Class 11 and 12 Subject Name and Code Number

Article 20 Sep 2020 97955

Class 11 and 12 Subject Name and Code Number

Class 11 and 12 Subject Name and Code Number:

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Regarding the subject and code of class 11 and 12:

The National Curriculum Draft for School Education, 2076, proposes subjects for school education in a layered manner; In order to change the grouping of some subjects of NEB class 11 and 12, the group of some subjects of Secondary Education Curriculum, 2076 has been changed by incorporating the suggestions received from teachers, students, and stakeholders and professional organizations.

As the subject and its code are as follows from the academic session 2077 to class 11 respectively, it has been informed to teach accordingly.

Compulsory subject to be taught in NEB class 11 and 12, the subject group for selection of elective subject and subject code

1. Compulsory Subjects

Class 11 Subject Code Class 12 Subject Code
Nepali [Nep. 001] Nepali [Nepl 002]
English [Eng. 003] English [Eng. 004]
Social studies and Life Skills Education [Sol. 005] Social studies and Life Skills Education [Sol. 006]

2. Optional Subjects

A. Group - A

Class 11 Optional Subject Code Class 12 Optional Subject Code
Physics [Phy. 101] Physics [Phy. 102]
Accounting [Acc. 103] Accounting [Acc. 104]
Rural Development [Rud. 105] Rural Development [Rud. 106]
Jurisprudence and Legal Theories [Jlt. 107] Nepalese Legal System [Nls. 110]
Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 111] Health and Physical Education [Hpe. 112]
Sports Science [Sps. 113] Sports Science [Sps. 114]
Child Development and Learning [cdl. 115] Instructional Pedagogy and Evaluation [Ipe. 118]
Psychology [Psy. 119] Psychology [Psy. 120]
History [His. 121] History [His. 122]
Gender Studies [Ges. 123] Gender Studies [Ges. 124]
Hospitality Management [Hom.125] Hospitality Management [Hom.126]
Agronomy [Agr. 127] Agronomy [Agr. 128]
Naturopathy [Nat. 129] Naturopathy [Nat. 130]
Human Value Education [Hve. 131] Human Value Education [Hve. 132]
Sculpture [Scu. 133] Sculpture [Scu. 134]

B. Optional Subject - (Group B)

Class 11 Optional Subject Code Class 12 Optional Subject Code
Biology [bio. 201] Biology [bio. 202]
Education and Development [ Ed. 203] Education and Development [Ed. 204]
Geography [Geo. 205] Geography [Geo. 206]
Procedural Law [Prl. 207] Procedural Law [Prl. 210]
Sociology [Soc. 211] Sociology [Soc. 212]
Ayurved [Ayu. 213] Ayurved [Ayu. 214]
Business Studies [Bus. 215] Business Studies [Bus. 216]
Linguistics [Lin. 217] Linguistics [Lin. 218]
Political Science [Pol. 219] Political Science [Pol. 220]
Philosophy [Phi. 221] Philosophy [Phi. 222]
Population Studies [Pos. 223] Population Studies [Pos. 224]
Horticulture (Fruits, Vegetable, Floriculture, and Mushroom farming) [Hor.225] Horticulture (Fruits, Vegetable, Floriculture, and Mushroom farming) [Hor.226]
Food and Nutrition [Fon. 227] Food and Nutrition [Fon. 228]
Dance [Dan. 229] Dance [Dan. 230]
Computer Science [Com. 231] Computer Science [Com. 232]

C. Optional Subject - (Group C)

Class 11 Optional Subject Code Class 12 Optional Subject Code
Chemistry [Che. 301] Chemistry [Che. 302]
Economics [Eco.303] Economics [Eco.304]
Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 305] Tourism and Mountaineering Studies [Tms. 306]
Marketing [Mar. 307] Marketing [Mar. 308]
Gerontology and Caretaking Education [Get. 309] Gerontology and Caretaking Education [Get. 310]
Yog [Yog. 311] Yog [Yog. 312]
Vocal / Instrumental [Voc. 313] Vocal / Instrumental [Voc. 314]
Sweing and Knitting [Sek. 315] Sweing and Knitting [Sek. 316]
Constitution Law [Col. 317] Criminal Law and Justice[Ccl. 320]
Culinary Arts [Cua. 321] Culinary Arts [Cua. 322]
Culture [Cul. 323] Culture [Cul. 324]
Fashion Designing [Fad. 325] Fashion Designing [Fad. 326]
Film and Documentary [Fid. 327] Film and Documentary [Fid. 328]
Animal Husbandry, Poultry, and Fisheries [Apf. 329] Animal Husbandry, Poultry, and Fisheries [Apf. 330]
Nepali [Nep. 331] Nepali [Nep. 332]
English [Eng. 333] English [Eng. 334]
Maithali [Mai. 335] Maithali [Mai. 336]
Newari [New. 337] Newari [New. 338]
Hindi [Hin. 339] Hindi [Hin. 340]
Chinese [Chi. 341] Chinese [Chi. 342]
German [Jer. 343] German [Jer. 344]
Japanese [Jap. 345] Japanese [Jap. 346]
Korean [Kor. 347] Korean [Kor. 348]
Urdu [Urd.349] Urdu [Urd. 352]
French [Fre. 353] French [Fre. 354]
Hebrew [Heb. 355] Hebrew [Heb. 356]
Arabic [Are. 357] Arabic [Are. 358]
Sanskrit [San. 359] Sanskrit [San. 360]

D. Optional Subject - (Group D)

Class 11 Optional Subject Code Class 12 Optional Subject Code
Mathematics [Mat. 401] Mathematics {Mat. 402]
Applied Mathematics [Ama. 403] Applied Mathematics [Ama. 404]
Business Mathematics [Bmt. 405] Business Mathematics [Bmt. 406]
Human Rights [Hur. 407] Human Rights [Hur. 408]
Library and Information Science [Lis. 409] Library and Information Science [Lis. 410]
Home Science [Hos. 411] Home Science [Hos. 412]
Envrionemtn Science [Ens. 413] Envrionemtn Science [Ens. 414]
General Law [Gel. 415] General Law [Gel. 416]
Finance [Fin. 417] Finance [Fin. 418]
Co-operative Management [Com. 419] Co-operative Management [Com. 420]
Buddhist Studies [Bud. 421] Buddhist Studies [Bud. 422]
Applied Arts [Apa. 423] Applied Arts [Apa. 424]
Singing [Sig. 425] Singing [Sig. 426]
Painting {Pai. 427] Painting {Pai. 428]
Sericulture and Bee Keeping [Sbk. 429] Sericulture and Bee Keeping [Sbk. 430]
Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 431] Beautician and Hair Dressing [Beh. 432]
Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 433] Medicinal Herbals [Meh. 4334]
Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 435] Plumbing and Wiring [Plw. 436]
Internal Decoration [Ind. 437] Internal Decoration [Ind. 438]
Hotel Management [Hom. 439] Hotel Management [Hom. 4340]
Mass Communication [Mac. 441] Mass Communication [Mac. 442]

Call 11-12 Sanskrit Subjects:

1. Compulsory Subjects:

Class 11 Sanskrit Subject Code Class 12 Sanskrit Subject Code
Sanskrit Rachana (Saw. 017) Sanskrit Rachana (Saw. 012)
Sanskrit Language and Grammer [Slg. 017] Sanskrit Language and Grammer [Slg. 018]

2. Optional Subjects:

A. Optional Subjects (Group-A)

Class 11 Sanskrit Optional Subject Code Class 12 Sanskrit Optional Subject Code
Shuklayajurbed [Yab 501] Shuklayajurbed [Yab 502]
Samved [Sab. 503] Samved [Sab. 504]
Rigved [Rib.505] Rigved [Rib.506]
Atharbabed [Aab. 507] Atharbabed [Aab. 508]
Grammar (Byakaran) [Gra. 509] Grammar (Byakaran) [Gra. 510]
Siddhaant Jyotish (Theory of Astrology) [Sij. 511] Siddhaant Jyotish (Theory of Astrology) [Sij. 512]
Nyaya [Nay. 513] Nyaya [Nay. 513]
Darshanshastra [Dar. 515] Darshanshastra [Dar. 516]
Sanskrit Sahitya (Sanskrit Literure) [Sas.517] Sanskrit Sahitya (Sanskrit Literure) [Sas.518]
Itihas Puran [Itp. 519] Itihas Puran [Itp. 520]
Nitishastra [Nis.521] Nitishastra [Nis.522]

Download PDF File of All Subjects and Code Number:

Class 11 and 12 Subject Name and Code Number.Pdf


Also Read:

1. New Curriculum (Syllabus) of Class 11 and 12 All Subjects

2. NEB Grade 11 Compulsory English Book

3.  Class 11 and 12 - List of School Name, Address and Code Number
