Ayurveda and Yoga are Our extraordinary Assets - PM KP Sharma Oli

Article 22 Jun 2020 1773

KP Sharma Oli

"Ayurveda and Yoga are Our extraordinary Assets" - PM KP Sharma Oli:

International Yoga Day is in its sixth year since the United Nations instituted the practice of celebrating yoga, which began thousands of years ago, in 2015 as an institutionalized worldwide institution, and we are celebrating our sixth Yoga Day.

Yoga and Ayurveda have been a part of our daily routine, practice, and social life since ancient times. Today, internationally, the world has recognized its importance, scientificity, necessity, and justification.

On this occasion, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the United Nations and express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to the internationalization of yoga and the advancement of the United Nations platform.

Today there is a yoga practice called the National Yoga Curriculum or what we call protocol. It has been launched in the bookstore. I would like to express my happiness on this occasion. I would like to thank all the dignitaries who contributed to this.

Many thousands of years ago, extraordinary knowledge, practice, and research on instruments, music, dance, yoga, and Ayurveda were carried forward in the context of advancing human philosophy and human history. Let's talk about a yoga guru like Patanjali who promotes yoga in a systematic way, or let's talk about a meditation guru like Buddha who raises yoga to the level of meditation, let's talk about a guru who started all this from this part of the earth.

In fact, yoga is a combination of three things: exercise, pranayama, and meditation. Yoga, which originated, was used and developed from the very beginning of our civilization from this land and has been going on till now, has become global today. Human beings are realizing the importance of practicing yoga to stay healthy. We are happy with this and we should be happy and happy.

It shows that our civilization, culture, history is glorious. This pride is not so much achieved. Not so much received. It is the result of the hard work, sorrow, suffering, research, research, and sacrifice of our ancestors. The glory we have achieved in history.

I salute the ancestors who contributed to this geography in this glorious day and with pride.

We have to preserve this pride and uplift it. Above all, we are committed today to fulfill the aspirations of our forefathers after thousands of years (even if discovered) by our forefathers. Every conscious generation of mankind, or every conscious person of every generation, must contribute to the goal of achieving it. This is the significance of being human and the duty of being human. That is what we are working for today.

Ironically, we have such a glorious history, such a beautiful nature, such a fertile, medicinal, vital nature. This situation is no longer acceptable to us. We have to change that. Can be changed There are ways to change and ways to change.

Proper diet, proper exercise, and the proper balance of amenities are essential for staying healthy. That is why we have said to make 'Healthy Nepal, Healthy Nepal' by balancing all these things.

That is why we have set the national aspiration of prosperous Nepal, happy Nepali. We are also determined to accomplish this. We do not sit idly by just setting our national aspirations or recognizing our problems or setting more destinations. We are working to get these to our destination. Do not walk, do not reach the destination without effort.

We have a strong base, fertile, and vital nature. To bring about the use and development of manifested possibilities and to discover, study and research more revealed possibilities, to find them, to bring them out, and to use them, we need educated and capable manpower to do research, study, exploration, research, and also to use them. For this purpose, in this sense, health is an essential prerequisite to remain conscious, strong, and capable in any way, physical or mental. Whatever we look for in a capable, qualified, or healthy, educated citizen, health comes first. If you are not healthy then knowledge cannot work. If you are not healthy, nothing else can work. So we have to learn to stay healthy. The way to stay healthy should be taken. Efforts to stay healthy should be taken forward.

Proper diet, proper exercise, and the proper balance of amenities are essential for staying healthy. That is why we have said to make 'Healthy Nepal, Healthy Nepal' by balancing all these things. We have made healthy Nepal the core aspect of our health policy. Treatment is just another aspect but we want to make human life healthy. We want to make society physically and mentally healthy.

Diet, exercise, and rest are interdependent. Yoga is the name of a scientific, balanced, and complete exercise. As I said before, exercise, pranayama, and meditation, after combining the three things, complete yoga is formed. Exercise, pranayama, and meditation are some of the aspects of yoga. When all three things are found, it becomes complete. The combination of these three things contributes to keeping the body and brain healthy.

We need to know how much and how to do exercise, pranayama, and meditation. Exercise, Pranayama What is the condition of a person, what is the age of a person, what is the internal condition, what is the physical condition of a person, what amount of exercise should be done with which method? Not knowing this can be counterproductive. We cannot blame yoga for that. The rewards may be due to our lack of knowledge or lack of practice, lack of practice. The plant should be watered, but if too much water is applied, the plant may die.

Everything is like that. Therefore, it is important for us to learn from the guru in the beginning how to do exercises, what to do while doing yoga. It is important to learn from those who have practiced and learned. We can also learn from yoga books. We can learn from simple information but that may not be enough. Therefore, it is important to learn from others how to do yoga, even for a short time.

Yoga enhances the thinking, tendencies, and possibilities of the ecosystem of human beings, animals, nature, and vegetation because it can understand the earth, the understanding of nature, the totality of nature, human life, and the interrelationships with other organisms and plants. Therefore, it is useful in every way.

Yoga can be useful for people of all ages, from any profession to any profession, but as I said before, we need to know what kind of yoga to do and when.

We can call Ayurvedic medicine a healthy, fresh, medicinal, balanced diet, and an herb that our ancestors have researched, researched, and practiced for thousands of years. We have such medicines. Taking such drugs can be useful.

I said to keep the body's immune system healthy. I talked about the balanced and medicinal cuisine of our kitchen. Some scholars have ridiculed turmeric. Some will make fun of ginger, some will make fun of people, some will make fun of other subjects. I would like to suggest to them, the medicine Charak principle that we use in our kitchen, which is a very important thing regarding Ayurveda.

These principles are not so simple. Sage Charak has been working hard for thousands of years. The code is based on the experiences of their ancestors and the results of their experiments. These are things that our ancestors have already brought to our kitchens as medicine. Should we make fun of ancestral discovery? At least why add turmeric to this vegetable? Why add ginger? Why is fenugreek cracked? Why do we eat pepper? I used to ask the person who prepares the kitchen at home.

Ayurveda and Yoga are our extraordinary assets. Let's move them forward and make our lives healthier. May today's Yoga Day inspire all of us to be proud of the extraordinary discoveries, studies, researches, and achievements of our forefathers, to use them and to build a healthy Nepal. The climate here is favorable. So let's move on to yoga practice, its continuity, its proper, scientific practice.
