School of Health Sciences Admission Open for Diploma, PCL Level (HA, Medical Lab, Pharmacy, Radiography, Physiotherapy, Dental Science): Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), School of Health Sciences, Bharatpur, Chitwan Information regarding admission for the academic year 2079/80
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) is informed that the admission application form for certificate and diploma levels has been opened for the academic year 2079/080 in this School of Health Science, Bharatpur Chitwan. It is informed that the application/examination/recommendation for the classified scholarship will be done as per CTEVT Bagmati Province Office.
Scholarship Facility: a meritorious scholarship will be awarded to one person who obtains the highest marks in the open and full fee quota of each program in the entrance examination.
CTEVT Registration, Exam fee, Health Professional Council fee, and practical practice fee will be charged as prescribed by the school.
The place to get the form: School of Health Science, Bharatpur, Chitwan.
Form Fee: Rs.1,500.- Rastriya Banijya Bank Bharatpur Branch Account No. of School of Health Sciences. 131010000001006 Deposited Voucher or Voucher paid from Esewa / Connect IPS.
Form distribution start: 2079-04-15
Last date for submission of form: 26-04-2079 within office hours.
Entrance exam date and time: 2079-5-4 at 11 am.
Eligibility: A minimum grade of C in compulsory Mathematics, English, and Science subjects in SLC or SEE examination from a recognized educational institution and a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2; OR Obtained 68.33 percent marks in the total marks of the prescribed Technical SLC/Pre-Diploma level related to the program conducted by CTEVT.
Required documents:
- Attested copy of SEE/SLC score and character certificates, Attested copy of citizenship or minor or birth registration, and attested copy of relevant quota certificate and consent letter,
- 2 recent passport size (35x45mm) color photographs showing clear facial features,
- Also attested copy of TSLC's profit letter and character certificates along with all the above documents for TSLC quota,
- SLC from countries other than Nepal. Or a certified copy of equivalence determined by the body designated by the Government of Nepal in case of passing a similar examination,
- Attested copy of additional documents for target category opening for those filling application form in full fee target category quota except as mentioned above.
Examination Centre: CTEVT will be conducted as determined by the Controlling Office.
For more information visit www.sohs.edu.np or contact phone no. 056-520243
Published date: 2079-04-14