Child-friendly local governance is a governance concept brought to ensure child rights at the local level. In this concept, the four aspects of child rights, Save the child, child protection, child development, and child participation have been taken as the main basis.
Various provisions have been made in the Constitution, Local Government Operation Act, 2074, Children's Act, 2075, International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), 1989, Fifteenth Plan, and other laws, policies, and programs to address the overall aspect of child rights.
According to the Local Government Operation Act 074, the responsibility of declaring a child-friendly ward by promoting child-friendly local governance has been given to the ward of Rural Municipality. According to the Act, the Rural Municipality has to fulfill the responsibility of declaring child-friendly local level.
Since 2065 BS, some of the former municipalities and village development committees have been conducting programs related to child-friendly local governance. Child Friendly Local Governance: National Strategy: 2068 and Child Friendly Local Governance Implementation Procedure, 2068 were implemented to bring uniformity, harmony, and mainstreaming the issue of children's rights in the local governance process.
According to the strategy, child clubs and children's networks have been formed, mobilized, capacity building, participation in local-level planning, development of child-friendly infrastructure, and awareness for the promotion of child rights with the coordination and cooperation of the former local bodies. With regard to ensuring the rights of the child, legal provisions have been made in the Constitution of Nepal, Local Government Operation Act, 2074, Civil Code Act, 2074, Children Act, 2075, Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 2056, and National Policy on Children, 2069.
According to the census of 2068 BS, the population of Nepal is 26.4 million 94 thousand 504 (Central Statistics Department, 2068). About 44.4 percent of them are under 18 years of age and 39.8 percent are under 16 years of age.
The infant mortality rate (per thousand live births) is 21, the infant mortality rate (per thousand live births) is 26 and the infant mortality rate (under five years) is 39 per thousand live births and the basic enrollment rate is above 95 percent in all the states. Economic Survey, 2076). Continuing the efforts made so far and the results achieved, more efforts need to be made for its development and expansion.
This Child Friendly Local Governance Implementation Guideline, 207 has been implemented in line with the restructuring of the state, the constitutional responsibility of the state government and the local level, and the Government of Nepal's campaign for a prosperous Nepal, happy Nepalis.
Child-Friendly Local Governance Implementation Guideline 2078.Pdf