Class 11 Exam Operation, Management, Evaluation Result and Certification Procedure 2077

Article 24 Jul 2020 5786

Class 11 Exam Operation, Management, Evaluation Result and Certification Procedure 2077

Class 11 Examination Operation, Management, Evaluation, Result Publication and Certification Procedure, 2077

कक्षा ११ को परीक्षा सञ्चालन, व्यवस्थापन, मूल्याङ्कन, नतिजा प्रकाशन तथा प्रमाणीकरण कार्यविधि, २०७७

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Class 11 Examination Operation, Management, Evaluation, Result Publication and Certification Procedure, 2077


After the issuance of this procedure as per the provisions of the National Curriculum Development and Evaluation Council dated 2077/3/19 regarding the operation, management, evaluation and certification of the annual examination of class 11.

Since the process of conducting and evaluating the annual examination of class 11 conducted in the academic sessions has to be done in a different way than the current one, the teachers, principals and schools responsible for making the assessment valid and credible are responsible for conducting, managing, evaluating, publishing and verifying the results. The National Examination Board has formulated this procedure as per sub-section (c) of section 4C of the (Eighth Amendment) Act, 2028 BS.

Paragraph 1

1 Abbreviated name and commencement: (1) The name of this procedure is “Conducting, managing, evaluating, results of class 11 examination.

Publication and Certification Procedure, 2077 ”.

(2) This procedure shall take effect from the date of approval by the Board.

2 Definition: If the subject or context does not have another meaning in this procedure:

(A) "Board" shall mean the National Examination Board constituted in accordance with Section 4A of the Education Act, 2028 (with amendments).

(B) "Examination Control Office" shall mean the National Examination Board Examination Control Office, Class 11 and 12.

(C) "School" means to conduct an educational program up to secondary level class 0+2 or 1-12

(D) Approval 8 The school/campus in operation should be considered after obtaining the operating permission.

"Headmaster" means the headmaster appointed in accordance with the Education Regulations or the management of the school / campus

The administrative and academic heads appointed by the committee should also be remembered.

(E) "Committee" means the "Examination and Certification Committee" constituted pursuant to Article 5 of paragraph 4 of this Procedure.

To remember

(F) "Examination" shall mean the examination of class 11 under the Secondary Education Passing Examination (SLCE).

(G) "Subject teacher" shall mean the teacher who teaches the related subject in class 11.

(H) "Class teacher" means the teacher assigned to manage the students' records in each class, to present them and to perform the academic administrative work of the class.

(I) "Student" means the students enrolled in class 11.
