 Aug 2021 44605

Class 12 Nepali Book

Class 12 Nepali Book based on New Curriculum (Syllabus) of NEB. Please Download Pdf of the Grade 12 (XII) Nepali Book from the following link.  It is a compulsory Nepali book to study in Grade XII with all chapters. It is published by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.


Education seeks knowledge in students and establishes a connection between learning and real life. Education should promote the ability of students to promote rights, freedoms, and equality, to practice healthy living, to make decisions based on logical analysis, and to contribute to the sustainable development of individuals, societies, and nations on the basis of scientific analysis.

Similarly, students are expected to develop moral conduct, social harmony, and sensitivity to the ecological balance, and the ability to commit to lasting peace. Education should prepare citizens who use modern knowledge, skills, information, and communication technology, practice self-reliant and business-oriented skills, respect the nation, nationality, and national ideals, adopt socially acceptable conduct and work culture, and be tolerant.

Similarly, civic readiness is expected to contribute to building a self-reliant, patriotic, change-oriented, thoughtful, and inclusive society with the characteristics of being creative, imaginative, enterprising, and behaving based on high thinking and ideals, successfully managing contemporary challenges. In view of these aspects, this textbook has been developed based on the Nepali subject curriculum of class 12 prepared as per the National Curriculum Draft, 2076 BS.

This textbook was written by Dr. Dhan Prasad Subedi and Dr. Love is from Chaulagain. The Director-General of the Center, Shri Ana Prasad Neupane, Prof. Dr. Krishna Prasad Ghimire, Dr. Devi Nepal, Shri Vishnu Gyawali, and Dr. Januka Nepal have contributed. The content is edited by Mr. Tukaraj Adhikari and Mr. Indu Khanal. Language editing by Mr. Ganesh Prasad Bhattarai and Mr. Chinakumari Niraula and layout design by Mr. Santosh Kumar Dahal. The Curriculum Development Center would like to thank everyone involved in the development of this textbook.

Textbooks are considered an important tool for teaching and learning. The use of this textbook is expected to help students achieve the target competencies through the curriculum. Efforts have been made to make the textbook as activity-oriented and interesting as possible. Since the teachers, students, parents, intellectuals and all the readers have an important role to play in further refining this textbook, the Curriculum Development Center cordially requests the constructive suggestions of all concerned.

2078 Curriculum Development Center


Class 12 Nepali Book.Pdf

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