Nepal Open University, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, Manbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal Call for Application PhD in Education (for ONE female candidate only)
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Education (FOSSED), Nepal Open University (NOU), invites applications from eligible female candidates to pursue a PhD in various fields and sub-fields of education. Interested candidates are advised to visit the NOU website: https://nou.edu.np/uploads/attachments/vwgqvopo3bgdklhs.pdf for PhD guidelines.
The selected candidate will be provided with full scholarship by the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) in the project "Establish research-based basic teacher education programmes in Nepal."
For more information, see the link: Application Link
The PhD student will be actively involved in project activities, such as seminars and conferences, and be connected to cross-institutional research teams. The PhD student will be expected to be involved in teaching/research at NOU for designated hours. The selected candidate will be contracted for a bonding period of 2 years after completing the PhD degree.
1. Entry Requirements
For direct enrollment to the PhD programme, the applicant should:
a. Have at least a second division or a CGPA of 2.7 at the Master level.
b. Have an MPhil degree from Nepal Open University or any other recognized University with at least a second class or a CGPA of 3.3 at the MPhil level with a minimum of three years of teaching experience at campuses of recognized universities or equivalent professional experience, and
c. Have a paper published as the principal author in journals of at least the national level on NEPJOL or those recognized by the UGC Nepal.
The PhD enrollment shall be subject to entrance/admission tests and successful defense of the research purpose and interview in addition to the above criteria.
Admission Criteria and Rules
a. Applicants who wish to be enrolled in the PhD shall apply to the Dean of the FOSSED in the prescribed form of application stating their qualifications and areas of their research interest along with a "Statement of Research Purpose/Intention".
i. The proposed Statement of Research Purpose/Intention should be handwritten and contain not less than 2000 words.
ii. It must include:
The area of the proposed research/topic
The research problem
Rationale/practical justification of the proposed research, and
A preliminary approach to or pathway for conducting the proposed research.
iii. The Statement of Research Purpose/intention shall carry 25 percent marks in the evaluation of the applicant.
b. The applicant shall successfully complete all the tests administered by the FOSSED.
c. The Faculty Research Committee (FRC) shall conduct an entrance test of the applicant to assess his/her knowledge and skills in the field of his/her PhD study.
d. The FRC may require an applicant to demonstrate his/her qualifications and preparedness for admission by satisfactorily carrying out such work and/or sitting for such examinations that the FRC shall determine.
e. The FRC shall also ensure that the subject being offered to the applicant is one which can be effectively studied within the FOSSED.
f. The FRC after the preliminary scrutiny shall enroll the selected applicants in the PhD programme.
For the enrollment, the applicant shall complete all the prescribed requirements with defined results.
g. For the enrollment, the applicant shall complete all the prescribed requirements with defined results.
3. Comprehensive Entrance Exams (CEE)
a. The FOSSED's evaluation of PhD applicants shall consist of 150 marks. The PhD entrance exams shall comprise the three evaluation components:
i. Admission Test:
A 3-hour entrance exam carrying 100 marks shall be administered to the PhD applicants as stated hereunder:
a. Objective questions
1. Verbal ability - 25 marks
2. General awareness and logical reasoning (Multiple choice questions) -25 marks
b. Subjective questions
1. Research methodology - 25 marks
2. General content of education -25 marks
ii. Evaluation of "Statement of Research Purpose/Intention":
The proposed research purpose/intention submitted during the application process will be evaluated by at least two experts based on the evaluation criteria in Appendix I. The Statement of Research Purpose/Intention shall carry 25 marks in the evaluation of the applicant.
iii. Defence and Interview:
The defence of Statement of Research Purpose/Intention and interview shall be conducted for those candidates who have passed the written test and evaluation of the 'Statement of Research Purpose/Intention.' The evaluation shall be based on the applicant's knowledge of content and research methods, skills, attitude, and commitment to the PhD research. It shall carry 25 marks in the evaluation of the applicant.
C. Result Publication:
Based on the number of seats the FOSSED Dean's office announced, a merit-based list of eligible candidates (preferably with 25% on the waiting list) will be published.
4. Deadline for application: 28 Paush, 2081 (12 January, 2025)
5. Application fee: Rs. 5,000/- (Five thousand rupees only) to be deposited to Global IME Bank, Kirtipur branch
Account name: NEPAL KHULLA BISHWOBIDHYALAYA (Nepal Open University)
A/C No.: 00501010000502
Selected PhD candidates will work under the supervision/guidance of a designated supervisor(s) through face-to-face (in-person) and/or other supplementary modes.
Additional scholarships: Candidates responsible for household care can apply for financial support to pay for housemaid some hours a week.
Parental leave: According to NOU regulations.
Manbhawan, Lalitpur,
Phone: 015524108
(First published in 2081-09-19)
Admission Open PhD