Admissions Open for A Level
Rato Bangala School, a registered center for Cambridge Assessment International Examinations in Nepal, is seeking keen students for its GCE A Level (Advanced Level) programme. Candidates will be selected through a competitive qualifying entrance examination.
For the incoming students, the two-year A Level course will begin in June 2019.
Rato Bangala offers the following subjects:
Accounting, Art and Design, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English Language and Literature, Environmental Management, English General Paper, English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, and Computer Science.
Interested candidates are requested to download the application package from www.ratobangala.edu.np and submit it to the school office by April 10 (noon), 2019.
Exceptional as well as deserving candidates can also apply for financial aid.
Rato Bangala School
Sri Durbar Tole, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur
Phone: 5534318, 5542045, 5522614
E-mail: aleveladmissions@ratobangala.edu.np